What can you give dad for the New Year, interesting ideas. What to give dad for the New Year: the best ideas What to give dad in NG

Once upon a time, dad himself was racking his brains over what to give you, it’s time to switch roles and now you have to come up with some kind of New Year’s gift for dad. There are a lot of ideas, choose what exactly suits your beloved daddy. What can you give dad for New Year 2020?

Throughout, your dad gave you pocket money and if you were a smart brat, you didn’t spend every last penny. Some things were most likely postponed.

Dad doesn’t need much, just attention, desire and care are enough. Any gift will suit him, the main thing is that it is made with love and presented by his beloved son or daughter. What gift should I give my dad for New Year 2020?

This could be a travel set for checkers or chess, a backlight for the keyboard, a flashlight on a keychain, or even a special backlit bookmark so that his eyes are less tired while reading.

What else can you give dad for the New Year? You can also take a surprise photo. More precisely, put a photo of you and your dad on a T-shirt, a mug, or even a bottle of some alcoholic drink.

If you are under 18 years old, first consult your mother. As for the photo itself, it is better to take it much in advance or find something in the archive. The main thing is that dad doesn’t suspect anything strange, and the surprise would take place.

What to give dad for the New Year. Standard gifts

Well, a standard men's set of a razor, after-shave product, and shower gel is also suitable.

Original gifts for dad

If your dad likes to travel or regularly goes fishing, then give him a solar-powered mobile charger.

If you want to remind dad of his age, you can, of course, give him a warm blanket, a rocking chair and pince-nez, but not all fathers will be happy with an extra reminder that they are no longer the same age.

On the contrary, give your father something modern, such as a baseball cap with a straight visor, a cool T-shirt and sneakers. Of course, he won’t wear it on the street, but he will definitely show off it at home or at the dacha.

What to give dad for New Year's Eve? - make a gift with your own hands

Saving pocket money is, of course, good, but dad will be happy if you spend the money he gives you on yourself. The advantages of handmade gifts are that giving your dad such a gift for the New Year is quite inexpensive, and what’s more, it’s practically free!

Dad will be happy if his daughter gives him a candle made with her own hands. It can be decorated with fir branches, New Year themed drawings and pine cones. What else can you give dad for New Year 2020?

You can also give dad a mini Christmas tree so that he can bring it to work and be warmed up by the love of his children while in a cold office. Yes, and brag about such things to your colleagues good children Any father will be pleased. This homemade Christmas tree can be made from cardboard, glue tinsel to it and add a few sparkles.

Look in your closet with clothes, there are probably old jeans lying around that you haven’t worn for a long time. Don't rush to throw them away. You can use the pockets to make a stylish case for glasses, and one of the legs will make a cool cover for documents.

There are a lot of different objects around us that can get a second life if you use them with imagination. For example, a small package of Pringles chips. It can be used as a stand for pens or pencils. And if several of these packages are glued into one, you will get convenient cells for storing all sorts of useful little things.

We think that for this year (2020) there are enough ideas on what to give dad for the New Year.

What gifts can be given to dad for the New Year 2018? Necessary, useful, beautiful? Choosing suitable gifts always makes us think. Especially when it comes to the closest, dearest and dearest people to our hearts - family members. To make the task easier, many begin to prepare for the holiday in advance, collecting ideas for gifts for dad for the New Year 2018 for several months.

When thinking about what to give dad for New Year 2018, the first thing that comes to mind are the ideas of traditional “male” gifts - those that can be successfully given to any member of the stronger sex.

Alcohol. A bottle of whiskey in a gift tube, vintage cognac or good aged wine - alcoholic drinks rightfully take first place in the hit parade of sure-fire gifts for men for the New Year.

Makeup kit. Most often it is foam or shaving gel + aftershave, sometimes one of the components is replaced with shower gel or deodorant. Mass market manufacturers prepare new sets for each new year, but good sets can also be found in the higher segment.

Perfume. Eau de toilette or cologne - most men prefer not a specific brand, but the dominant aroma in the perfume composition, therefore, when buying such a gift, it is important to know the personal tastes of the recipient.

Office. A good diary in a leather cover, a branded pen, made of ornamental stone desk set - such gifts are suitable for a leader or businessman, but they say little about the personality of the giver.

Heartfelt gifts

A gift for dad for the New Year 2018 can be a demonstration of caring for the person closest to you and a clear manifestation of the warm feelings that you feel for your father.

Plaid. Warm, soft, maybe even fur - a blanket will give you a feeling of comfort on a winter day and will warm you up on a cool spring evening at the dacha. It may come with a thought pillow that can be placed under the lower back.

Rocking chair. Isn't it great to read a newspaper or a book while gently rocking in a rocking chair? What if this chair is not just wicker rattan, but soft, with a special built-in “swinging” mechanism? Your dad will be very happy with such an unusual gift!

Orthopedic pillow. Any, even the best health, begins to decline little by little with age. And the neck and shoulders are the first to suffer. On help will come orthopedic pillow made of natural latex that remembers the shape of the body. The main thing is to explain to your father that you shouldn’t be afraid of her somewhat unusual appearance.

Gifts for collectors

To the uninitiated it always seems that it is easiest to please a person who has a hobby. What’s easier, we reason – we give stamps to a philatelist, a coin to a numismatist, an old book to a second-hand book dealer. And we forget that the value of any collection in the eyes of the collector lies in its completeness and completeness. Are you sure this is the stamp/coin/book your father needs? What exactly is this item missing from his collection? No? Then it’s better to give some of the accompanying materials.

Albums, bookkeepers, containers. Anything that fits the definition of “storage container” is in demand among any collector.

Brushes, tweezers, clamps, magnifying glasses. Likewise, the tools that are used to rearrange and process collectibles are always needed. Moreover, often the same tools are used in a variety of hobbies. For example, a numismatist, a philatelist, and a collector of collectible figurines need a magnifying glass, and tweezers are useful for both a second-hand book dealer and someone who is interested in assembling miniature models.

Light source. The most important item on any collector's gift list is lighting, and if your dad doesn't already have a special lamp with a gentle, bright light, give him one.


All kinds of electronic devices have firmly and firmly entered our lives. We don’t even notice how many useful and necessary gadgets are around us - we don’t notice until they break down.

Tablet. Read a book, find out last news, watch the latest season of your favorite TV series, communicate with your grandchildren via Skype or a social network - the capabilities of the tablet provide this and much more. Teach your father to use the latest advances in technology - or, conversely, learn to use gadgets from him.

Universal remote. TV, audio system, home theater, air conditioning, TV tuner... how many remote controls do your parents have on the coffee table? Replace them with a single device - it’s easier and you won’t get lost.

Fitness bracelet. Another manifestation of concern for dad’s health, because any doctor will tell you how important it is for older people to walk and control their heart rate. The fitness bracelet will calculate the distance traveled, remind you of your daily walk, receive a phone call or SMS message, and also wake you up at the most favorable moment.

Creative gifts

The list of unusual gifts is very extensive. We will focus on several points to give your imagination a boost.

Poker set. Did you know that poker not only allows you to have an interesting time, but also has a beneficial effect on mental abilities? The game develops memory, stimulates thinking and makes both hemispheres work faster - and these are scientifically proven facts. The only contraindication for a poker suitcase as useful creative gift for dad - excessive gambling.

A set for drink connoisseurs. A wine set, as a rule, includes a corkscrew, a special aerator stopper, a knife for cutting foil and some other items. All this is packed in a box or suitcase with locks, so this gift looks truly luxurious. In addition to wine, there are similar sets for connoisseurs of good cognac, whiskey, and sparkling drinks.

Grill, barbecue, cocktail bowl, smokehouse. A man should be able to cook meat - this statement is familiar to everyone. But to cook well, you need an excellent grill or barbecue oven. And additionally - or as an alternative, if you already have a barbecue - you can give a special set for cooking over an open fire. Believe me, in such a matter there are no useless objects, and sooner or later everything will come in handy - special tongs, a spatula, a scraper, and a fan for fanning the coals, not to mention a poker and skewers.

Drive. New Year is the time of fulfillment of desires. Why not give the opportunity to fulfill the secret to your father? Does your dad dream of fishing on Lake Baikal or seeing lotuses blooming in the Volga delta? A trip to one of the recreation centers - in Siberia or near Astrakhan - will be a great gift. Or maybe his secret desire is to learn how to bake cakes? Then give him a ticket to a cooking class. Want to learn how to ride a horse? We give a certificate to the hippodrome. Go rafting down the river? Rafting is also a great gift. Going skiing to the mountains for the first time in your life? Rent a house for at least a day at a country recreation center. Learn to make a “police turn” and drive confidently on ice? The logical choice is extreme driving courses. There are a lot of options here, and almost all of them are feasible without special effort from your side.

But what to do when savings, pocket money or a scholarship are not enough for a valuable gift, but the desire to please your father and please him with a necessary and original thing is very great?

There is an exit. You need to go to the website, recharge yourself with original budget ideas, place an order and be ready to surprise your dad with your resourcefulness. After all, we have many wonderful things, the value of which is much greater than their real cost.

So, we present to your attention a review of useful, interesting and high-quality gifts for men. And each of them is the answer to your question “What to give dad inexpensively for the New Year?”

What to give dad for New Year for 100 rubles?

There is such a wonderful saying: “If you have nothing to give, give attention.” In our case, this means - think about what dad uses every day, compare this thing with the size of your budget and carefully consider the choice. The work is not great, but its fruits will pleasantly surprise both you and daddy.

Passport cover

An original passport cover can tell as much about its owner as a branded bag or status accessory. If dad travels often, you can give him stylish “clothes” for his international passport - the “Flags” cover. It would seem like an inexpensive thing, but it is immediately clear that dad is not an ordinary guy, but a respected tourist with great experience.

But this spectacular “Cool Pepper” passport cover will make even the most serious customs officer smile. In addition, dad will be pleased to realize the fact that he is not just an “ancestor” for you, but also an authority and a good friend.

Inflatable neck pillow

Does your dad spend a lot of time on business trips or does he have an irregular schedule at work with frequent night shifts? Buy him a special inflatable neck pillow. It will give dad a sweet dream on the train or plane and will help him relax as much as possible during a short lunch break. The advantage of the accessory is that it can be pumped up to a comfortable rigidity, making it suitable even for those who have problems with the spine.

Coffee couple

There are many places where dad drinks coffee. This is a home, a dacha and a favorite job. And since men have no time to create comfort around themselves, do it for him. An original coffee pair made of snow-white porcelain will make dad's work coffee breaks feel comfortable at home. If desired, the mug can be supplemented with an inscription or drawing.

Keychain roulette

A tape measure that can be used to measure an apartment, a kitchen countertop, the size of a chest of drawers and a neighbor’s fence is simply a “must have” in the arsenal of every real man. But any owner knows how often these tape measures get lost in the depths of the glove compartment or tool chest. Give your dad a “House” keychain with a tape measure and he will always be ready to estimate the dimensions of everything that interests him.

Massager "Hand"

A bright back scratcher in the shape of a hand is exactly what dad needs for complete happiness. The length of the massager allows it to reach the most difficult to reach places. Now, where you can’t scratch with your own hand, you can use a plastic one!

What to give dad for New Year for 300 rubles?

Such savings already allow dad to select a gift that matches his hobbies. Let's see what you can choose for 300 rubles for a dad, an athlete, a motorist, creative person and lover of active recreation.

Drinking flask with carabiner

If dad is involved in professional sports or prefers to relieve stress after work in gym, then a special drinking flask will be an excellent New Year’s gift for him. The flask can be attached to a belt or backpack, and also carried in sports bag. The material from which this container is made allows it to take a convenient shape and not take up much space.

Snow and ice scraper

Very useful gift a car enthusiast who is forced to spend a lot of time every morning freeing his “swallow” from snow and ice. The working surface of the scraper is made of plastic, so it will not leave scratches on the car. The handle of the device itself is hidden in a warm mitten. Dad's hands will not freeze during snow removal activities, and good mood will stay with him for the whole day.

Thermal mug

A useful gift for dad for the New Year, with which he will be comfortable waiting out traffic jams, driving long distances, warming up on morning fishing and refreshing himself during summer hunting. Thermal mug is a super thing. In it, cold remains cold, and hot remains hot, regardless of temperature environment. Additional advantages of this stylish little thing include a sealed lid, a comfortable handle and dimensions that allow the mug to easily fit into a car cup holder.

Original notebook “For original ideas”

Dad's job is non-stop creative process? Help him fix creative ideas anywhere and anytime - give an unusual notebook “For original ideas" With such a convenient thing, dad does not need to be constantly tied to a computer or laptop. He will be able to calmly rest, walk and relax, without worrying that a sudden brilliant idea will be lost.

Cooler bag

Before dad knows it, the hot summer will come into its own and without cool drinks it will be impossible to fully exist. Stop! For the New Year, a caring child gave him a refrigerator bag that can be carried on his shoulder, carried on a bicycle, or placed in the trunk of a car. With such a thing it’s good to go hiking, meet with friends, or go fishing. Exactly. It's time to think about vacation.

What to give dad for New Year for 500 rubles?

With this amount you can have a good time and pick up gifts for dad for his soul, exciting leisure time and good mood. And here's what we found interesting for your dad.

USB lighter

A very cool thing that dad may not even know exists, but will be endlessly happy to receive as a gift. Firstly, the USB lighter is charged from a computer or laptop, so dad doesn’t have to spend money on gas or gasoline. Secondly, dad will be able to use it in snowy, rainy and windy weather. Thirdly, it’s cool to show off to your work colleagues with an unusual lighter. Well, it’s also a must to be proud of your child’s resourcefulness after such a gift.

Multi-tool flashlight

This is not just a solid gift - it is a compliment to dad’s skill and his ability to easily solve any everyday difficulties. Since a bulky suitcase with screwdrivers and pliers is not always convenient to carry, a bright flashlight, complemented by a set of the most popular tools, will become dad’s faithful companion on trips, on country holidays, at home and at work.

Computer mouse pad with accessories

To do unusual gift Dad doesn’t have to look for exotic souvenirs for the New Year. They are more likely to surprise you with their uselessness than appearance. But if you choose an original thing that you will need at work or at home, then there will be no price for such a gift, despite its real cost. These items include a computer mouse pad, equipped with a removable calculator, a stand for reading documents, a ruler and a compartment for office supplies. A whole desktop organizer for a ridiculous price!

Case for plastic cards

Nowadays, few people use cash. It is much safer to store funds on plastic cards, and it is much more convenient to pay with them. There are no problems with changing large bills, a huge amount of small change and lack of change from sellers. And if your dad is a big fan of cashless payments, then he simply needs a stylish case for plastic cards, where they will be kept in perfect order and safety.

Travel set

It’s good to have a caring mother next to your dad on a long journey. She will sew on a loose button, help clean your jacket, and make sure there is not a speck of dust on your shoes. But it’s not always possible to take your mother on a business trip, but a special travel kit is easy. This compact zippered bag has everything you need to get off the train clean, tidy and ready for that important business meeting. Be sure to include this important gift for dad on your holiday list.

Are you choosing gifts for dad for the New Year 2020? Express warm feelings towards to a loved one New Year's souvenirs that will remind you of you will help.

You can present your father with a photo album with photographs of all members of your family. Photos can be accompanied by aphorisms, lines from songs, wishes, as well as drawings and ornaments in the form of snowflakes, spruce branches, funny snowmen, etc.

Another gift option is a photograph of your family members in beautiful frame, which the father can put on his desk.

What is the best gift for dad for New Year 2020 from his daughter? You can give him a can of good tea or coffee beautiful packaging, a beautiful cup with a photo of your father or members of your family and a congratulatory inscription, a terry towel.

Other gift ideas for dad for 2020 New Year

A wonderful gift for your father for this holiday will be winter leather gloves or warm mittens.

If we talk about what you can give dad from his son for the New Year 2020, then a good option would be things that will help make his home desk more convenient and functional. workplace in the office - a wall clock, an original stand for office supplies, a computer mouse pad, a bookshelf, etc.

List other gift ideas for dad for 2020 New Year. To a business person A diary, a notepad with a beautiful cover, a business card holder, an organizer, a branded fountain pen, a leather briefcase or a folder for papers will come in handy.

If we continue to discuss what is best to give dad from his daughter for the New Year 2020, then it could be a book or collected works of his favorite author, some kind of encyclopedic publication, an art album or a magazine subscription.

Or you can make a gift with your own hands, for example, knit a hat and scarf for your father, bake a delicious cake or cookies for the New Year's table.

What can you give dad for New Year 2020 from his son? Surprise your beloved father with a gift that will be related to his hobby.

A car enthusiast will appreciate such a gift as seat covers, a DVR or a useful accessory for the car.

A fisherman and hunter will need a backpack, a thermos or thermal mug, a pocket flask, a folding multifunctional knife, a charger for solar batteries, picnic utensils, etc.

Choosing gifts for your closest and dearest people is usually the hardest thing. With the approach of the New Year, this problem becomes especially relevant, since everyone needs to choose good gifts. It can be very difficult to decide what to give dad for New Year 2020 from his daughter. We'll show you how to please daddy and make the best present in the world.

How to choose the right gift for dad for New Year 2020

To please your loved one, you need to remember the basic rules of choice good gift to dad:

  • Men prefer to receive practical things as gifts, so it's best to avoid useless souvenirs.
  • Think about your father's hobbies and interests, this will definitely give you a good idea.
  • Avoid low-quality items. If you don’t have money for a luxurious present, buy something very simple and small, but of normal quality.
  • You should start looking for a good gift in advance, since it will be difficult to get everything done before the holiday.

It’s good if you manage to tie your gift to the theme of the holiday - New Year. It is also a good idea to present something reminiscent of the symbol of 2020 - the White Metal Rat. Such a gift will remind you of the holiday and bring good luck all year long.

TOP 10 gifts for dad for New Year 2020 from his daughter

  1. Good alcohol
  2. Quality leather goods
  3. Orthopedic sofa cushion
  4. Heated slippers
  5. Universal remote
  6. Digital photo frame
  7. Homemade cookies in the shape of Christmas trees and rats
  8. BBQ set
  9. Christmas decorations
  10. Knitted socks or mittens

Traditional men's gifts for dad for New Year 2020

If for some reason you don’t have enough time to look for an interesting personalized gift, you can choose something traditional that will appeal to most men. The list of such gifts included:

  • Good alcohol. Surely you know what kind of alcohol your father prefers, so you can easily choose a suitable gift. Most often they choose whiskey or vodka in gift boxes, cognac or aged wine. If the bottle is without packaging, you can dress it up new Year costume from corrugated paper. It will turn out fun and beautiful.
  • Bath and shower products. This is not the best of traditional gifts, since it is too banal and boring for everyone. But, if you buy interesting cosmetics self made or exotic and package it yourself, you can give it as a gift.
  • High quality leather goods. Almost any man will need a beautiful belt of a universal model and color or a wallet. A business person will love a beautiful leather briefcase or folder.
  • Glasses, shot glasses, glasses. Be sure to choose something beautiful and suitable for the drinks that dad prefers.

Classic or traditional men's gifts may seem faceless and lacking in personality. Therefore, they must be supplemented beautiful postcards With heartfelt congratulations, written by hand. This will add warmth to the gift and help express your feelings.

One of the most traditional gifts for men is perfume. But you shouldn't give your father cologne. You are unlikely to be able to guess the right scent, and dad most likely already has a bottle of his favorite perfume.

Cozy New Year's gifts from my daughter

The best thing a daughter can give to her dad is love and care. Therefore, cute and warm emotional gifts are one of best options. Our thoughtful gift ideas:

  • Plaid. Soft and cozy, warm and very pleasant gift from daughter to dad. Can choose modern model with sleeves or a cute blanket with cute white rats to match the holiday theme.
  • Orthopedic sofa cushion. It will come in handy when dad wants to get some rest in the evening. To go with the pillow, you can purchase a beautiful pillowcase with a New Year's pattern or with a picture of a white rat.
  • Rocking chair. This is an excellent gift for an elderly father who lives in a private house with a porch or a spacious apartment. Your present will definitely become your favorite place to relax. You can also purchase a massage chair that will help you relax and get rid of muscle and back pain.
  • Heated slippers. Another great gift for an elderly man who often gets cold feet.
  • Desk lamp. It will be useful and young man, who sometimes has to work in the evenings and is an elderly person who likes to read before bed.

When choosing cute and cozy homemade gifts, be sure to consider the interior parents' house. You can choose a beautiful wall clock or alarm clock. Although they are considered not the best gift due to various prejudices, such a gift is quite appropriate for the New Year.

Modern gadgets as a gift to dad from daughter for New Year 2020

Various electronic devices or gadgets have taken a very important place in the lives of everyone and us. If your dad old man who doesn’t keep up with all the latest technology, you can give him something relevant and useful. He probably has a smartphone and a computer, but you can come up with other options, for example:

  • EBook. If dad loves to read, he will definitely like this gift, especially since digital versions of books are much cheaper than paper ones.
  • Universal remote. This is a great invention that will allow you to get rid of a huge number of remote controls on the coffee table and solve all problems with just one.
  • Fitness bracelet. This is an excellent device not only for athletes, but also for everyone who monitors their health. The smart bracelet will tell you when it’s time to go for a walk or take medication, count the distance traveled and monitor your heart rate.
  • Digital photo frame. If dad has frames with photographs of family and friends throughout the house, this device will save space and allow him to look at his favorite photos.

If dad is already very old and finds it difficult to understand modern digital devices, do not rely on the instructions, it is better to tell and show everything yourself.

How to choose a gift for dad based on his hobby for New Year 2020

If dad has a favorite activity or hobby, choosing a gift for him will be much easier. The main thing is to choose something related to your hobby. If you don't know much about Dad's hobbies, you can somehow start a conversation about it. Like all enthusiastic people, he will be happy to tell you many interesting details. You can also ask around on thematic forums.

The most popular and sought-after gift ideas:

  • Collector- an item to add to his collection. If it's too expensive, you can donate something to take care of the collection.
  • For a cooking lover– a good knife, a beautiful apron with pockets, a stylish and bright cutting board, a barbecue set, a folding grill, etc.
  • For a car enthusiast– seat covers, floor mats or trunk mats, driving gloves, smartphone stand, car mug, car organizer, etc.
  • To the fisherman– a spinning rod or a new reel for it, a folding chair, a thermos, a tackle box, an echo sounder, etc.
  • Hunter– multifunctional knife, pocket flask, solar phone charger, binoculars, etc.

Hobbies are very different. For example, you can give a music lover a CD of your favorite artist or a ticket to a concert, and a movie buff will be glad to be invited to the cinema for the premiere. If Dad prefers quiet time at home in front of the TV, he'll love a snack table or a cozy set of cozy pajamas and slippers. And extreme sports enthusiasts need to be given another breathtaking adventure.

To make your gift more New Year's and appropriate to the holiday theme, you can pack it in paper in the colors of the White Metal Rat - white, black, gray. You can also decorate the packaging various accessories metallic color.

What to give dad for New Year 2020 from his daughter with his own hands

A handmade gift is very sweet and touching. This is also an excellent solution for children and teenagers who do not have money to purchase something interesting. Craftswomen who are interested in creativity and handicrafts can also donate their own masterpieces. Children can make cute cards and New Year's compositions. Perfect solution - Christmas decorations made of paper, fabric or natural materials. And an adult craftswoman can knit a sweater for dad or create something else no less useful.

It’s more difficult for those who are not good at handicrafts. Will help out in such a situation simple master classes from the Internet. The most successful solutions:

  • New Year's candles;
  • Handmade soap;
  • Knitted socks or mittens;
  • Homemade cookies in the shape of Christmas trees and rats or with fortunes;
  • Photo frame decorated with coffee beans, seeds or buttons.

When choosing a gift, try to imagine what would please dad and make him become a little happier. And don’t be afraid to create and show your feelings. Sincere love and care of a beloved daughter is one of best gifts for any father.