Defender of the Fatherland Day. history of the holiday. Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23) What does the holiday mean on February 23

How holiday has been going on since 1918. During this period, it was formed new country. The political situation in the world was also tense. The First World War bled and exhausted the Russian people, especially soldiers and sailors. There was no army as such. In this regard, at the end of January - beginning of February 1918, Lenin, who was in power, issued a decree on the creation of the Red Army and the Red Navy. They accepted men predominantly of worker-peasant origin, but in general everyone who wanted to.

At the same time, German troops began active military operations in the Baltic states and captured Minsk. Their goal is Petrograd. The created army and navy are taking active fighting, but the capital is not surrendered.

However, if we talk directly about February 23, according to historians, no significant military operations took place on this day, and the Red Army did not win crushing victories. Therefore, it is not very clear why this particular February day was chosen to honor the male population. There is information that on February 23, 1918, battles took place near Narva and Pskov, and Soviet troops won. However, this is not documented in any way.

Due to the difficult situation in the country, complicated by the Civil War, the Day of the Red Army and Navy was somewhat forgotten. However, in 1922, its celebration was resumed, and February 23 was unofficially called Red Gift Day. People collected and brought gifts for soldiers and sailors, and helped the army in great need. That is why you can often find 1922 as the year of formation of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. Trotsky was considered an active promoter of the holiday of the Red Army and Navy.

Ambiguous holiday

Modern historians believe that the myth about the legendary victories of Russian soldiers over the Germans in 1918 was invented by Stalin in 1938. This is easily explained by his desire to raise the morale of the soldiers and awaken patriotism on the eve of the impending war.

This holiday is important primarily because it marked the beginning of the formation of a regular army that supports the country's combat capability, as was demonstrated in the Great Patriotic War. It was renamed several times. After the war, in 1946, February 23 was already celebrated as the Day of the Soviet Army and the Soviet Navy. Today this holiday is loved and revered among Russians. Since 2002 it has been declared a public holiday.

How to tell children about the holiday February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day

February 23- This is Defender of the Fatherland Day. Two decades ago, this holiday had a slightly different name - Soviet Army Day and Navy. However, the meaning and significance of the holiday remain the same to this day. Like any other holiday, Defender of the Fatherland Day has its own history.

On January 28, 1918, V.I. Lenin signed the well-known Decree on the creation of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and some time later - on February 11, 1918 - he also signed the Decree on the creation of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet. Thus, we can say that for the first time in the world, a new type of army appeared, which primarily defended the interests of the state of workers and peasants.

In the anxious days of February 1918, it became known that numerous troops of the Kaiser’s Germany were moving towards Petrograd. In this regard, on February 21, V.I. Lenin wrote his famous appeal “The Socialist Fatherland is in Danger!” In it, he called on the Soviet soldier to “defend every position to the last drop of blood.”

Two days later, the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet makes a historic decision to introduce a new red day of the calendar. February 23 was declared the day of defense of the socialist Fatherland.

A huge number of workers in Petrograd, Moscow and other major cities of their own free will began to join the ranks of the Red Army. As a result of common efforts, the enemy was stopped...

In the long-term heroic history of the Soviet Army and Navy, the number of historical victories and exploits does not know its exact number. During the Great Patriotic War, in a fierce battle with German fascism, the Soviet Army was able to defend the freedom and independence of our Motherland, saved world civilization from fascist barbarism, and provided powerful support to the liberation struggle of neighboring and European peoples at the cost of millions of lives and the broken destinies of the Soviet people.

And today the Russian Army reliably protects its country from all enemies and protects the priceless heritage of the world. The Russian soldier shows examples of courage, courage, and heroism. February 23rd has long been a special day for the entire Russian people. Therefore, on this day, celebrations take place not only in military units and work collectives, the holiday is celebrated in all families and organizations. The holiday of February 23 has been widely celebrated throughout its existence and has always been carefully prepared. Nowadays, the scale of the celebration no longer exists, but nevertheless, this day remains a favorite holiday and is celebrated annually. For this holiday, it is customary to open new exhibitions in museums, exhibitions of paintings, sculptures, feature film festivals on relevant topics, etc.

Television, which on the holiday shows a military parade from Red Square in Moscow, has been and remains a great help in holding this wonderful holiday. And this is the main evidence of Russia’s combat power and strength.

At all times in its history for Russia military service was a matter of honor for every soldier, and devoted service to one’s Fatherland was the highest meaning of a soldier’s life and service.

Loyalty to duty and the oath, selflessness, honor, valor, decency, self-discipline, unquestioning obedience to the orders of superiors in rank - these are the traditions of the Russian army. It was these traditions that our fathers and grandfathers, who walked the fiery roads of war, honored and truly valued.

Becoming Russian army and its reform always took place in difficult conditions. The army is experiencing the difficulties that the country is going through. The army often had a harder time, perhaps, than many other structures of the state, and much of it in difficult times rested on the understanding and patience of military personnel, on an educated sense of duty and patriotism.

No matter what difficult times Russia may be going through, both in the past and in the present, for a soldier its interests are above all. The Defender of the Fatherland is an eternal sentry who never, under any circumstances, has the right to leave his post. We must not forget that military camaraderie and unity are necessary for the successful development of military affairs and for the general prosperity of the Russian state. Therefore, the motto for every defender of the Fatherland should be the testament of the great commander M.I. Kutuzov: “There is no higher honor than wearing the Russian uniform!”

This helpful information for children about the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day, but we also think it will be interesting for adults to read it.

We have been celebrating this holiday under this name since 2006. This Public Holiday. Today we perceive it as male version day March 8th. On this day, all women, girls and girls of Russia congratulate their close men: fathers, brothers, husbands, friends with small memorable gifts. After all, a man, even if for some reason he did not fulfill his military duty to the Motherland, still remains a defender of the Fatherland, his family, loved ones and loved ones.

However, if among your adult acquaintances there are women who have military rank, you should not forget to congratulate them too.

The holiday “Day of the Red Army and Navy” was established in 1922. And from 1949 to 1993 it was called “Day of the Soviet Army and Navy.” But only in 2002 the holiday received the name “Defender of the Fatherland Day” and was declared a non-working day.

For some people, February 23 remains a day for men who serve or have served in the army or navy. But the majority of citizens of Russia and countries former USSR They consider Defender of the Fatherland Day not so much the birthday of the Red Army, but rather the day of real men. Defenders in the broadest sense of the word.

From the history of the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day

For a long time it was generally accepted that on February 23, 1918, Red Guard troops won their first victories near Pskov and Narva over the regular troops of the Kaiser’s Germany during the First World War. These first victories became the “birthday of the Red Army.” But that's not true. After the October Revolution in 1917, the Soviet government came to power in our country. At this time, the First World War was going on. Russia also fought against Germany. But there was also unrest within the country: supporters of the previous government organized riots and military conflicts throughout the vast territory of Russia. In such conditions, the government needed a standing army, which did not yet exist. On January 15 (28), 1918, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR issued a decree on the creation of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA). Unfortunately, the First World War ended with the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk on very unfavorable terms for Russia. Nevertheless, the army was created. Various dates were proposed for celebrating the anniversary of the creation of the Red Army, but the closest day off for the holiday turned out to be February 23. Thus, the holiday fell on this day actually by accident.

How to organize a home party dedicated to the holiday on February 23

Try to please your loved ones and friends on this day holiday card or just congratulations. You can start the holiday by inviting the older men in the house to talk about the most memorable events that happened to them while serving in the army. And record all this on a tape recorder or video camera. Maybe this will be the start of a good family chronicle tradition. Then, of course, family dinner. It must be special! Invite your mother and grandmother to prepare a real soldier's lunch. Let it be vinaigrette, soldier's cabbage soup and naval pasta. And for the third, of course, dried fruit compote. And you, together with your sister or brother, draw a holiday menu. It should also be preserved for the family chronicle.

After lunch, you can arrange festive competitions. You need to prepare medals for them in advance. You can buy chocolate ones and hang them on ribbons. Or make it out of cardboard with the inscriptions: “The most dexterous”, “The most resourceful”, etc., depending on the competitions.

Holiday You can end by singing wartime songs. Everyone loves and remembers these songs. This is “Dugout” (“The fire is curling in a cramped stove...”), and “Katyusha” (“Apple trees and pears were blooming...”), and many, many others.

Games for the family: "Sharpshooters"

Two participants are given six “bullets” - buttons. Participants are separated from each other at a distance of 2-3 meters. The leader throws lots (a coin) to determine who should start. At his own signal, the beginning contestant takes a button and places it on the thumb of his right hand (while the remaining fingers are clenched into a fist, and the tip thumb rests on the index finger), “prying” the button thumb, “shoots” at the enemy. Then the second player shoots. The winner is determined by the number of well-aimed hits. The enemy can deviate and crouch, but cannot take a single step.

The historian explained whose birthday all of Russia celebrates on February 23 and why women should also be congratulated on this “men’s” holiday.

Despite the fact that International Men's Day appeared on the holiday calendar in 1999 (November 19, first celebrated in Trinidad and Tobago), in Russia the main holiday for all men is still considered February 23. According to established tradition, on this day they congratulate not only the current defenders of the Fatherland, but also, so to speak, potential defenders - in other words, all men, young and old.

Of course, on this holiday, the military are especially honored, who stand guard over our Motherland in both war and peace. It is also important for war veterans, and for those who went through the Great Patriotic War, February 23 is the second most important holiday after May 9.

But where did this date come from? We all know very well that May 9, 1945 Soviet Union celebrated the victory over Nazi Germany, and what special happened on February 23?

At first glance, it seems that everything is on the surface here: on February 23, 1918, the Red Guard won its first victories near Pskov and Narva over the troops of the Kaiser’s Germany. At least that's what it says in most historical sources. Initially, the holiday was called “Day of the Red Army and Navy.”

There are a number of versions on the topic of when it would really be worth celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day. After all, the Decree on the organization of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA) was adopted by the Council of People's Commissars on January 28 (January 15, old style) 1918. A year later, the chairman of the Higher Military Inspectorate of the Red Army, Nikolai Podvoisky, proposed celebrating the anniversary of the creation of the Red Army, but did it too late - his application was sent to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee only on January 10, 1919, and they did not manage to establish the holiday in time.

Then the Moscow Council, headed by Kamenev, took up this issue. Lev Borisovich proposed to coincide the birthday of the Red Army with another holiday - Red Gift Day. It was something like a charity event initiated by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee: on this day the population had to donate gifts for the Red Army soldiers. However, February 17, for which the holiday was planned, fell on a Monday, so it was decided to celebrate both Red Gift Day and Red Army Day on the coming Sunday, that is, February 23.

This is such a difficult fate for the main men's holiday in our country! We asked Vasily Tsvetkov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor at Moscow State Pedagogical University, to unravel the tangle of information around this date.

Voroshilov's doubts

- Vasily Zhanovich, help us understand the history of February 23. Where did this date actually come from? Frankly, I was surprised to see so many different options its origins: Trotsky’s first arrival at the front, and even the defeat of the Red Army, which the Bolsheviks allegedly tried to atone for with the help of festive celebrations...

Yes, there are now many different versions circulating about how this holiday appeared. This happened due to the fact that on February 23, 1933, Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov, being the People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs of the USSR, at a ceremonial meeting in honor of the 15th anniversary of the Red Army, unexpectedly declared: “By the way, the timing of the anniversary celebration on February 23rd is quite random and difficult to explain and does not coincide with historical dates.” But I believe that if we approach this issue historically, then there are two important points. Firstly, February 23, 24 and 25 (at least, so it is believed) are the days of the most massive registration of volunteers in the Red Army. After all, according to the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of January 15, 1918, the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was initially formed on a voluntary basis. And during this period of time - from February 23 to 25 - they signed up for its ranks greatest number volunteers.

And on the same day, as far as I understand, the appeal of the Council of People's Commissars “The Socialist Fatherland is in Danger” was published, as well as the “Appeal of the Military Commander-in-Chief” Nikolai Krylenko with the words: “Everyone to arms! All in defense of the revolution!”?

The appeal was published a little earlier - on February 22. But, in principle, it can also be included here. But the most important thing is that on February 23, 1918, the first military clashes of the Red Army (with German troops) took place. Note ed.) on the directions of Narva and Pskov. They were attended by soldiers of the Red Guard, sailors of the Baltic Fleet, Estonian Red Guards...

But a number of historians argued that on February 23, no battles were recorded in either the Soviet or German military archives.

No, there were battles. All military actions, along with maps, are very well described in the book by Alexander Cherepanov, “Born in Battles.” This is a man who himself participated in all these battles: he was the commander of the 2nd Red Army Regiment, which included volunteer soldiers of the 12th Army of the Northern Front.

There were no victories, that's for sure, but there was a pause in the German offensive. This did not even happen quite near Narva, but rather near Revel (present-day Tallinn). There, at the Keila railway station, on February 23, the Estonian Red Guards entered into battle with the Germans and stopped their advance for a day. Before that, there were also battles there, but these were not battles of the Red Army - these were battles of the old Russian army. And we are talking about the battles of new units that came to the front from Petrograd - that is why this date is considered the birthday of the Red Army.

Congratulate not only boys

What are the most famous stories about February 23rd? For example, I read these strange stories about the defeats of our army, which they allegedly later tried to disguise as a holiday. It doesn’t sound very convincing...

Of course, there are some stories. They mainly concern two points. The first is that on this day the Council of People's Commissars received an ultimatum from the German command and accepted it. The ultimatum was indeed presented on February 23, 1918, but this had no effect on the front - they didn’t even find out about it right away. And the second point concerns the fact that on this day, near Narva, a detachment of sailors under the command of Pavel Dybenko was defeated. But the fact that Defender of the Fatherland Day allegedly began to be celebrated on February 23 in order to forget the shame of defeat is, of course, all just stories. And then, the stories about Dybenko’s shameful flight are not true. In fact, his sailors did not flee, but suffered heavy losses and simply were unable to advance further.

The holiday, celebrated on February 23, has changed its name several times. At first it was called "Day of the Red Army and Navy", and from 1946 to 1993 - "Day of the Soviet Army and Navy". What was the reason for this renaming?

This is pure continuity. The Red Army was renamed the Soviet Army, but old exploits and old memorable dates were not abandoned. After all, it was not another new army, and the army, successor to the Red Army. So everything is logical here.

Each regiment has its own saint

Is it known at what point the holiday dedicated to the creation of the Red Army turned into Defender of the Fatherland Day in our modern understanding?

Yes, this is absolutely clear. On March 13, 1995, President Boris Yeltsin signed the Federal Law “On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates in Russia.” It was then that Defender of the Fatherland Day appeared in such a fairly broad sense. But even then this holiday was not a day off. It was made non-working not so long ago - in 2002. Before this, February 23 was easy memorable date, and it was believed that this was strictly a military day. Then this began to be interpreted more broadly - so that any man, if he has conscious patriotism, of course, will go to defend the Motherland. Informally, this holiday began to be called “Men’s Day”, since it is assumed that after all, a man should serve in the army, since we still have military service, and this seems quite logical. Although in fact we know very well that not everyone served in the army, and Men’s Day is a little different context. All this is very conditional. International Women's Day, after all, was also initially considered a day of women's struggle for their rights, and not just a global women's holiday.

By the way, about women. Since February 23 is a military holiday, is it customary on this day to congratulate representatives of the fair sex who are associated with military affairs?

If they are military, then yes, of course. Why not? Moreover, it is not at all necessary that a woman be directly related to military service. For example, as far as I know, in schools where there are cadet classes, on February 23 all cadets are congratulated, and girls also study there. So, not everything is so simple here, and on Defender of the Fatherland Day you can congratulate not only boys.

It’s difficult to say for sure here, because in other countries this holiday was timed either to some of their own historical dates, or to decrees on the creation of local national armies. But “international” is a strong word. Because if you take, for example, Orthodox tradition, which was before the revolution, then St. George's Day was widely celebrated. It was installed on December 9 in memory of the consecration of the St. George Church in Kyiv. But this date is also still celebrated as the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland (St. George has long been considered the patron saint of the Russian army, and December 9 (November 26, old style) in Russian Empire the day of the Order of St. George, or the Day of the Knights of St. George, was celebrated; it was celebrated by holders of the Order of St. George, lower ranks awarded the St. George Cross, and units that had collective St. George awards. - Note ed.). In addition, each regiment, each military unit also had its own regimental holiday, celebrated in honor of the patron saint of this particular unit. So February 23 is already the day of the Red Army; that is, exactly February 23, 1918, and not February 23 in general.

- What about the Western countries where the socialist regime once operated? Czechoslovakia (CSSR), Baltic countries?

I am sure that for former socialist countries it is not so simple either. In the Czech Republic they still honor the memory of the Czechoslovak Corps; they have never abandoned these traditions; Poles are the Polish Army, they have their own traditions associated with this; In Ukraine there is Cossack Day. So we, as the successors of Soviet Russia, have the right to consider February 23 purely our holiday. But, by the way, the military holiday of St. George the Victorious, as far as I know, is also still celebrated. There is also a Cossack holiday in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, it is called “St. Nicholas of the Summer”. It is celebrated on May 9 (May 22, new style) in honor of the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to the Italian city of Bari at the end of the 11th century. This is also an old Orthodox tradition.

INMuseum of Military Uniforms of the Russian Military Historical Society (Moscow, Petroverigsky Lane, building 4, building 1) the exhibition “Born in Battles” opened - dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the creation of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.The exhibition presents authentic items of military uniform and equipment of the Red Army in different periods of its existence: an overcoat with “conversations” of a Red Army cavalryman of the 1922 model; summer casual uniform of the command and control personnel of the armored forces of the Red Army, model 1935; a 1943 uniform designed for military women; dress uniform of the Red Army generals, designed specifically for the 1945 Victory Parade. We invite you!

How to tell children what kind of holiday this is and why it is celebrated? I want to say right away that the answer to this question is ambiguous.

No matter how the history of this holiday develops, for our country today it is considered a holiday of present and future men - defenders of the Fatherland. We congratulate our fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and boys on this valiant holiday. Nevertheless, this holiday is rightfully celebrated by women who serve in military units, in hospitals, and in the reserves. After all, defending the Fatherland is everyone’s business!

February 23- a holiday of courage, bravery, boldness and bravery! Even a little boy can be a defender. It may not be the Fatherland yet, but protecting the weak and defenseless is a very important matter. Helping mom and dad with household chores, carrying an elderly person across the road, protecting the weak is not a task for a weakling, but for a real man.

So what is the history of this holiday?

The emergence of this holiday is associated with the formation of Soviet times The Red Army, which was assembled to fight Kaiser Germany (German Empire). In the winter of 1918, the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA, January 28) and the Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet (RKKF, February 13) were created. The Red Army and Red Navy accepted workers who voluntarily expressed a desire to serve in the ranks of the armed defenders of the Fatherland. The creation decree was signed by V.I. Lenin. The purpose of its creation was rather of a propaganda nature.

The holiday was first celebrated a year later in 1919. In 1918-1919. The Soviet army was in poverty and needed food and clothing, so the people collected parcels with necessary things to the front. This collection of things served as a reason to officially celebrate a new revolutionary holiday - RED GIFT DAY.

In 1919, they remembered the creation of the Red Army and the RKKF in 1818 and decided to celebrate the anniversary together with the Red Gift Holiday. The date fell on a working day in February, so they decided to move the celebration to the first nearest day off. This day was February 23, as reported by the newspaper Pravda.

In 1920 and 1921 the holiday was not celebrated. They remembered him only in 1922. The Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council, Trotsky, organized a military parade on Red Square on this day, thereby establishing the tradition of an annual national celebration.

For a long time it was believed that on February 23, 1918, Soviet troops defeated the German invaders near Pskov and Narva. But the chronicles say the opposite. In 1918 there were no serious wars, much less victorious ones. On the contrary, in February 1918, our troops lost the cities of Pskov and Narva to a few German detachments without a fight, as evidenced by the newspapers. However, there could be no negative examples in the minds of the Soviet people, and with light hand I.V. Stalin, our flight turned into victory, and the glory of the Russian army became indestructible.

Since 1923, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, February 23 began to be celebrated annually as Red Army Day.

Since 1946, the holiday began to be called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy.

In February 1995, the State Duma of Russia adopted the federal law“On the Days of Military Glory of Russia,” in which this day is named as follows: “ February 23 - Victory Day of the Red Army over the Kaiser's troops of Germany in 1918 - Defender of the Fatherland Day».

In 2002, the holiday officially became a non-working day.

On March 24, 2006, the State Duma decided to exclude the words “Victory Day of the Red Army over the Kaiser’s troops of Germany (1918)” from the official description of the holiday in the law. And it’s clear why.

You have the right to tell your child about the holiday in your own way.

It would probably be more justified Defender of the Fatherland Day to celebrate on a more memorable day for our country, when the Russian people showed in practice how we know how to defend our Motherland. You never know there were many victories in Rus'! Nevertheless, we still need such a holiday. And today we celebrate it on February 23, we celebrate it not as the birthday of the Red Army, but as the Day of real men, ready and able to defend us and our Motherland.

In Russia, before the Bolshevik coup of 1917, traditionally the Day of the Russian Army was considered holidaySaint George Patron of the Russian Army, Russian warriors.

Other men's holidays:

  • International men's day- first Saturday in November (adopted by M.S. Gorbachev)
  • Day of Heroes of the Fatherland- December 9, celebrated since January 25, 2007
  • fathers day- an annual holiday in honor of fathers, celebrated in many countries (Sunday June 3). In Russia they want to make this holiday on the 2nd Sunday of June.