What does a person's handwriting mean? What handwriting says about a person - secrets cannot be hidden

The ability to analyze handwriting and recognize a person's character from it can be very useful. Lines of text store information about the person who wrote it. And although a detailed graphological analysis requires professional skills and knowledge, anyone can make a superficial assessment. You just need to know the basic features of writing a text and what they mean.

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It should be remembered that not a single sign should be considered as dogma. Only comprehensive analysis personality, comparison of various observations together can give a clear picture of the internal characteristics of a person. Handwriting analysis is just a hint of what you should pay attention to in a person’s character.

We look at handwriting and read a person’s character

The first thing to do is look at the letter as a whole.

Neat handwriting with well-written letters indicates a person’s balance and calmness. If the letter is illegible, then, most likely, the person is afraid to open up and strives for isolation and detachment.

Large, child-like handwriting speaks of gullibility in a person’s character, his sensuality and gentleness. When small, neat handwriting testifies to the rationality and restraint of its owner.

Sweeping handwriting speaks of a person’s broad soul

Very small letters can indicate greed and distrust.

Sweeping handwriting speaks of a person’s broad soul and a penchant for a global view of things. The dense arrangement of words when writing can be a sign of frugality leading to an extreme degree of economy and prudence.

It is worth paying attention to the fields. The wider the left field, the more generous the person in front of us. The narrow margin on the left indicates stinginess. If the left margin narrows as you write, this indicates the subject's tendency toward selfishness. The almost complete absence of fields indicates that a person strives to make the most of the opportunities provided.

We determine what kind of characters people have by their handwriting

A more detailed study of the lines of the letter reveals Additional information. The ideal is to have several pages of text written at different times under different circumstances. It is this approach that makes it possible to most accurately determine what kind of characters people have based on their handwriting.

Letter slant

A pronounced tilt of the letter to the right speaks of a desire for communication and a loving nature. Such a person is energetic and open to new ideas.

A slight tilt to the left is typical for secretive people with a rational approach to life. For them, the mind comes to the fore, suppressing emotions.

A strong tilt to the left is inherent in sensual natures, who are accustomed to opening up only to those closest to them. These people know how to make informed decisions.

Line direction

If the line of the letter remains horizontal throughout the entire width of the sheet, it means that we have a balanced person in control of his emotions.

Lines going up characterize people with high self-esteem and incorrigible optimists. If, on the contrary, the lines go down, it means that before us is a person who is not confident in his abilities, subject to depression and oppression.

There is a letter with a wave-like character, when the line either goes down or goes up. This is inherent in fickle natures with changeable moods.

Not so long ago, letters from loved ones, friends, greeting cards to significant dates were commonplace. Even documents at work or in the service were first prepared manually in draft form, only then they ended up in the typewriting bureau. Everyone - from a school student to a professor, to a factory director - was writing something down. It is clear that against this background, the belief has long been formed that handwriting says a lot about a person, making it possible to evaluate not only the level of literacy and erudition, but also character traits inherent only to him. Therefore, it is interesting what experts say today, when the epistolary genre has practically died, and all correspondence, both personal and work, has moved to the screens of computer communications.

What can handwriting say about a person?

To answer this question, people did not guess with tea leaves, but long ago created a scientific discipline in psychology - graphology, which studies the relationship between individual character traits, habits, inclinations of a person and his unique handwriting.

For a thoughtful analysis of handwriting, a specialist usually needs several sheets of handwritten text. From them he will be able to determine:

  • occupation;
  • appearance;
  • personal qualities;
  • temperament.

It is worth considering in more detail using examples:

  • If a small, carelessly torn piece of paper was submitted for graphological examination paper sheet with traces of numerous, varied contaminations, then with a high degree of probability we can say that the author of the text is sloppy, uncollected, and perhaps prone to stinginess.
  • On the contrary, a large, clean, carefully filled sheet speaks of accuracy, generosity, but at the same time indicates wastefulness.

An important characteristic is the size of the letters:

  • Medium-sized letters, usually the most common, say little about the personal qualities of the author of the handwritten text.
  • Large letters may indicate fatigue or old age, and about leadership qualities, increased emotionality, and ease of communication.
  • Small symbols indicate that a person is purposeful, restrained, and careful, but at the same time he can be secretive, withdrawn, and difficult to make contact.

Narrow margins, letters written to the edge speak of both frugality and stinginess, wide ones - of generosity or extravagance.

It is also important to write the lines in the presented text:

  • Direct, clear, horizontally written - a person is reasonable, restrained, and has adequate self-esteem.
  • The lines that move upward as you write are about optimism, good mood author.
  • The lines going down are about possible pessimism, low self-esteem.
  • Uneven, wavy lines - a tendency to mood swings, adventurism, perhaps resourcefulness, deception.

Also important are the shape, inclination, letter transfers, the general coherence of the elements of handwritten text, and the depth of pressure of the fountain pen on individual elements of the characters when writing them.

A separate section is devoted to the study of the signature - a kind of quintessence of information about the character and psychology of a person:

  • A small capital character may indicate lack of self-confidence and tightness of the author of the signature.
  • An intricately decorated capital letter symbolizes the need for recognition and attention from people around you.
  • The presence of underscore is about enterprise; crossing out all or part of the signature – impulsiveness, activity; circling the signature - weakness, cowardice.

Just the absence of any additional elements, the usual nature of the signature characterize the author as a brave, self-confident person without any special psychological problems.

Recently, graphology has begun to be considered a rather controversial scientific discipline and often even a pseudoscience on a par with astrology. Today, many serious scientists believe that it is mainly based on intuitive speculation, unfounded assumptions of specialists in the field of psychology, who call themselves graphologists, than on clear, specific facts.

It is indicated that most conclusions are easy to draw for an educated person with an analytical mind, education, erudition, sufficient life experience, while having nothing to do with graphology. In general, it is difficult to argue with this, based on the rather vague, far-fetched postulates of graphology.

Handwriting Science

There is a whole branch of forensic examination, criminology - handwriting science, dating back to the times of the Byzantine Empire, which should not be confused with graphology. Because unlike the latter, it faces clear, specific tasks:

  • Determining the authorship of the text under study, written by hand.
  • Authorship of texts and handwriting in various documents submitted for handwriting examination.
  • Determining the authenticity of a signature.

To accomplish such tasks, everything is carefully studied the smallest features, various signs of handwriting, development of writing skills. In addition, a thorough study of written speech allows experienced experts to solve both purely identification questions posed to them and to assess the physical and mental state of the person who wrote the letter, note or fragment of the document. In the investigative judicial practice Successful results of establishing the age, gender, height, and education of the author of a handwritten document have been repeatedly recorded.

What a computer text can say, because what handwriting says about a person, completely loses its relevance when most people mainly write using a keyboard, printing texts on a printer if necessary. It turns out that with the help of specially developed programs it is not difficult to determine the basic emotions and state of the person typing the text, which is already used by specialist psychologists conducting online consultations, as well as teachers educational institutions with distance learning. Perhaps this is just the beginning, and in the future printed text will be able to tell as much about a person as his handwriting.

E If your handwriting is round or small, then you really want to attract attention. Do you have a sense of self virtues, tendency to grandeur . Impractical, routine is not for you.Round handwriting is an indicator of arrogance, ease of communication, energy and ambition.
The small handwriting glows about his restraint and prudence.
owner, and the concise writing of the letters indicates frugality and

Fluent and sweeping handwriting reveals
enterprise, activity, ability to easily navigate unfamiliar

If you have legible, clear and neat handwriting,
if there are no long strokes in it, and the letters are the same
height, then you are a balanced person, with constant views and

As a person grows up, his handwriting changes.
This is probably due to the emergence of other goals and aspirations. If
If you don't like your handwriting, you can try to change it, but
it will seem alien, unnatural.

The alligraphic handwriting is refined and faceless. He's good for greeting cards, for student notebooks, but where is the personality in such handwriting?

Reflection of the main character traits in handwriting

Mind - The letters are straight, continuous, without decorations; same distance between
words; mostly lack of large letters, come across
illegible; round letters. Usually s, c, d do not come out
completely finished.

Stupidity- Elongated, sparsely spaced letters with original decorations
hooks. Uneven distances between words, sometimes pressure in
capital letters ah - when they try to display them architecturally,
give them a rounded shape and make them thin and graceful;
You should pay attention to unequal pressures. In general, in all
handwriting indicating stupidity, affectation and excessive

Sensitivity - Pale, slanted, wriggling letters, sometimes there is pressure
and unfinished letters, in places as if torn and trembling.

Hot temper- Letters rising above the lines, letters merged at the end of the word,
abrupt, and the last letters end with a descending lower
crochet lines.

Coolness- The letters are even, their arrangement shows thoughtfulness, although the lines
the distance between words is unequal, but the last word in each
line finds a place for itself and does not fall below the line. Letters
stretched but merged.

Sanguine temperament - The handwriting is torn, with sharp strokes, moving and beautiful;
curvilinear lines, fast letters.

Phlegmatic temperament - The handwriting is mostly bold, in some places the letters are thicker, and sometimes
become thin; Uneven spacing between letters.
Calligraphic letters, elongated and decorated.

Melancholic temperament - Dancing, pale, elongated letters. Wrap words from
over a long distance, leaving the fields uneven.

Choleric temperament - Wrapped, tangled strokes, uneven spacing between words;
smeared letters with strong and original pressures, closed and
tight; slope falling to the right.

Tendency to contradict - Large, seemingly torn hooks on the walls of the letters; cutting,
closed handwriting. The general character of the letter reveals the same
direction of strokes.

Soreness- The letters go below the ruler, with unequal, trembling hooks; handwriting
descending, the second sticks in complex letters are not completed, the letters are weak, with right angles.

Crime - The letters are flattened, carefully written, short,
arched, sometimes with strongly curled hooks and
underlining; The handwriting is rough and bold.

Will - Straightforward, firm, even handwriting, the ends of the letters are connected and
closed, some letters are large, but without strokes, distinct;
lack of hooks and decorations.

Talent - Elongated letters, rising lines to the right, letters are simple, but
beautiful, graceful, with inner affectation;
smeared, sometimes merged letters and words.

Emptiness - Rounded, short, although sometimes beautiful, but dull letters,
in some places there are separate letters with embellished decorations,
with waves and pressure, as if they were trying to make the letter look
originality. Letters are affected, follow fashion with intention
brought out by pressure, as if perverted.

Balance - Intertwined letters always merge equally (evenly),
beautiful, although at first glance illegible; straight lines and
always the same ending of hooks.

Appearance and its reflection in handwriting

High growth
The letters at the end of the line end with an even stroke, handwriting
not solid, but there is pressure in places. The letters are not tangled and run straight
in rows; For the most part, words are not transferred to another line.

Short stature
Letters decorated with sweeping strokes, strongly elongated,
as if they wanted to give them growth; the end of the word is either not completed, or
move to another line, leaving free space.

Average height
At the end of a line, the last three letters are omitted; at the beginning of the line
the letters are compressed, even, and at the end they thin out and fall down.

For the most part, pressure is made on the second part of the letters, and not on
first; There are small, illegible and unfinished letters.

Some letters seem to be drawn out, elongated; punctuation marks
very thin and small.

Rising lines; in addition, the letters are very diligent
bred, with the desire to give them beautiful shape what's special
affects the hooks of capital letters; the letters themselves are raised.

Straight lines, small letters; at the end of the line the letters become narrower;
The handwriting is legible and not drawn out.

The letters are elongated and even; straight lines; letters with the same
carefully shaped to indicate freshness.

Elderly age
The letters are simple, fast, pale, go smoothly, as if from an experienced
the hands, naturally beautiful, are written without effort; sometimes noticeable
some trembling and natural unevenness in handwriting.

The letters are cramped, smeared, small; uncertainty about endings
letters, which gradually become smaller, are arranged in even rows.

Letters are straight, raised, increasing, free,
rounded, characterized by beautiful endings of shapes. Points
set strongly.

Reflection of occupation in handwriting

Vertically slanted simple handwriting: characteristic of mathematicians,
engineers and people with real knowledge (agronomists, architects,
astronomers, naturalists).

Dropping Handwritings: philosophers have flat and wide ones,
dreamers, poets, thoughtful, serious people; inclined,
wavy - for artists (watercolorists, sculptors).

Short letters written with gestures (strokes) point to
professors, doctors, people in general, both intellectual and
physical. The health of these people is mostly poor. Such
handwriting is also found in epileptics and in general in people with deep,
but with a vulnerable soul.

Jerky, jumping letters characteristic of people who speak languages
(scientists, linguists, teachers, philologists).

Paying little attention to the shape of the letters, write lawyers, government
figures and people with good upbringing.

Trying to shape the letters, write artisans, workers,
scribes, as well as those who work specially with a needle.

Clumsy, vulgar letters characterize the handwriting of businessmen,
merchants (manufacturers, pharmacists).

Horizontal, elongated letters found among students and in general
people striving for something, as well as free-thinking people.

Western physiologists recently made an interesting discovery - it turned out that patients who have lost their arms for various reasons try to write letters using their mouths or toes in exactly the same way as they wrote before. It turns out that we write with our heads, and the hand just follows instructions coming from the brain.

That is why handwriting is a kind of mirror of its owner; it can reveal the characteristics of his character and temperament. This fact was also proven by biologist V. Preyer, who conducted experiments on handwriting using hypnosis.

He convinced the person that he was cunning or secretive, and at the same time forced him to write from dictation. As a result, the handwritings in each case were different and contained features interpreted by graphologists as signs of secrecy or cunning.

Science or pseudoscience?

The study of handwriting has deep historical roots. Emperor Nero mentioned in one of his letters: “I am afraid of this man because his handwriting shows that he has a treacherous nature.” And the Roman historian Suetonius, characterizing the stinginess of Emperor Augustus, noted that he “wrote words, placing letters close to one another, and added more under the lines.” These characteristics can be considered the first fragments of graphological research that have reached us. However, during the Middle Ages, all accumulated knowledge was lost.

The second birth of graphology is considered to be 1622, when the book of the Italian C. Baldo “How to recognize the nature and qualities of a person by looking at the letter he wrote” was published, which created a sensation among the reading public, and the new teaching gained a lot of followers in Europe.

True, after Louis XV received a description of his handwriting, he ordered all graphologists to be expelled from France. He didn't like the truth they told about him.

Several centuries later, history repeated itself, but in another country - the Soviet Union. Academician Vladimir Bekhterev, who was fond of graphology, spoke on the sidelines of a congress of psychiatrists and neurologists about the results of an examination of Stalin’s letter, which contained the words: “This is the handwriting of an aggressive person with a mania for persecution.”

After this incident, the academician died under unclear circumstances, and graphology was declared a pseudoscience in the country.

How to write a letter

However, graphology cannot definitely be called a science. Rather, it is something between science and art. On the one hand, it is based on a theoretical basis - knowledge of psychological sciences, its own patterns, graphological tables, which collect the signs of handwriting and their characteristics.

On the other hand, handwriting analysis is impossible without the participation of a living specialist, whose professionalism relies more on personal experience and intuition. It is believed that this is why it is impossible to create a computer program that would give a qualitative description of writing.

In America and in many European countries in psychology faculties, in our country handwriting studies are taught only in law schools, but criminologists are not taught to delve into the psychological essence of the author of the letter. As a rule, Russian graphologists (mostly former psychologists or doctors) are interested in studying handwriting, first as a hobby, and then engage in this business professionally. Based on handwriting samples, they can not only determine character traits and describe a person, but also help in personnel selection, determine whether a person is suitable for a particular job and leadership role, give a love forecast based on handwriting, and tell how suitable a man and a woman are for each other. .

My own graphologist

In order to describe a person using a letter or autograph, you need to know the system of handwriting characteristics, each of which can have several meanings. For example, it cannot be said that if a person writes perfect calligraphic letters, then he is a pedant, and if he writes illegibly, then he is a bungler. Everything is much more complicated. Only an experienced graphologist can understand all the twists and turns of writing. However, there are simplified methods that allow each of us to try ourselves as a graphologist.

Even handwriting. Shows willpower writing person, his composure and calmness. Trembling handwriting, on the contrary, is observed in people who are emotionally unstable or who abuse alcohol. It has been noticed that those who write letters sometimes roughly, sometimes beautifully, may behave differently in life.

The slant of the letters. French graphologists of the 20th century associated the inclination of letters with a person’s behavior in society: “When someone wants to show disdain, indifference to another, he behaves straight. On the contrary, cordiality is conveyed forward by the whole body. You involuntarily stretch out your hands to the baby when he runs up to you, but there are people who do not stretch out their hands to the child, these are those who write in standing letters.”

Modern graphologists are almost in solidarity with their predecessors. In their opinion, if a person writes letters with a slight (20-30 degrees) tilt to the right, it is believed that he is inherent in openly expressing his feelings. A slightly greater inclination (about 50–60 degrees) indicates a loving nature and a strong desire to communicate. When a person writes with a significant tilt to the left, this means that in stressful situations one can expect completely unexpected and very violent emotions from him. If the letters are predominantly vertical, the personality is characterized by a balance of rationality and emotionality. Such a person is characterized by analysis of the situation and balanced decision-making.

Arrangement of lines. If the line remains horizontal until the end of the page, it means that the author of the letter is a balanced person who does not get upset over minor troubles at work or at home. A line going up is a sign of optimism. Going down – pessimism and skepticism. If the line is uneven, wobbling up and down, it means a person has a changeable mood and low adaptability. He cannot fully cope with work that requires careful adherence to established rules and attention.

Roundness of letters. The pronounced roundness of the letters may indicate that a person with this type of handwriting is ready to cooperate and easily makes compromises. Angular letters - their author is predisposed to competition and rivalry.

Size of letters. Small letters are a reserved, non-aggressive person. “Tight” small handwriting, difficult to read, suggests that this is a person who is extremely secretive, sometimes stingy. Large letters are an indicator of expansiveness, and in some cases even aggressiveness.

The mystery of the signature

Signature analysis occupies a special place in graphology. We diligently come up with an autograph, model it, invent it. Therefore, it is believed that in a letter a person is what he is, but in a signature he is also what he wants to be. This is the key to predicting future changes in a person’s personality and character, and therefore his destiny. A signature, like a text written by a person, is studied by graphologists according to many parameters, of which there are about fifty. This is the length of the autograph, the roundness and sharpness of the letters, their unity, various decorations, the distance between the letters, the force of pressure when writing, underlining, dots, tails, etc.

For example, the direction of the end of the signature can tell about a person’s attitude towards life: optimistic or pessimistic.

If the “tail” of the autograph goes down, it means that the person is more susceptible to pessimism, which quite significantly suppresses his creative activity. Such people either have no faith in the future, or it is very weak. When the end of the signature is directed straight, this indicates a balance between the manifestations of optimism and pessimism.

If the tail of the signature goes up, it means that optimism prevails in the person’s character, he is full of energy and strives to achieve his goal. If he has disappointments in life, he successfully overcomes them and is reborn with new ideas and strength. Often this is a personality type with a creative bent.

People have always wanted to know more not only about others, but also about themselves. The question often arises, “But what about determine a person's character by handwriting? Nowadays, not only large companies use the services of handwriting determination specialists when hiring, but also parents whose children are at a crossroads.

Cluttered, illegible, neat, small, large, ornate, beautiful, careless... Whatever handwriting there is. Each of us has our own. It begins to form at approximately the age of 8–10 years, is finally formed only at 20, but can change throughout life. And it can tell a lot about us. Scientists have long established that there is a certain connection between a person’s handwriting and his character: when writing, hand movements are controlled by the brain, and therefore bear an imprint mental processes flowing in it. So, do you want to draw psychological picture person? Analyze his handwriting!

General information

What is graphology? Graphology is scientific field knowledge, studying the laws of dependence between handwriting and personality, human character. Graphological analysis is carried out on the basis of a number of parameters: the direction of the line is important (with a shift to the left, right, up and down), and the features of writing letters, and the slope and degree of compression of the handwriting, the location on the sheet... From the combination of these and many other parameters, a individual characteristic. A good graphological analysis provides a complete description - from prospects for personal growth, determination of abilities to sexual preferences and propensity for drug addiction.

Recently, many companies have been using the services of handwriting experts to compile characteristics of specialists hired, as well as to assess some of the characteristics of competitors. So don’t be alarmed if, when applying for a job, you are offered a blank sheet of paper, a slate pencil and asked to write a couple of sentences on a free topic. It is unlikely that you will be able to deceive a graphologist, but by artificially distorting your handwriting, you can do yourself a disservice by receiving a description of a person who is not suitable for the given position.

Psychologist and graphologist Mikhail Petukhov shares the basic principles of graphological analysis.

What do you need?

For graphological analysis, you need text written by hand on a blank sheet of paper. At least four sentences with signature. The larger the text, the better (for example, an A4 sheet).

Principles of analysis. It is better to write with a lead pencil or a fountain pen - this makes it easier to assess the pressure.

Not every handwritten text is suitable for analysis. For example, a congratulation in a postcard is not the best option, since when signing, a person, as a rule, makes some effort to do it as beautifully as possible. The document being analyzed should be written under circumstances when the person is calm and in no hurry. It is best to have several copies written at different times.

Main stages of analysis

1. Pressure

Strong pressure is typical for self-confident and energetic people with high performance. Such people are usually very sociable and attract people with their determination and optimism.

Light pressure most often occurs in extremely sensitive and romantic people. These are dreamers, focused primarily on their inner world. They are responsible, but unhurried, they do everything carefully, trying to avoid mistakes. Often such pressure is a sign of weakness.

2. Incline

A slight tilt to the left is most often found among individualists: they always put their own interests above group interests. Such people have a critical mindset.

Strong tilt to the left. Owners of this style are self-sufficient and independent, they always have their own point of view on any problem.

A slight inclination to the right is the most common inclination of handwriting, characteristic of calm and balanced people. Always open to communication, but also not averse to being alone for some time. Prone to mood swings.

A strong tilt to the right indicates determination and perseverance. Such people, as a rule, are maximalists and strive to be the first in everything, so if they decide to do something, it is on the condition that they get either everything or nothing. They are amorous and very jealous.

Size, outline, location If the handwriting is vertical, then this speaks of internal harmony, a balance of rationality and emotionality at the same time. People with this style carefully analyze the situation and only after that make decisions. The most important character trait is stubbornness.

3. The size of handwriting indicates a person's sociability.

For example, those with large handwriting (more than 3 mm) are open, emotional and easy to find mutual language with people. By nature they are leaders and the soul of any company. They can convince anyone that they are right.

Small handwriting (less than 3 mm) indicates that its owner is a reserved, calculating, secretive and reserved person. He can be trusted with responsible work, as he knows how to fully concentrate on the task at hand.

Broad handwriting – broad soul! This is how creative and talented people write. Narrow letters are a sign of rationality and frugality.

4. Outlines

Round letters indicate kindness and responsiveness, as well as the ability to compromise. If you meet a person with such handwriting, know: you can rely on him, he will always support you in difficult times.

Angular handwriting is a sign of selfishness. A person with such a style strives for independence and does not like being told how and what to do.

5. Line layout

For optimistic people, the line rises towards the end, for pessimists, on the contrary, it goes down. Straight lines are typical for calm, reasonable, balanced people. Uneven lines indicate frequent mood swings or instability of a person.

Graphologist Mikhail Petukhov agreed to analyze for us a series of texts with different types handwriting A small disclaimer: these remarks cannot be considered a full-fledged personality characteristic. A real graphological analysis is a scrupulous study of how, from what angle, and with what pressure a person writes. It is advisable to have an example of how to write all the letters. Only in this case will the specialist give a complete and detailed description of the person.

However, these brief characteristics will give you an idea of ​​how a graphologist works and what conclusions he draws on the basis of which significant elements. Take a closer look, maybe you will find handwriting that is somewhat similar to yours?

Picture 1

Characteristic: Purposeful, consistent, logical (by the coherence of letters, slant to the right)

Figure 2

Characteristic: Consistent (algorithmic), open, stable person (by the stylistic consistency of handwriting, by the inclination of the letter B)

Figure 3

Characteristic: Open, theatrical, extraordinary personality (by consistency of handwriting, by the inclination of handwriting and individual letters)

Figure 4

Characteristic: emotional, charismatic, creative person(by tempo, scope of writing)

Figure 5

Characteristic: Internal conflict, scrupulousness, commitment (by the pressure of handwriting, by the relationship of letter elements)

Figure 6

Characteristic: Stubbornness, opposition (tilted to the left).

Figure 7

Characteristic: Individualism and selfishness (comprehensive assessment of letter tilt and pressure)

Figure 8

Characteristic: Stubborn, consistent, logical person (by vertical inclination of handwriting, pressure, coherence of letters)

Figure 9

Characteristic: An adventurer, a conflicted and crafty person (due to the uneven arrangement of letters, pressure, location on the sheet)

Figure 10

Characteristic: A harmonious, open person, understandable to himself and others (by equal spacing between lines, coherence of letters, legibility of handwriting)

Figure 11

Characteristic: Infantility, stubbornness (based on the vertical arrangement of letters, their roundness and pressure)

Figure 12

Characteristic: High intelligence, acting skills, communication skills (comprehensive assessment: clarity of handwriting, slant to the right, peculiarities of writing letters)