Short, beautiful poems about the meaning of life. Beautiful poems with meaning Small poems about life

This section presents poems about life written by me. My poems presented in this section are very different, there are many contradictions in them. This can be explained by the fact that they were written over more than 10 years, and reflect the changes that happened to me.

Here you can find beautiful, joyful, sad poems, poems about the meaning of life and many of them contain more questions than answers.

    What is good? What is evil? Really? What's a lie?
    We came up with names for everything a long time ago,
    We see light and dark, we feel love
    And we assign punishments for our sins.

    And we don’t live the way we were taught to live...

    I continue on my way
    I keep going
    And at least sometimes turn around
    They want my doubts,
    And they don't let me sleep
    Troubles in the night again
    I know this is my path
    And I keep going...

    I know there is such pure love
    Which will give me freedom,
    Will wipe away the “dust of past centuries” from my soul,
    And I will see real nature.

    Love that knows no rules or boundaries
    Love that gives light to those who come to it...

    I know that this sadness will pass someday,
    How everything goes in this perishable world...
    Today I don’t want to look for the essence of life
    In the collapse of bitter feelings, I froze.

    My element is fire
    And I'm burning to the ground
    So that one day again,
    Reborn from the ashes
    I need passion like I need air,
    And I'm burning myself out
    On fire of emotions and feelings,
    Under the gusts of wind.

    I'm picking myself up piece by piece,
    I build my soul every day,
    I write myself in every line,
    And I become different instantly.

    How boring it is to be constant,
    How boring it is to sit still...

    Such different love -
    Bliss, passion, suffering, pain,
    And waiting for tender words,
    Luckily the password is correct.

    Love gives birth to fear,
    A swarm of vain expectations...

    I see another me in my mind,
    I change my world with these thoughts,
    And again my strength beats inside.

    I'll leave everything that happened before alone
    And in new circle I will enter life boldly...

    Oh, happiness! To fly after you
    Even if we are ready for the ends of the world,
    To desire you, to want you
    Hearts will continue again, again.

    Oh, happiness! We will be there again
    Looking for you all over the planet...

    I've walked this road for many years,
    I walked and dreamed of happiness along the way,
    And I was looking for answers to questions,
    I collected knowledge about the world.

    And I imagined many pictures,
    I have already changed many roles...

    Doubts are cunning thieves
    They come from afar
    Doubts dig holes
    In which the dream wanders.

    Doubts put barriers,
    And fears prevent you from passing...

    I ran away from myself for a long time,
    I said a hundred no to dreams,
    I thought my fate was sealed
    But she dreamed of happiness under the moon.

    I saw love from afar
    I heard doubtful steps...

Poems about life

Some of my thoughts about life and poetry

What is life? And why am I living? What is my purpose? Maybe the meaning is to just live, wake up every day, do something, go somewhere, strive for something? Or maybe the meaning of life is to learn? Learn to be happy, learn to rejoice and love?

Sad poems about life

My poems about life help me understand myself better, understand myself. But at different times, I had different ideas about the world and poems about the meaning of life of that period reflect my understanding of the environment and myself.

Sad poems about life, although for me they are also beautiful, they help me see my problems, and therefore understand them, deal with them and take another step towards understanding the truth.

Beautiful and joyful poems about life

And so, over time I wrote more and more joyful poems about life. And the world around me changed, life became beautiful, the poems became more positive, they reflected my bright ideas and thoughts, and good thoughts made my life better.

I am now starting a new circle of life,
I see another me in my mind,
I change my world with these thoughts,
And again my strength beats inside.

I'll leave everything that happened before alone
And I will boldly enter a new circle of life,
In a spiral of good feelings, I will continue to grow,
And my strength will grow in me.

I entrust this responsibility to myself,
I create my own destiny,
I now have great knowledge,
And I know that if I want, I can.

Therefore, I believe that the road is open
Into the life where I'm going to come,
And I believe that help will come to me from God,
And people will help me walk my path.
, 2010

It seems to me that they can't
Now to love with romance,
But believe me, I can help you
To conquer with bright love.
You are like a fairy to me in a fairy tale
I came with a beautiful dream,
You are dazzlingly beautiful
I don't need life without you!

There are so many people around who know how to live,
But unable to figure out their lives,
That before teaching others,
It would be a really good idea to take care of yourself...

To live your life wisely, you need to know a lot,
Remember two important rules to get started:
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it’s better to be alone than with just anyone.

If you spend your whole life looking for pleasure:
Drink wine, listen to chang and caress beauties -
You'll have to give it up anyway.
Life is like a dream. But you can’t sleep forever!

Everything needs to be experienced in this world,
Everything needs to be experienced and evaluated...
And only then, getting up at dawn,
You will be able to laugh and love.

Who will overcome his laziness,
Who will find the light in his soul,
The one is more interesting and stronger
In an instant it will become... BREATHING!

Even if you fall, decide to take off again,
Life didn’t craft your wings in vain.
Remember that God never gives
A burden that we cannot bear.

Aging appearance: bright features
Time erases powerfully and cruelly,
Whereas spiritual beauty
There are no wrinkles, no age, no deadline.

If you figure it out, everything is possible
Experience, achieve and understand.
In this world, everything is not so complicated,
If you don't complicate things yourself.

Beautiful short poems about the meaning of life

And only then will you get something
Once you sum it up:
It's ridiculous to demand from someone
What you cannot give yourself.

So that the family can develop -
We need to create marriages
Not the one you want to go to bed with,
And with the one with whom you want to get up!

...We are rushing about: work, everyday life, affairs.
Those who want to hear must still listen.
And while running... you will only notice bodies...
Stop to see the soul...

People are looking for their other half
So that when you find it, you don’t give it to anyone.
It is happiness to be loved by someone.
And the double thing is to love yourself!

It’s such a miracle to just live!
Breathe and wait for what happens next,
To be above evil, resentment, falsehood,
Forgive, fall in love and be friends!

They threw a stone at the river's soul...
They just threw it, not out of malice...
Quiet resentment spread across the surface of the morning in circles...
But everything passed overnight and in the late afternoon silence,
The trembling circles faded away, but the stone... the stone is at the bottom...

We live as if in an unsolved dream,
On one of the convenient planets...
There is a lot that we don’t need at all,
But what we want is not there.

What is the meaning of life - a rhetorical question,
Which every thinker carried with him.
And the point is to find meaning.
By saving yourself, you save the world.

For many centuries people have been asking themselves the question: what is the meaning of life? And everyone comes to their own answer why they should live. Our life is both beautiful and sometimes very difficult, there are bright, amazing moments in it, and sometimes we don’t even want to live. But this is already a manifestation of human weakness.

Let's not talk about sad things. We have prepared for you wonderful poems by modern prose writers and great classical poets about life with meaning or about the meaning of life, as you like. You will find short and beautiful, sincere and sad poems, about love and wisdom, about age and past years.

Life is short... We are guests on earth...

Short, beautiful poems about life with meaning

How complicated life is
But how beautiful she is!
Sometimes cruel and bitter
Sometimes it caresses, warms,
Whatever it is, it’s yours!
Your sufferings and grievances,
Your ringing laughter and the hour of luck,
Your sunrises and sunsets,
Your destiny, your finest hour.

-What is the meaning of your life? - I was asked. —
Where do you see your happiness, tell me?
“In battles,” I answered, “against rot.”
And in battles,” I added, “against lies!”

We are only guests in this life...
Why swear and offend?
Why out of envy and anger
Is it mean to set each other up?
Let's rejoice people
Be grateful to fate
That happiness fell even as a guest -
Live on Mother Earth!!!

Life is not black and white.
She's like a rainbow. We always have colored ones.
Only, only us, with our own hand.
We erase the colors. Only adding black

Wear beautiful things
Don't look for a special occasion.
Drink wine and burn candles,
Hug someone you love.
Don't play forfeits with fate,
And don’t think: to be? Not to be?!
You live today. Tomorrow
It might just never happen!
Chekolaeva Svetlana

You live and enjoy life,
Or you cry in silence at night,
It's all yours, believe me,
Your destiny belongs only to you.
We can't change our fate
And there's no one to blame for it
Life is short... We are guests on earth,
But we realize it too late...

I'm going to live my whole life.
All life passes in anticipation,
And only on short dates,
When it's impossible to decide
What does it mean to be or not to be,
Between the proud moment of recognition
And the bitter moment of parting -
I am living, but not preparing to live.
Lev Ozerov

It seemed like I was just dreaming about it all,
But the pain overtook me in reality!
Everyone says: turn the page...
I'd rather rip out an entire chapter.
Yulia Olefir

We live quite dimly
If we look for joy in throwing
From loneliness together
To the point of loneliness in company.
Igor Guberman

Life is short and fleeting
And only literature is eternal.
Poetry is soul and inspiration,
Sweet languor for the heart.
Konstantin Balmont

Whether we like it or not, we all often think about the meaning of life. Is it good or bad and what does it depend on?

All life is a game and the people in it are actors.

Beautiful, heartfelt poems about life with meaning to the point of tears

Don't cling to the past...

Don't cling to the past
Don't live on grudges
Remember the good things
Don't envy anyone.
Everything that heaven has sent you,
Take it for granted
Everything that has been done is for the better.
No matter how difficult it is,
Don't complain about fate,
Be happy every moment
And don't judge others
For their weaknesses are frequent.
Fight for your loved ones
God given powers,
Don't skimp on your words,
Be gentle with the ones you love.
How easy it is to live joyfully!
Admire the sunsets
And fall in love with all your passion
To your striped life...
Amirova Irina

Life often breaks a woman,
The soul crunches under the ribs...
It bends it in half,
That will let you know how good she is.

She has sleepless nights
And the bustle of weekdays,
Happiness mixes with tears,
Into a cocktail: breathe and be strong.

The pain squeezes, then the wings again.
Love will give and take away.
She shakes herself to the point of impotence
And he leads again with a thirst for miracles.

Let there be strength no matter what happens.
Know how to pick yourself up again and go.
Well, it didn’t come true... Well, somehow it didn’t work out...
Believe that things will get better ahead!
Grigorieva Tatyana

My lucky day...

I was waiting for my lucky day
At eighteen, when it's spring,
Lilacs bloomed in the gardens,
But I didn’t let my soul sleep...
I was sad and kept waiting,
Well, when will my day come?
So the wedding has already passed...
And the ice on the lakes grew stronger...

I was waiting for my lucky day.
I still couldn’t understand
Why are others not lazy?
Everything needs to be changed this morning...
After all, the weather is not the same at all.
And according to the forecast, there are no miracles.
The dream has been sleeping for a year now,
Having aged ten years...

I was waiting for my lucky day...
Bustle, business, family...
Children's graduation is ahead...
I look in the mirror - not me...
Where is the girl in me?
That I loved the shine of the stars,
Smiled at your spring...???
The question remains unanswered...

I can’t wait for a happy day now...
It's a pity that I didn't understand earlier...
No, you don't need a star from heaven,
To feel like you lived...
And the shadow disappeared from the heart...
The whole world is filled with love.
Here it is, my lucky day -
He is today, now and here!
Irina Samarina-Labyrinth

The essence of life

“All life is a game and people are actors in it” -
The phrase is known to each of us.
We all play one or another role
And we forget who we are now...

We try on millions of masks.
We want to appear better than we are.
And we forget that seeming is not enough.
And we forget what the whole point is...

Take off all the masks, find yourself
And become better, don’t seem!
Try to live kindly, lovingly -
This is the essence of life that has begun to be forgotten!..
Irina Artlis

Nothing bad happens to a good person, either during life or after death.

In life there is always something to forgive for!

Modern poems about life with meaning are sad

I have already forgiven

I have already forgiven all the insults
To those who betrayed and did not love,
To those who were friendly only in appearance,
But he harbored bad things in his soul.

I forgave the rudeness and reproaches,
Harsh, arrogant words
Close-minded, angry and lonely
And I think that I was right.

I forgave my enemies for their intrigues,
Sophisticated gossip lace,
Intrigues, like a plot for a book,
Where "Meanness" is the first chapter.

I forgave my friends for their mistakes,
Criticizing them, harshly at times,
With pity and bitter smile,
And there is a long line of “smart” advice.

I have forgiven those near and far...
In life there is always something to forgive for!
This is not an easy task,
Nothing needs to be simplified!

I forgave, although it was difficult,
Without blaming anyone in the world,
I think it would be just wonderful
If only someone would forgive me...
Alla Zhem

We live wrong, we meet the wrong people
We do the wrong thing, our souls are not burning,
We touch on the wrong topics with our minds,
We say the wrong words to each other.
We scold easily, we make peace with difficulty,
Wandering alone,
And only about the One who we really need,
We find out five minutes before death.
Polikanina Valentina

Why are we running in circles through life?
Why are we running in circles through life?
Worries, money, daily affairs.
And in the bustle we forget to give to each other,
Love, attention and a little warmth.

Meanwhile everything is leaking out of us
Life-giving, wonderful juice of life.
When we understand why we live,
Half my life is gone and my temple has turned grey.

And I want to return to my crazy self,
The sparkle of young eyes and carefree days,
And grandmother and young mother...
But it’s impossible, that makes it even more painful!

How late that insight comes to us,
Which opens our eyes to a lot of things,
Oh, if I could go back in time,
But the circle of life does not turn back!!!


First life captivates us:
Everything is warm in her, everything warms my heart
And, like a tempting story,
Our mind cherishes the whimsical.
Something frightens you from afar, -
But in this fear there is pleasure:
It pleases the imagination
How about a magical adventure
An old man's night story.
But the playful deception will end!
We get used to miracles.
Then we look at everything lazily,
Then life became hateful to us:
Its riddle and denouement
Already long, old, boring,
Like a fairy tale retold
Tired before the hour of sleep.
Dmitry Venevitinov

I'm in no hurry with you,
And I understand the secret of delusions,
Where can I change a minus to a plus?
And accept the bitterness of words as pleasure.
With you, life has slowed down,
But I want winds, confusion, cold...
How strangely man is made -
He wants what he doesn't need.
Tatyana Kushnareva

I realized that in order to understand the meaning of life, it is necessary, first of all, for life not to be meaningless and evil, and then - reason in order to understand it.
Tolstoy L. N.

I thank this life for everything!

Wise poems about life with meaning from great classical poets

Life is a deception with enchanting melancholy...

Life is a deception with enchanting melancholy,
That's why she's so strong
That with your rough hand
Fatal writes letters.

I always, when I close my eyes,
I say: “Just disturb your heart,
Life is a deception, but sometimes it
Lies decorate with joys.

Turn your face to the gray sky,
By the moon, guessing about fate,
Calm down, mortal, and don't demand
The truth that you don’t need.”

Good in the bird cherry blizzard
To think that this life is a path.
Let your easy friends deceive you,
Let easy friends change.

Let them caress me with a gentle word,
Let the evil tongue be sharper than a razor,
I have been living for a long time ready for anything,
I got used to everything mercilessly.

These heights chill my soul,
There is no heat from star fire.
Those whom I loved renounced
Who I lived - they forgot about me.

But still, oppressed and persecuted,
I, looking at the dawn with a smile,
On earth, close and beloved to me,
I thank this life for everything.
Sergey Yesenin

Cart of life

Though the burden is heavy at times,
The cart is light on the move;
The dashing coachman, gray time,
Lucky, he won't get off the irradiation board.

In the morning we get into the cart;
We're happy to break our heads
And, despising laziness and bliss,
We shout: let's go!..

But at noon there is no such courage;
Shocked us: we are more scared
And slopes and ravines:
We shout: take it easy, fools!

The cart is still rolling;
In the evening we got used to it
And dozing we go until the night,
And time drives horses.
A. Pushkin

I'm not afraid of life

I'm not afraid of life. With its invigorating noise
She lets her thoughts burn, lets her thoughts glow.
Anxiety, not thought, grows in the deserted darkness,
And the flowers are cold at night in crystal.
But in my idleness the moments are scattered,
When touch is painful to the soul,
And I tremble among you, I tremble for my peace,
Like blocking a match in the wind with your hand...
Even if it’s just a moment... Don’t touch me at that moment,
Then I feel my way along my path...
My gaze, scattered in silence, notice
And don't stop others from making noise around me.
That's better. If only they wouldn't notice me
In the fog, perhaps, of creative sadness.
Innokenty Annensky


In a difficult moment of life
Is there sadness in the heart:
One wonderful prayer
I repeat it by heart.
There is a power of grace
In the consonance of living words,
And an incomprehensible one breathes,
Holy beauty in them.

Like a burden will roll off your soul,
Doubt is far away -
And I believe and cry,
And so easy, easy...
Mikhail Lermontov

The mysteries of human life are great, and love is the most inaccessible of these mysteries.
Ivan Turgenev

Rejoice and enjoy life!

Rejoice and enjoy life!

People, cherish every day,
Cherish every minute.
We only live once on earth,
Rejoice, morning has come again!

God gave life and blessed us,
So that we walk the righteous path.
It’s not in vain that He infused soul into us,
To ask later, beyond that threshold...

Live, love, help each other
We must, it cannot be otherwise.
And for this - God's grace,
And you will become spiritually richer.

The years will fly by unnoticed,
Rejoice and enjoy life!
Don't be stingy with kind words,
Make everyone happy and smile more often!
Misharina Olga

Who came up with the idea that life is short?
It's enough for several lifetimes
If only you have it under the hammer
Neither feelings nor thoughts go away.

Life is given to have time to happen,
Grow a new life within yourself
And fall in love, fall in love to death -
And love can survive death...
Terenty Travnik

I'm very sorry, I've forgotten how to trust people,
Bit by bit, burning them in parts.
The moment will come, and you and I will no longer be
To love as before, forgetting about each other.

And what’s sad is that you and I are not to blame,
Nature designed us this way.
We fell asleep, rich in feelings,
We woke up unloved, strangers.

What is inherent in nature to arise,
It is by nature that it ceases.
I'm starting to gradually lose the habit
So that later you can say goodbye in cold blood.

Broken heart in my chest

A broken heart barely beats in my chest,
It was as if the soul left the body in an instant.
A gust of hellish torment swirls in its depths.
And a painful cry breaks out.
I am unwillingly killing myself.
Crippling the remnants of love into consciousness.
And how to live with this? I don't even understand.
When the nightingales do not sing in your soul.
When the meaning of life loses its meaning.
And a feeling of despair hits you inside.
The passion of the past is suddenly lost.
I will simply erase it from my memory.
Anatoly Barkaev

In the dark sky there is a starry choir,
Wonderful sound, but little light.
My life is like a traffic light -
All three colors, all three colors.

Kissed, in love,
I'm flying like in a dream.
The traffic light turns green
And winks at me.

Oh, I fell in love in vain
I'll drop everything and drown myself.
The traffic light turns red:
Today – minus, tomorrow – plus.

Here he is, betrothed, from Ryazan,
My beloved, light of the soul!
Yellow color before the eyes -
Like, think about it, don’t rush.

I am earthly, not holy,
I'm tired of living among dreams.
Where are you, colorful rainbow,
Where are not three, but seven colors?
Tatyana Kushnareva

Whatever it is, never take life too seriously - you still won’t get out of it alive.
Keen Hubbard

Life went beyond the second pass...

Fourty years. Life went beyond the second pass

Fourty years. Life went beyond the second pass.
I loved, I thought, I fought.
Been some places, seen some things,
Sometimes I was happy.

Anger passed me by, the arrow passed me,
And there are two small marks from the bullet.
And trouble flew away like a drop from a wing;
Like water, trouble parted.

I took one pass, I’ll overcome the second,
Even though my shoulder bag is heavy.
What's there, behind the mountain? What is there - under the mountain?
My temple turned white from the heights.

Fourty years. Will there be a last stop somewhere?
Where will my track break?
Fourty years. Life went beyond the second pass.
And this cup is not finished.
David Samoilov

Oh, stop talking about age, ladies,
Like, soon thirty, forty, fifty,
Like, they overcame hardships and illnesses,
And the husband snores, and the offspring are rude.
Oh, stop, ladies, being sad in front of the mirror,
Smooth out wrinkles near the eyes.
Mirrors lie that beauty has faded,
Mirrors lie that youth is gone.
Oh, stop talking about diets, fasting
Or that excess weight is creeping in...
Why invent suffering for yourself?!
Life is wonderful with or without weight...
Just do it better look confident
And on the face - discreet makeup,
Wagging his hip and knocking on the “wood”,
First, go for... a massage.
You are cute, sexy, attractive,
You are a sweetheart, and a fairy, and the dawn.
Advice: be sure to love yourself!
And don’t live your life in vain!
Claudia Sergacheva

Don't ask me about my age...
I'm not getting old...I'm getting wiser...
Months...years are skipping by...
I don’t regret anything that happened...
I’m not afraid of my gray hair...
And I don’t count the wrinkles on my face...
They whisper to are insanely good
And beautiful men look after you...
My average age, not a problem at all...
I don’t feel these years at all...
My Soul is young as before,
Carefree and playful...I know that...
Sometimes I want to play pranks...
Caprice of the's such a small thing...
Or fall in love in the morning and... love...
What the hell, tell me, is old age?..
Don't years...
My wealth... and it is with me...
I remember about him... sometimes...
And I remain... still young...
Volenberg Galina

The more I live in this world,
The closer to me autumn days sadness.
And I'm waiting for autumn with the warm Indian summer,
With a flock of cranes flying into the distance.

I enjoy the coolness of the early morning,
And the smell of leaves changing color.
And the sun in the sky, although it’s not hot
Let it be so, I wish I could see the light longer.

Over the years you notice that you involuntarily
Gray hair shines in the lush hairstyle.
It's like I just got lost
Autumn cobweb fringe...
Alla Seredina

Ah, age, age! How many will it contain?
The tired gait is gray,
A gentle light flows from sad eyes,
For which suffering is the price.
Over the years, the bridge of life becomes shorter and shorter,
And more and more joy is behind us.
The path to the past is winding and difficult
And it smells of regret and guilt.
Remembering again the happiness of former days,
Without getting tired, we say “I’m sorry” -
After all, there is no “conscience without shadows”
And what is broken cannot be saved.
Let's continue to live as long as there is a traffic light
The green light still signals us.
And let's stop the soul-sore dispute
With loved ones who are no longer there.
Let's play, age, trivia
And we’ll throw you off the penitential bridge
Grievances and other weeds,
Having cleared the space in our souls for love.

What is the meaning of life? Maybe we can understand this from this song.

I'm leaving.
Let it be dark there
Let there be steps -
I didn't like the movie
Return the money.

Where it decreases ten times -
It will increase a hundred times.
I leave you to you -
I want to cope.

Ekaterina Gorbovskaya

Even if you fall, decide to take off again,
Life didn’t craft your wings in vain.
Remember that God never gives
A burden that we cannot bear.

© Tatiana Karlova

Yulia Drunina

How to explain to a blind person
Blind as night from birth,
A riot of spring colors
Are rainbows an obsession?

How to explain to a deaf person
From birth, like night, deaf,
The tenderness of the cello
Or the threat of thunder?

How to explain to the poor guy
Born with fish blood,
The secret of an earthly miracle,
Called love?

Yulia Drunina

Don't date your first love
Let her remain like this -
Sharp happiness, or sharp pain,
Or a song that fell silent across the river.

Don't reach for the past, don't -
Everything will seem different now...
Let at least the most sacred
Remains unchanged in us.

And only then will you get something
Once you sum it up:

It's ridiculous to demand from someone
What you cannot give yourself...

© Anya Tet

“Hell and heaven are in heaven,” say the bigots.
I looked into myself and became convinced of the lie:
Hell and heaven are not circles in the palace of the universe,
Hell and heaven are two halves of the soul.

Omar Khayyam

Aging appearance: bright features
Time erases powerfully and cruelly,
Whereas spiritual beauty
There are no wrinkles, no age, no deadline.

Our whole life is a game of mailbox,
in which you search and search and you will find
a dry piece of paper and a telephone bill...
And for a long time you listen to how your heart bleeds.

Vera Pavlova

Afanasy Fet

A whole world of beauty
From big to small,
And you search in vain
Find its beginning.

What is a day or an age?
Before what is infinite?
Although man is not eternal,
What is eternal is human

No longing, no love, no sadness,
No anxiety, no chest pain,
It's like you have your whole life behind you
And only half an hour is ahead.

Nikolay Aseev

My poems are made from mint and wormwood,
full of steppe coolness and warmth.
Wormwood is bitter, but mint heals grief;
game of heat and cold - even and odd.

It’s not the person who chooses that game -
the universe itself is playing at it.
My poems are of the same kind,
like the seasons of the year.

This time - don't sum it up,
Don't judge earthly mess.
It's probably stupid to ask God
Something you can do yourself.

© Cat Basho

If you figure it out, everything is possible
Experience, achieve and understand.
In this world, everything is not so complicated,
If you don't complicate things yourself.

Fedor Sologub

Don't terrify me with your threat
Madness, torment and shame,
Remain forever a light dream,
Never incarnate.

Keep your endless hopes alive
Shine like a distant star,
So that our rough clothes
They didn't wrap themselves around you.

Georgy Adamovich

Oh my life! No need for fuss
There is no need to complain - it's all empty.
Peace descends into the world - seek peace too.
I want the snow to fall heavy,
The firmament stretched transparent blue,
And so that I could live and feel
There is ice on the heart and frost on the trees.

They just postponed everything until better times:
Here the maple will be dressed in purple and gold,
Here the wave will kiss your bare feet,
Radiant snowy days are coming
Here the rainwater will wash the jasmine,
The starlings will fly in, and then, and then...

Larisa Miller

I live in the Twentieth Century,
and you lie next to me. You
I was unhappy falling asleep.
I couldn't cope with this.
Hopelessly. Your face
so beautiful that there are not enough words
talk about it, and nothing
won't make you happy
in a dream.

Richard Brautigan

Everything is bought and sold
And life openly laughs at us.
We are indignant, we are indignant,
But we buy and sell.

© Omar Khayyam

Divine birds are flying,
their braids flutter,
their robes shine like knitting needles,
There is no mercy in flight.
They're counting down the time
They feel burdened
let the empty stirrup strum -
no need to go crazy.

Alexander Vvedensky

I'm tired of guessing by the sediment in my coffee mug.
If you want, patch, if you want, slash with all your might.
It’s not known what’s worse: crying into your pillow at night
Or living life with the wrong people out of fear.

Afanasy Fet

I stood motionless for a long time
Peering into the distant stars, -
Between those stars and me
Some kind of connection was born.

I thought... I don’t remember what I thought;
I listened to a mysterious choir
And the stars quietly trembled,
And I have loved the stars ever since...

Marina Tsvetaeva

And not a pity: he lived little,
And don’t be bitter: I gave little.
Lived a lot - who lived in ours
Days: everything was given - who gave the song.


Poetry 10/22/2018

“Living life is not a field to cross.” So says one wise folk saying. And I absolutely agree with this statement. Human life does not consist only of smooth roads with clear signs on the sides. Rather, it resembles moving over rough terrain: sometimes you fall into a hole of failure, sometimes you climb a hillock of hope.

Life is the most valuable gift a person receives. And how great it would be to live it without making mistakes and without going astray. Unfortunately this is not possible. But many troubles can be avoided by following simple life rules. Poems about life remind us of them once again.

Don't cling to the past
Don't live on grudges
Remember the good things
Don't envy anyone.
Everything that heaven has sent you,
Take it for granted
Everything that has been done is for the better.
No matter how difficult it is,
Don't complain about fate,
Be happy every moment
And don't judge others
For their weaknesses are frequent.
Fight for your loved ones
God given powers,
Don't skimp on your words,
Be gentle with the ones you love.
How easy it is to live joyfully!
Admire the sunsets
And fall in love with all your passion
To your striped life.
Irina Amirova

Life! Unexpected joy.
The happiness that befell me.
Dawn evening coolness,
White frost on stubble.

And war, and severe famine.
And the taiga is a Siberian forest.
And the prickly, burning cold
Icy granite mountains.

Everything happened, it was difficult
On the land of your roads.
It was like she was leaving
And you yourself are from under your feet.

No matter how alarming it may be,
I told myself: hold on!
After all, it’s impossible otherwise,
Because this is life.

I will accept everything that rushes past
Along the roads of life...
It's a pity that you are unique
My life is wonderful.
Anatoly Zhigulin

Why swear, offend,
Why out of envy and anger,
It's mean to set each other up.

Why slander, hate,
And poison each other's lives,
After all, it is important to see in time,
After all, it is important to understand in time

That we are all guests in this life;
Life is fleeting, short,
Why are holy handfuls good?
Change it to harsh words?!

Let's rejoice, people,
Be grateful to fate
That happiness happened to be even a guest
Live on Mother Earth!

See the forest in autumn beauty,
Swaying cornflowers,
Aspen chintz unforgettable
Green gloss of the shores.

Streams are smooth, gardens are in bloom,
And a ray of sun flying down
The bliss of spring twilight
And magical paradises of stars.

After all, we are all guests in this life,
Let's live, loving her,
So that later, at the passing hour
To know that our visit was not in vain.
Irina Pronina

And I just live... And I just love...
Opening your arms to life.
I pray, I fear, I breathe and catch
Every moment. I just want happiness!
I don’t feel sorry for myself, giving someone warmth,
Even if it doesn't come back.
I want people around me to be lucky!
Their smile will resonate with me too.
I want to trust without reproaches, insults
And from somewhere I have strength.
If life is complicated,
life will answer us instantly,
Just tell her: THANK YOU!
Tatiana Grigorieva

Hurry up to live not tomorrow, but now

Life doesn't stop for a minute. She will not wait for “tomorrow” to come, she passes here, now. Don't delay real life for later and don't wait for a special occasion. It has already arrived. How wonderfully true this is said in beautiful, sincere, very touching poems about life that bring tears to tears.

Once upon a time we lived, we cooked porridge,
Banks were closed for the winter.
Like everyone else, they grew older,
The sleds were kept on the balcony,
There are boxes of dust under the bed
And a star from the New Year tree,
In general, in principle, they didn’t bother,
We lived with the arrangement, to the fullest.
Saved for a special occasion
Velvet dress with a slit,
Two bottles of Gucci perfume
Red cut felt,
Six beautiful crystal glasses
And a bottle of Chinese vodka,
And in one of the sports bags
The inflatable boat was stored.
Time passed, the dress faded,
The glasses slowly turned yellow,
And in a box under the bed
The star was dying out of boredom.
Felt moths slowly ate
The boat dried out and fell apart.
And the snake, bored with nothing to do,
It slowly dissolved in vodka.
The sleds rusted and turned red.
The closed Gucci evaporated.
They lived, they lived, and they grew old,
And everyone was waiting for a special occasion.
He came, as always, suddenly.
I was washing the windows and slipped
On the same day, he fell with a heart attack...
They did not return to this house...
Two crystal glasses with vodka,
There is bread on top, there is wind in the apartment.
Cleaning is in full swing
Children clean the house.
The sleds are going to the trash heap,
Bag with a boat, felt with holes.
With the dress turned inside out,
Wipe meter by meter
under-bed thicknesses of dust.
In a pile of trash - Gucci perfume...
This is what they lived for - they were
This is such a “special case”.
Malvina Matrosova

I'm looking forward to tomorrow -
It's worth tomorrow to come
I will become with great zeal
Put life in order.

I would like to change
I would like to become better.
To learn something
I'll start reading books.

Exercise regularly
Will be on the agenda
To have a stately figure
Appeared for me.

And now I'll be with money
I act wisely
But I won’t stop my wife
I'm buying gifts.

Definitely with her mom
I'll make very close friends
And gradually from beer
I will gladly refuse.

I will become firm in order to make up my mind
Turn off the box earlier
To go to bed on time,
To get up on time.

In a word, bright and big
Life will begin for me.
I'm looking forward to it
I'll see you tomorrow.

Only he doesn’t want tomorrow
For some reason to attack:
It's called in the morning
Today again.
Yuri Tarasenko

We live wrong, we meet the wrong people
We do the wrong thing, our souls are not burning,
We touch on the wrong topics with our minds,
We say the wrong words to each other.
We scold easily, we make peace with difficulty,
Wandering alone,
And only about the One who we really need,
We find out five minutes before death.
Valentina Polikanina

I just learned to live wisely...

Deep questions of life have always served as an endless source of inspiration for people of art. Poems about life with meaning from great people and Russian poets are especially poignant.

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry,
Everything will pass like smoke from white apple trees.
Withered in gold,
I won't be young anymore.
Now you won't fight so much,
A heart touched by a chill,
And the country of birch chintz
It won't tempt you to wander around barefoot.
The wandering spirit! you are less and less often
You stir up the flame of your lips
Oh my lost freshness,
A riot of eyes and a flood of feelings.
I have now become more stingy in my desires,
My life? or did I dream about you?
As if I were a booming early spring
He rode on a pink horse.
All of us, all of us in this world are perishable,
Copper quietly pours from the maple leaves...
May you be blessed forever,
What has come to flourish and die.
Sergey Yesenin

Oh, I want to live crazy:
All that exists is to perpetuate,
The impersonal - to humanize,
Unfulfilled - make it happen!

Let heavy sleep choke life,
Let me suffocate in this dream, -
Perhaps the young man is cheerful
In the future he will say about me:

Forgive the sullenness - is it really
Its hidden engine?
He is all a child of goodness and light,
He is all a triumph of freedom!
Alexander Blok

I learned to live simply and wisely,
Look at the sky and pray to God,
And wander for a long time before evening,
To tire out unnecessary anxiety.

When the burdocks rustle in the ravine
And the bunch of yellow-red rowan will fade,
I write funny poems
About life that is perishable, perishable and beautiful.

I'm coming back. Licks my palm
Fluffy cat, purrs sweetly,
And the fire burns bright
On the turret of the lake sawmill.

Only occasionally the silence cuts through
The cry of a stork flying onto the roof.
And if you knock on my door,
I don't think I'll even hear it.
Anna Akhmatova

Oh, don’t fly like that, life, slow down a little.
Others live, unhurried and detailed.
And I live - bridges, train stations, hippodromes.
Missing so much that there’s only a whistle in my ears

Oh, don’t fly like that, I’m already many years old.
Let me have a smoke break, even with that drunkard over there.
If not for me, then at least sympathize with him, the poor guy.
After all, he probably doesn’t even have a cigarette.

Oh, don’t fly life like that, even a trifle is important to me.
Here is the city, here is the theater. Let me read the poster.
And may I never see the performance,
But I will know that there was such a performance

Oh, don’t life fly like that, I’m pockmarked by the winds.
I need to remember this world well.
And if you're lucky, you'll even fill it out,
At least someone's eyes have some kind of self.

Oh, don’t fly life like that, at least for a moment, linger.
It’s better if you cripple me, torture me, and torment me.
Let everything happen - prison, illness, accident.
I will endure everything, but don’t fly like that, life.
Leonid Filatov

Never regret anything afterward,
If what happened cannot be changed.
Like a note from the past, I crumpled up my sadness,
Break the fragile thread with this past.

Never regret what happened.
Or about something that can no longer happen.
If only the lake of your soul does not become muddy
Yes, hopes, like birds, soared in my soul.

Do not regret your kindness and participation.
Even if for everything you get a smile in return.
Someone became a genius, someone became a boss...
Don't regret not having their troubles.

Did you start late or leave early?
Let someone play the flute brilliantly.
But he takes songs from your soul.

Never, never regret anything -
Neither lost days, no burnt love.
Let someone else play the flute brilliantly,
But you listened even more brilliantly.
Andrey Dementyev

And life is not a fairy tale, life is science...

Each person has his own meaning in life and his own understanding of happiness. And it’s not surprising - after all, we are all so different. But everyone has something to think about after reading beautiful and wise poems about life that touch the soul.

What is life like? Cruel?
And beats mercilessly with a whip,
It can be gloomy, lonely,
Unfair at that.
She can still be sweet
It can be long, simple,
And adventurous, generous, smooth,
Go for it! After all, the choice is yours!

Our life in old age is like a worn-out robe:
And it’s a shame to wear it, and it’s a pity to leave it;
We got along with him a long time ago, a long time ago, like brother and brother;
We cannot be repaired and corrected again.

As we grew old, so did he;
Our life is in rags, and he is in rags too,
It is all painted and sprinkled with ink,
But these spots of patterns are dearer to us than all others;

In them are the offspring of a feather, which in the days
We are bright joy or cloudy sadness
All your thoughts, all your sacraments,
They conveyed their entire confession, their entire story.

There are also traces of the past in life:
Both complaints and penalties are recorded on it,
And a shadow of sorrow and misfortune fell over her,
But sad beauty lurks in this shadow.

It contains legends, it contains our dear review
The memory of the heart still lives in the loss,
And the morning is fresh, and the afternoon shines and heat
We also remember during the daytime sunset.

Sometimes I still love my old life
With its damage and sad turn,
And, like a fighter’s cloak, shot through in battle,
I care for my robe with love and honor.
Peter Vyazemsky

Whenever everything we wanted

Whenever everything we wanted
happened in life without difficulty,
courage would disappear from the face of the earth,
which cities were taken.

And if bitter mistakes
didn't burn
our hands and minds,
would be considered pure smiles
We are just being polite.

And I am for meeting in life
and failure and thunderstorm,
notice a smile in time,
hide a tear in time.

So that at every turn
the light didn't go out.
So that both in life and in work
fate did not spoil us.
Margarita Agashina

That our life is a game, of course,
And there is no main prize in it!
After all, our time is fleeting,
And you can’t find the answer to everything.

But we strive, we strive, we fight,
And we fight for our lives,
And we believe that we won’t fall into the abyss,
Don't give up and hold on!

I love you, Life,
Which in itself is not new,
I love you, Life,
I love you again and again.

Now the windows are lit,
I walk home from work tired
I love you, Life,
And I want you to become better.

I have been given a lot -
The expanse of the earth and the plain of the sea,
I have known for a long time
Selfless male friendship.

In the ringing of every day,
How happy I am that I have no peace!
I have love
Life, you know what it is.

How the nightingales sing,
Twilight, kiss at dawn.
And the pinnacle of love -
This is a great miracle - children!

We will go through with them again,
Childhood, youth, train stations, piers.
There will be grandchildren later,
Everything will repeat itself again from the beginning.

Oh, how the years fly by
We are sad, noticing gray hair,
Life, do you remember the soldiers,
What died protecting you?

So rejoice and be accomplished
In the trumpet sounds of the spring anthem!
I love you, Life,
And I hope it's mutual!
Konstantin Vanshenkin

Everything dies on land and sea,
But man is more severely condemned:
He must know about the death sentence
Signed when he was born.
But, aware of the transience of life,
He lives like this - in spite of everything,
It's like living forever
And this world belongs to him.
Samuel Marshak

A person needs little:
to look for
and found it.
To start with
Friend -
and the enemy -
A person needs little:
so that the path leads into the distance.
To live in the world
How much does she need?
A person needs little:
after the thunder -
A blue patch of fog.
Life -
And death -
In the morning a fresh newspaper -
kinship with Humanity.
And just one planet:
That's all.
interstellar road
Yes, a dream of speed.
This is, in essence, -
A little.
This is, in general, a trifle.
Not a great reward.
Low pedestal.
To a person
If only there was someone at home
Robert Rozhdestvensky

The meaning of life is in the little things:
Dinner together by candlelight,
Rose in the bedroom at dawn
The phrase needed in the Testament,
Joy, how children laugh,
Flames in grandfather's ovens.
The meaning of life is in the little things...
The shawl in the chapel is on the shoulders,
Crazy lips touching,
A fleeting vision
Like a breath of wind,
Face in the sun's rays.
The meaning may be in the little things...
Maybe in sweet words,
Maybe in a call or a knock,
Believe it or not, and in idle boredom,
In anticipation, even in agony,
In a sword-and-sword relationship.
The meaning of life is in the little things?..
But I would like it big
Your own, not someone else's,
Happiness, truly earthly,
To overflow!..
But go and find out:
I'm afraid it will melt in little things,
And no one will ever know
The meaning of life is in the little things...
Zoya Zhurbenko

I'm in this world for a reason

Of course, women's lot has become much easier and more interesting since the Middle Ages, but everyday life and everyday worries have still not gone away, and the horses are still running, and the huts are still burning. But sometimes you really want to feel fragile, vulnerable and defenseless... As in the emotional and tearful poems about a woman’s life.

Life often breaks a woman,
The soul crunches under the ribs...
It bends it in half,
That will let you know how good she is.

She has sleepless nights
And the bustle of weekdays,
Happiness mixes with tears,
Into a cocktail: breathe and be strong.

The pain squeezes, then the wings again.
Love will give and take away.
She shakes herself to the point of impotence
And he leads again with a thirst for miracles.

Let there be strength no matter what happens.
Know how to pick yourself up again and go.
Well, it didn’t come true... Well, somehow it didn’t work out...
Believe that things will get better ahead!
Tatiana Grigorieva

Please be
And then I will give you
And then I'll swing out -
I'll grow up
I'll become special.
I'll take you out of a burning house
I will dare to do everything unknown,
for everything reckless, -
I'll throw myself into the sea,
ominous -
and I will save you!..
It will be
my heart told me
commanded by heart...
But you are
stronger than me
and more confident!
Are you ready to save others?
from heavy despondency.
You yourself are not afraid of the whistle of a blizzard,
no crispy fire.
Don't get lost
you won't drown
you can't accumulate evil.
You won't cry
and you won’t groan,
if you want.
You will become smooth
and you will become windy,
if you want…
Me with you -
so confident -
Even on purpose,
at least for a moment, -
I ask,
timidly, -
help me believe in myself,
Robert Rozhdestvensky

I am in this world for a reason
I came for something:
Could someone use candles
Illuminate the world my soul.
Was a sip of water for someone,
A piece of bread maybe
And with someone's thirst to greet the morning,
And someone's joy to love.
Life passes, flies like a bird,
Without stopping, he rushes.
God gave me life to enjoy
And he was able to teach me through pain.
Everything was given in full measure,
I thank Him for everything!
I love, I hope, I mature, I believe,
I absorb happiness and give it.
Love of the Pale

I try to be optimistic in life,
Although, it can be difficult sometimes.
When you walk happily through life,
All the problems seem to be nonsense.

What to talk about grief and loss?
Time will not return what happened.
I look forward and believe in God's miracle,
What's best will happen to me.

I fall... and I rise again
But I don’t blame anyone.
And every day, like in childhood, I admire it.
I love this life more than life!
Olga Drozhzhina

The eternal argument until you become hoarse.
All life is a performance, the premiere is underway.
The heroes of the play are me and you,
And the costumers are fussing,
And the decorator burns bridges.

Half seriously, half jokingly,
Captive of the game and without a backup
It's just you and me on stage -
Without makeup, lighting, director
We play, teasing the audience.

In this play we are the jesters.
You are the king and I am the empress.
In life I am rubbish. Answer, who are you?
A page has been torn out of the play,
From life - whole sheets.
Tatyana Kushnareva

Yes, indeed, life is a complicated thing. And a ready-made recipe for happiness has never been invented. But there is also good news. What it will be - your life - is up to you to decide. And I saved one of my favorite poems, which gives strength and wisdom, for last.

We all have the right to choose...
Who to drink vodka with?
And with whom to share the bed...
Whom to send..., who to love.., who to keep...
You have the right to decide for yourself
Who is in our life just like that..., by chance....
Who for the soul..,
And who is in it for design...
Who would we like to meet the dawn with...
Who needs to cook lunch every day...
Who to dream about..., who not to remember....

With whom on the sand at sunset
Share thoughts..., doubts..., dreams...
Who to be with...
With whom not to waste time...
Who to trust unquestioningly
Yourself..., your desires, thoughts, feelings...
After all, being needed by each other is an art...
Enjoy every moment next to you...
And don’t be afraid to argue..., make mistakes.....
Talk in silence for hours...
And tremble, touching only with your eyes...
We each have the right to choose
To be an amphibian...
Or try to fly.....
Marina Sheinina

I invite you to continue the conversation on emotional topics here:

What kind of school is this where they teach Love and Happiness?