The stronger the feelings, the more you hide them. How to understand that a man in love is hiding his feelings? The main reasons why men hide their feelings and emotions

The postulate that says that a person in love can be seen from afar does not always work. The fact is that representatives of the stronger sex prefer to hide their feelings from prying eyes, and this is not always explained by their lack of emotionality. How to find out that a man is in love, and how to explain the secrecy of the stronger sex, read on.

Why men in love can hide their feelings

It is generally accepted that the guy must be the initiator of building a relationship. But sometimes you have to wait too long for such an initiative: the signs of falling in love are obvious, but the man does not take the first step towards a relationship. In such cases, a woman needs to push her lover. But it’s worth making sure what feelings are guiding him.

Did you know? The word “love” is borrowed from the Sanskrit language and translated means “desire”.

So, why does a man hide his crush:

  1. Afraid of being rejected. Fear of indifference and lack of reciprocity on the part of the object of one’s adoration can make the most courageous, self-sufficient and self-confident man timid and shy. Shackled by such fear, the guy tries his best to feign indifference to the girl he loves.
  2. He is an avid bachelor, afraid of intrusion into his own loneliness. The thought that someone will break into his territory and he will have to change something in his life terrifies him.
  3. Previous failure on the love front. A fiasco, a painful breakup of a previous relationship, a love trauma become not only a source of fear before building a new relationship, but also a reason for the lack of desire to build something, even in the case of strong love.
  4. Lack of ability to clearly express one's emotions. Often a man believes that excessive emotionality is a sign of weakness, and prefers to carefully hide his true feelings.
  5. Uncertainty about whether this is really love. The fear of being mistaken about the seriousness of one’s own feelings and intentions and of hurting another person can become an obstacle to the development of relationships.
  6. Fear of women. There are many jokes and anecdotes about henpecked men, so a man in love is often afraid that his love and desire to do everything to please the object of his feelings will turn him into an object of ridicule from his friends.
  7. Protective Barrier, which is built so that the woman does not see emotionality and sensitivity.
  8. Unpreparedness for a serious relationship. Even strong love cannot overcome the fear of losing freedom.
  9. Having a family.

Stages of male falling in love

Male love goes through certain stages:

  1. Sympathy. The guy pays attention exclusively to the girl’s external data (figure, eyes, gait, smile, hair), adjusts the girl to his ideal of attractiveness.
  2. Passion. A representative of the stronger sex does everything to attract the attention of the object of his adoration. If the girl does not react at all, he tries to instantly forget about her.
  3. Attraction. A man is guided by deeper feelings. If at the stage of passion he was building thoughts in his head about another affair, then here he is already starting to think about a serious relationship and is trying in every possible way to win the girl. The rupture at this stage will be painful.
  4. Belief. A man who has reached this stage begins to do everything to make a woman fall madly in love with him. He organizes romantic dates, makes surprises, gives gifts, surprises.
  5. Examination of your feelings. A stage generated by male egoism and fear of losing bachelor's freedom. The man is already sure that the woman is in love. But he once again begins to doubt whether he needs a serious relationship and whether he is ready for it. In order to think deeply about these questions, he may disappear for several days: turn off the phone and avoid meetings.
  6. Willingness to love and be good husband . This is a kind of return to the stage of persuasion. A representative of the stronger sex who is ready to love realizes his readiness to bear responsibility for a woman, to be her support, friend, lover, husband, father of their children.

Did you know? There is a disease when a person is neither emotionally nor physically capable of love. Its name is hypopituitarism.

How to recognize a man in love: sure signs

No matter how carefully a man hides his feelings, he will not be able to bypass the vigilance of a woman. What gives it away, read on.


These signs include body language, facial expressions, and gait:

  • the lover begins to monitor his posture, keeps his chest spread wide, tries to constantly play with his muscles, and, if possible, draws in his stomach;
  • the toes of his shoes will always be pointed towards the object of his adoration during a conversation. He will tilt his head and turn his body in the same direction;
  • furtive glances or long gazes sliding over the girl’s entire body, the lover’s pupils are dilated when looking at his beloved, and his eyes sparkle;
  • the lover sighs heavily from time to time, flaring his nostrils;
  • he constantly tries to touch the girl, passing it off as an accident;
  • straightens his hair, tie, blows imaginary specks of dust from his trousers, constantly touches his chin or lightly scratches the tip of his nose;
  • unconsciously begins to repeat the movements of the woman he loves.

Important! You can’t immediately interpret such signs as proof of great love: they only speak of interest.


Physiological signs that indicate a man’s state of love include:

  • reduced timbre of voice when communicating with a girl you like;
  • sweaty palms;
  • accelerated pulse and heartbeat;
  • unintelligible speech and the inability to quickly improve it;
  • running glance.


The lover is betrayed by strange behavior.

Behavioral symptoms of falling in love include:

  1. Communication. Falling in love makes a representative of the stronger sex too talkative or pushes him towards silence - this is how he tries to hide the fact that he is nervous.
  2. The desire to be close or to shorten the distance. Moreover, he appears near the girl, as if by chance, often calls with or without reason, reacts loudly to his beloved’s jokes, and is sad if she is not around.
  3. Excitement. May appear different ways- the desire to hide your hands somewhere, convulsive laughter, fiddling with any object in your hands, embarrassment.
  4. Goodwill. It manifests itself in the desire to please a woman in everything - in unexpectedly treating her with a cup of her favorite coffee during working hours, opening the door, carrying bags.
  5. Generosity with compliments. A man in love is literally ready to sing praises to a woman regarding her appearance, intelligence, character, wisdom, and abilities.
  6. Showing wit and a sense of humor. The guy starts joking, always tries to cheer up the object of his attention, wants to amaze her with the brilliance of his own mind.
  7. Openness. A lover does not hide his desires and plans for the future from his passion.
  8. Long conversations on the phone. There is a stereotype that guys are not fans of long conversations. If we are talking about a lover, then he can talk on the phone for hours.
  9. Investment. Love makes a guy an investor of a girl - he is ready to invest his time, money, strength, connections, efforts, nerves into the relationship.

Important! Even knowing all the signs of falling in love, it’s not so easy to accurately understand a guy’s feelings. You should apply your knowledge, observation skills, and intuition.


Not only girls, but also guys, having fallen in love, begin to devote a lot of time to their appearance. A man in whose heart love has settled also begins to blossom. He can radically change his wardrobe, buys himself new perfume, changes his haircut, becomes gallant, well-groomed, neat.

Manifestations depending on age

Age and marital status can influence how you show love. A young guy, a bachelor and a married guy will show their feelings differently.

Young guy's behavior

A young guy, having fallen in love, can show his feelings completely unpredictably. He will try to look at you closely. A shy person will do it on the sly. If you find yourself in the same company, the guy will give the impression that he is having a lot of fun, making jokes and openly bragging. But as soon as you leave, he will immediately become less cheerful and sociable, even gloomy, and perhaps abuse alcohol.

Important! An original way to show feelings can be to completely ignore the girl. Perhaps the guy is not yet ripe for a serious relationship, or he is driven by complexes.

The guy will want to demonstrate in every possible way his popularity among girls, he may even begin to brag about his amorous exploits. All this is necessary so that the girl becomes convinced that there is no other like her in the world, and even begins to be jealous. The guy may try to establish contacts with your girlfriends, wanting to learn as much information about you from them as possible.
He needs this in order to start communicating with the girl on topics that interest her. If a guy frankly doesn’t like the girl’s social circle, then he will try to overcome himself and treat his beloved’s friends loyally, so as not to alienate her. Wanting to win the heart of his beloved, the guy will give her unexpected gifts and surprises, even awkward ones, and show gentlemanly behavior.

Grown man

Often intuition married women gives the first signals that something strange is happening to her beloved husband. He begins to ignore his wife (he communicates little with her, stops performing his daily duties). The husband may develop new habits - going to the gym, radically changing his diet, spending long periods at the computer (passwords suddenly appear) or hanging out on the phone.

Important! You can’t regard a man’s politeness as falling in love. The fact that he greets you every morning, inquires about your affairs, opens and closes the door for you, does not yet speak of love.

As for the phone itself, the husband begins to make sure that it does not fall into the hands of his wife. The husband’s appearance also begins to change: he constantly pretenses himself, changes his clothing style, trying to look younger. If you notice such signs in your husband, then you should be on your guard: most likely, he has fallen in love with someone else.
The first signs of falling in love of an ossified bachelor are the same as those of any man. The difference is that at any stage he can break down and end the relationship, simply fearing an invasion of his personal space. Accordingly, a girl who decides to build a relationship with a bachelor must be prepared that at any moment her romance may fail.

How do representatives of different zodiac signs show their feelings?

The way a man in love expresses his feelings may also depend on his zodiac sign - more on this below:

  1. Aries They don’t know how to hide what’s going on inside them. Their impulsiveness and temper often cause attacks of jealousy, even if they have not yet revealed their feelings to the woman. An Aries in love tries in every possible way to attract the attention of his passion - he boasts of his character, achievements, and fortune. His compliments may look rude, but he strives to achieve his beloved in any way.
  2. Afraid of change Taurus ready to hide their love as long as possible. It’s their style to send anonymous love messages to their crush, gorgeous bouquets of flowers without a signature, to bother the girl with silent calls (just breathe into the phone without a single word). At the same time, Taurus tries to become bodyguards of their passions - they protect them from problems and help.
  3. Lover Gemini easy to recognize by changes in appearance: he becomes a frequent visitor to fashion boutiques, hairdressers, and gyms. His innate activity only intensifies - trying to hide his feelings, he becomes more flamboyant, reads poetry to his beloved, bombards her with jokes and interesting stories.
  4. Cancer, struck by Cupid's arrow, will not betray his feelings in any way until he is convinced that in front of him is the one with whom he wants to spend his whole life. The fact is that his intentions are serious from the first minutes of falling in love, and he is also very vulnerable and is afraid that his heart will be broken. The only way to show feelings is gallantry, unobtrusive care for the girl.
  5. Leo Men- kings in everything. They express their love expensive gifts and want a wider circle of people to know about it. Leo will brag about his virtues at every step and present himself in the brightest light.
  6. Love Virgo guy easy to recognize by the appearance of sudden romantic notes in behavior. He prefers to secretly present gifts to his beloved, to look at her for a long time, but furtively, and to touch her casually.
  7. Libra guys They cannot hide their feelings even with a strong desire: they actively court the lady and are ready to instantly fulfill all her desires and whims.
  8. The main indicator of love Streltsov- complete ignoring of the woman you like. Such a guy may not even say hello to his passion, let alone shake her hand, ask about business, or help her carry a heavy bag home.
  9. Scorpio Man Quite secretive. You can recognize his feelings by how he strives to have a heart-to-heart conversation with a woman, and by his desire to always be nearby.
  10. Feelings Capricorn guy shows jealousy - he secretly loves and is secretly jealous of the lady of his heart for anyone he meets. Finding himself next to his passion, Capricorn chats tirelessly and makes jokes, but at the same time he gives the girl the opportunity to speak.
  11. If Capricorn is secretly jealous, then feelings Aquarius It's jealousy that shows. He also begins to change dramatically in appearance, even if it looks strange.
  12. Pisces guys romance leads: they shower their beloved with flowers, organize romantic meetings at sunset, read poetry, absorb every word of their beloved and are ready to instantly fulfill her unexpected whims.

If a woman begins to suspect that a man has fallen in love with her, but does not dare to reveal her feelings, she needs to choose the right tactics and naturally push him to the next step.
Some tips on how to do this:

  1. Call a man for a frank conversation, especially if you have known him for a long time. You can directly ask your admirer what is happening to him, if everything is okay. Perhaps during the conversation he will reveal his feelings.
  2. If you just met a guy and began to notice that he is experiencing something more than interest in you, then you can cheer him up with reciprocal signs of attention.
  3. You can’t mock a man’s feelings so as not to hurt him.
  4. If a guy shows his feelings by ignoring him, then it's probably not worth wasting your time and effort on him - most likely, he is not yet mature for a healthy adult relationship.
  5. Refuse the desire to send your girlfriends to your boyfriend to clarify any points: he may interpret this incorrectly, and his feelings will cool down.
  6. Often women try to provoke a man to jealousy. But as a result, the woman gets something completely different from what she expected: instead of opening her feelings and not losing her beloved, the lover pushes her away, considering her easily accessible.

Important! If you notice that a man is not indifferent to you, but you do not feel reciprocal feelings for him, say so right at the initial stage.

As you can see, it can be quite difficult for men to admit their feelings even to themselves, let alone open up to the woman they love. However, most often love is stronger than all fears and stereotypes.

In love affairs, women and men behave completely differently, if the former barely hide their sincere interest in the opposite sex, then the latter carefully hide their sympathy for the lady they like behind 7 locks. Unfortunately, not all men who are truly in love begin to court and show signs of attention. You can find out how men hide their feelings for their beloved and what causes this from this article.

Why do men hide their feelings for a woman?

It is a well-known fact that men carry all their experiences within themselves, while women can cry and be capricious. The same applies to such feelings as sympathy and falling in love. Of course, the character and psychotype of a man are important; choleric people often do not skimp on compliments to beautiful ladies, but even the most ardent choleric person changes in behavior if someone for whom real feelings have arisen appears next to him. The thing is that representatives of the stronger sex are actually very vulnerable and, no less than women, worry and worry about how they look and what impression they make. More often than not, young people find it easier to pack up their emotions than to show them, so as not to seem funny and stupid. Older men are completely afraid of their feelings; it seems to them that if they give free rein to their emotions, their authority, position and place in society may disappear. Every man has his own tricks on how to create the image of an unshakable and indifferent person, but most of them are already known to women. Let's find out in more detail how men hide their feelings.

Men: by nature are such that they often hide their warm feelings for a woman

Men hide their feelings behind masks

There is nothing easier than hiding your true feelings under a mask. Men have several typical behavior patterns, so-called masks, under which those very real feelings for a woman can be hidden.

Mask of Indifference

The most common type of behavior among all men is the game of indifference. This manner of behavior is chosen by quite serious and constrained, and sometimes cunning men. Some people find nothing better than to ignore the object of their adoration so as not to give themselves away, but this is precisely what gives them away. Others deliberately do not say hello and avoid the person whose attention they want to win. If a man deliberately behaves indifferently, it means he wants to be remembered by you, but often he wants to deceive himself, as if you were the first to pay attention to him. Most often, the mask of indifference is a kind of halo that helps him concentrate on work and other matters, but since feelings are stronger, a man is easy to expose. As soon as you approach and ask a couple of questions, it will immediately become clear that if the answers are monosyllabic, the gaze is directed to the side and with his whole appearance the man makes it clear “I’m very busy,” then most likely he is not indifferent to you.

Bully Mask

The so-called “bad guys” are most often very vulnerable and sensitive inside. These are the boys who pull girls' pigtails, and when they grow up, they become rowdy and troublemakers. The problem is that they transform their positive emotions into negative energy. Sometimes, without meaning to, such men can even insult the one they are in love with, because they have become too accustomed to the role of a bully and it is easier for them to give you a sharp rebuff than to admit that their heart is melted.

Mask of Mystery

You can often meet a mystery woman whose personal life, hobbies and friends, little is known. Oddly enough, men began to try on such a mask more and more often. As soon as feelings for a woman appear, the man becomes secretive. The reason for this is still the same - he is afraid of his feelings and that you will find out about them. This is why the mysterious man will not tell you about his family, friends and plans for the coming days in order to stay safe.

Mask of sexuality

Sexy men, around whom frivolous people revolve, also know how to love. But it is easier for them to live in the image of a macho - irresponsible, handsome and narcissistic. Real feelings for a woman scare them, because it means that they need to be more serious and open up to their beloved. Very often, such men are simply afraid of women, knowing that they can twist ropes out of them. The mask of sexuality forces one to keep women at a distance, not letting them into the soul, and what exactly motivates this is known only to the man himself.

Men hide their feelings from themselves

Even though there are typical masks that men like to wear, there is also the usual fear of relationships. A self-sufficient male, who is used to controlling his life himself, is simply afraid that a woman will destroy his established world, and then he tries to hide his feelings not so much from his beloved as from himself. Intense training and sports, frequent trips to bars, constant communication with friends and the emergence of new hobbies - all this can only be a signal that he has fallen in love. Busting his head and his daily schedule, a man leaves no time to think about his beloved. At the same time, there is no specific manner of behavior; he remains himself, trying to get rid of his feelings in this way.

Understanding men can be more difficult than understanding women. These strong and self-sufficient creatures on the outside can turn out to be completely defenseless as soon as love arises in their hearts. Only a wise woman who experiences mutual feelings will find the key to this closed door, despite any masks. Having seen in you a friend, an ally and a girl who knows how to love, no man will want to hide his feelings anymore.

We are accustomed to believing that a woman is the undisputed leader in hiding her true feelings and intentions. According to most women, the reason for this is female dignity, which we try not to lose in this way. But, as life shows, men are also not so simple and predictable when it comes to falling in love. They use various tricks and tricks to hide their love and often demonstrate indifference or even hostility towards the woman they like. Therefore, the question: how to understand that a man is hiding his feelings is not at all idle for many women.

There are many signs that indicate a man is in love, you just need to see them. And to do this, you just need to carefully observe the behavior and reaction of the man you like in various situations. This way you can easily determine what is on his heart and mind.

But before we begin to describe them, I propose to find out: why would a man hide his feelings for a woman?

Why do men hide their feelings and feign complete indifference?

Everything is extremely simple. The society in which we live, our upbringing, has convinced us that showing emotions is normal only for women. The manifestation of any, even very pleasant and desirable feelings for a man means to be weak, vulnerable, inferior. And not only in the eyes of others, but also in their own.

It turns out that men are more dependent on the opinions of friends, other men and women. That is why they will “shoot back to the last”, hiding their feelings so as not to feel dependent and not look weak.

How men hide their feelings

You can often observe how a confident handsome man suddenly hides his gaze and shows embarrassment, and an inconspicuous nerd suddenly appears as a bold and cheeky male, starting a fight or having a blast in a nightclub.

Or a hot-tempered choleric suddenly shows touching concern for someone, and an insecure man suddenly protects the weak, rushing at the brutal hooligan.

The eloquent one is suddenly at a loss for what to say, and the quiet introvert is trying to solve the problems of the girl he likes by literally bombarding her with advice.

As a rule, there is only one diagnosis - the guy is in love. At the same time, he hides his feelings under various masks.

Demonstration of indifference

Yes, this method seems to many representatives of the stronger sex to be the most reliable. Feigned indifference does not allow you to “drop” your masculine pride, but this is on an external level, and inside it is an escape from the fear of refusal or rejection by a girl. Yes, this in some way protects from emotional pain, but the fear only intensifies.

And such behavior sometimes bears fruit: it is demonstrative indifference that can attract the attention and interest of the girl you like: why is he ignoring me? What's so special about it? That's it, interest is awakened, the goal is achieved.

Increased attention to other women

The reception is really working. By arousing interest in himself, and often the girl’s jealousy, the guy achieves his goal - she NOTICES him! He stood out from the crowd of fans and became different from everyone else. Now it’s not so scary to approach your chosen one, you have a better chance of winning her.

Aggression or show of hostility

Guys who are unsure of themselves often behave this way. They are very afraid of rejection from the girl, so they try to mask their feelings for her as carefully as possible. Male psychology argues that this is how immature individuals behave, stuck at the level of development of a teenager who wants to show his dominance, but does not know how to do it correctly.

In this case, if you are interested in a guy, you should pay attention to other signs that may indicate his hidden feelings for you.

How to understand a man's hidden feelings

But, if a man does not demonstrate ostentatious indifference or hostility, how can you find out what he feels for you? How to recognize a man in love?

Quite simple - pay attention to his body: eyes, gestures, habits. The body is not a language; as a rule, it does not lie. And start with the eyes.

Man's look

It is not for nothing that the psychology of relationships advises looking into a person’s eyes, this is how you inspire confidence in yourself and what you say. After all, if you like a person, you literally cannot take your eyes off him. And a man in love is no exception. The reverse is also true.

A man's gaze is sometimes very eloquent. If a man is sure that the woman he likes is not watching him, he examines her, literally admiring the curves of her body, her movements, etc. Some men, on the contrary, cast sidelong glances, surreptitiously, imperceptibly, considering that it is indecent to hold their gaze point-blank for a long time. Therefore, while watching a man, you can easily notice his gaze on you quite often.

Sometimes dilated pupils give away a man in love. It’s no secret that love, passion, acts on a person like a drug. This occurs under the influence of endorphin, the hormone of happiness, which is released due to strong hidden feelings.


Hugs also often show that a man has strong hidden feelings for a woman. A man shows the depth of his feelings by hugging a woman from the back. This is how he subconsciously demonstrates the seriousness of his feelings and intentions. After all, the back is one of the vulnerable places. This is how he shows that he is quite capable of protecting you from life’s adversities.


Body contact is very important for a man in love. Often he involuntarily touches a woman, her arm, shoulder, hand, etc. This is the “attraction” of his body, which is difficult for him to control. Although most often he tries to portray the “accidentality” of such touches, because... I’m not sure about the woman’s reciprocal feelings. Therefore, pay attention to how he “accidentally” brushes against you while passing along the corridor, or touches your palm while holding out coffee, finds himself standing quite close to you in the elevator, or, going down the stairs, again “accidentally” covers your palm with his . All these are signs of his love.

Man's pose

Noticing a woman he likes, a man sucks in his stomach, straightens his shoulders and chest, trying to appear taller and slimmer. We inherited these traits from animals that behave similarly in the wild during mating season. Task: to appear taller, stronger, more attractive. If not an alpha male, then at least larger and stronger than usual.

The man’s body turns towards the woman he likes, while he tries to spread his legs wider in order to take a more stable position in space. After all, mating games are a kind of duel, during which you need to stand firmly on your feet.

Many men, when communicating with a woman, keep their hands in their pockets, while thumbs his hands are outside. This demonstration is not only erotic in nature, but primarily hierarchical. This is how a man demonstrates his dominance, strengthening his authority.

Stroking objects

At first, he often cannot afford to touch the woman he likes, so he is forced to stroke small items: the stem of a glass, a keychain, the handle of a cup, etc. This is a subconscious desire, indicating his excitement and desire to touch, stroke and caress his chosen one.

These are signs of the body by which you can understand the hidden feelings of a man.

How does a man in love behave?

Loud conversation

When a man is in love, one of the ways to attract a woman's attention is to talk louder than usual. In this way, he tries to attract the attention of a woman dear to his heart with his jokes, phrases, laughter and statements. This is reminiscent of the roar of a male in the wild during mating games. But it is quite suitable for distinguishing his attitude towards you.


Jealousy, open or hidden, always indicates that a man is not indifferent to you. This is one of the most obvious signs that a man is in love. As soon as he sees a competitor, a man uses more obvious ways to attract the attention of the woman he likes or shows open aggression towards his rival.

A man hides his feelings, how to understand this?

A man hides his feelings, how else to understand this?

Actions and deeds that are unusual for him will eloquently tell about this: a silent person suddenly becomes overly talkative, and a talkative person becomes withdrawn. But that's not all. Slight trembling of the voice, sparkle in the eyes, darting gaze, small pleasant surprises, and, of course, the man’s changed appearance also indicates that he is in love.

But still, the main sign of a man’s hidden feelings will be his actions - this is the most eloquent and real proof of a man’s attitude towards you! And they, as you know, speak for themselves.

Good luck in love!

People are different from each other, especially men from women. They think and act differently. Their actions defy explanation. A woman can naturally read information from gestures, eye and facial expressions. How can you tell if a guy you know is in love but is hiding his true feelings? Let's figure it out together.

Why does a guy hide his feelings?

The young man likes the girl, he does not show feelings for her. Think about it, maybe there are reasons for this:

  • believes that feelings and tenderness are a sign of weakness;
  • afraid of looking funny;
  • fears being misunderstood and rejected;
  • he has a family;
  • is in shock from what happened.

Signs of a guy in love

Love is a magical feeling that makes people change for the better. No matter how a man tries to hide it, behavior and actions reveal his true nature. In this case, pay attention to signs of sympathy.


The man becomes flexible and caring. It is important for him to see the woman he loves more often; he looks for any excuse to meet.

He tries not to offend his beloved, selects the necessary words, and pays more attention. Listens to advice and agrees with the lady of his heart in everything. If the passion needs help, he will immediately lend his shoulder.

A trusting relationship is established between them. He shares plans, experiences, talks about the past and dreams. But this is not so easy to do, even if you have a friend in front of you.

How else can you understand that a guy is sincerely in love, but desperately hides his feelings? He is cheerful and witty. Boasts of achievements, successes, financial opportunities.

With all his might he wants to appear with the best side. It is important for him that the woman sees a serious, promising and responsible person in front of her. The best best wishes.


The lover is betrayed by a look full of tenderness and delight. The guy keeps him on his passion for quite a long time. But at the same time, it is difficult for him to withstand her gaze; he looks away. After a while, he again looks at the woman he loves. And she intuitively grasps his feelings.


Another sign of falling in love is a sudden change in appearance. He is all clean and shaved, smelling of perfume. Changes hairstyle. Some men start going to the gym because they really want to please the object of their worship.

The guy becomes more neat and tries to dress tastefully. New beautiful things and accessories appear. Many people change their style radically.

If a young man experiences only sexual attraction, his back is straight. He shows the woman that he is strong and portly. A person in love, on the contrary, develops a certain stoop and awkwardness in movements.


How to understand by gestures that a guy is in love, but makes no attempts to get closer and hides his feelings. You can always see a lot if you look closely at a person.

Such a man is betrayed by trembling excitement, he is not calm. Hands are constantly in motion: shifting various small items, fiddles with them in his palms.

The guy wants to touch the woman he loves. He uses every moment to make close contact with her (straightens his hair, removes a leaf from it, etc.).

Looks intently into the eyes. He often straightens his curls with his hand and smoothes them. This gesture suggests that the young man wants to please the lady.

An exception

It happens that in the general picture of manifestations of love there may be exceptions. Many men don’t show their feelings because they don’t know how to do it. They are too proud, unsure of the true motives of love.

However, such a man can be “declassified” by his behavior. He avoids communicating with his crush, stays away from her. Afraid to show feelings, hides them behind a mask:

  • indifference;
  • increased attention to other women (causes jealousy);
  • hypertrophied care (trying to please, to be gallant);
  • jealousy of other potential competitors (if the person is not jealous at all).

Women's tricks - options for “exposure”

How can you tell that a guy is in love if he shows interest but hides his feelings? Let's go for little tricks!

Option #1. If there is a party at which the object of worship will be present, allow the other man to give you a little attention and gentle advances. Or arrange in advance with a friend to come as a fan.

Look at the test subject's reaction. His behavior may change:

  • demands attention;
  • speaks louder than usual;
  • jokes a lot;
  • deliberately starts a quarrel with an imaginary gentleman;
  • restless.

Option #2. Invite your crush on a date. Come up with a simple reason for a meeting without hints of an intimate relationship:

  • go to a classical dance lesson together (need a partner);
  • spend time at the skating rink;
  • visit an art exhibition that has opened (if the guy is knowledgeable, invite him as an expert);
  • go to a concert of your favorite singer (you have an “extra” ticket).


Maybe you will have other ideas to communicate with the object of adoration and check his attitude towards you.

His behavior will reveal his true intentions. How to understand that a guy is in love if he is not indifferent, but at the same time hides his feelings?

The guy's first reaction is the most sincere and truthful. If a man loves, he will happily respond to one of your proposals and reschedule things.

If you tried in every possible way to provoke jealousy on the part of your chosen one, and in response you received complete indifference, this indicates indifference. And don’t have any illusions about the guy’s secret crush.

Sometimes you need to take the first steps towards yourself, to understand the existing relationships and feelings. Sometimes it is they who help the man he loves to open up, give him the opportunity to confess his feelings and get closer to his beloved.

It’s not for nothing that they say that a woman and a man are from different planets: they think, feel and express their feelings in different ways. At the moment when a woman strives with every fiber of her body for a serious relationship, a man keeps an emotional distance, trying to hide his feelings.

Sometimes it seems to you on a subconscious level that he is in love with you, but for some reason he does not admit it. Why stronger sex Is it natural to hide your feelings? What prevents him from crossing the line and entering into serious relationship? And how can you even recognize that this guy is not indifferent to you? Let's try to figure it out.

A woman simply needs to realize that she is loved and appreciated. Tender words, passionate hugs, beautiful deeds Every girl needs them like air. Without expressions of feelings, she simply languishes, and at any stage of the relationship.

There may be many reasons why he does not confess his feelings to you. Let's look at the most common ones.

    Fear of being rejected. Even a successful, self-sufficient and self-confident man sometimes becomes timid and shy. Fearing that his sympathy will not be mutual, he will prefer to pretend that he is completely indifferent to you.

    The habit of living alone. He was simply accustomed to bachelor life. A sort of independent alpha male, he likes to live this way, and he is not going to change his foundations and habits for your sake.

    Bad experience. Perhaps your chosen one will not admit his feelings because he experienced a difficult breakup. Men who have such experience in their lives often try not to constrain themselves with serious obligations.

    Restraint in emotions. This is a kind of stereotype that a man should be restrained and not emotional in any matter. All high feelings, be it sympathy or love, are perceived as weakness. And since a man is the stronger sex, he will try not to show interest in you until the last moment. Especially so as not to become known as a weakling among your friends.

    Uncertainty about your feelings. If the guy himself can’t figure out what he feels for you - fleeting sympathy or high feelings, then you definitely can’t expect any confessions in the near future.

    Fear of becoming henpecked. A representative of the stronger sex often has a fear that if he confesses his love, then his chosen one will begin to manipulate him and take advantage of his feelings.

    Method of protection. In fact, guys are sensitive, and sometimes very vulnerable. Therefore, the secrecy of feelings in this case can be regarded as a kind of armor that protects a sensitive nature.

Psychological fact!
At the moment of conquering a woman, a man experiences a large release of endorphins, and he experiences a feeling similar to euphoria. And when a woman needs to move to a more serious level of relationship, the man experiences stress and physiological discomfort. This is why men often run away from serious relationships.

A man in love is one who loves to look at a woman asleep and enjoy her from time to time.

Frederic Beigbeder

Signs of a man falling in love

If you are trying in vain to find the hidden meaning in certain actions of a man, trying to see in his eyes feelings that he does not admit, then pay attention to his behavior around you. And although every man is individual, there are still some common signs of falling in love. Let's take a closer look at them.

Takes care of his appearance

If a man begins to be more meticulous about his appearance - go to the gym, pay more attention to his hair, dress up, and smell of expensive perfume, then you can be sure that he is not indifferent to you!

Talks a lot about himself

As soon as he begins to fall in love with you, you will immediately learn a lot of new things about him, and he will tell you about his many positive qualities himself. A man, like a peacock, begins to “fluff his tail” and do everything to please his chosen one.

If he told you about all his achievements, talked about the noble deed he committed, played the guitar and recited a poem he learned in the third grade - rest assured, his thoughts are only occupied with you!

Shows concern

For a man in love, a woman is a crystal vessel that he protects day and night. He has an irresistible desire to help and take care of his companion. So if a guy on a cool spring evening, as if by chance, threw his jacket over your shoulders - this is a good sign!

Thinking about material well-being

Has the man started to think about financial stability? It is likely that the thought of starting a family crept into his head.

When I don't say anything it's good sign: That means I'm timid. And when I’m timid, it’s a very good sign: it means I’m embarrassed. And when I’m embarrassed, it’s a very good sign: it means I’m in love. But when I fall in love, it's a very bad sign.

Frederic Beigbeder

In addition to clearly expressed concern, a man can be betrayed by unconscious signs. He can deceive you and hide his sincere feelings, but he certainly will not be able to deceive body language. Remember, he may not admit anything to you at all; his postures, facial expressions and gestures will tell him everything he thinks about you.

Psychological fact!
A person in love has unstable behavior. The mood constantly changes - from sadness and thoughtfulness to joy and fun.

Sign language of a man in love

    The body of a man in love always looks a little tense and constrained.

    He is often shy and worried, and a sign of this will be shaking hands and sweaty palms.

    A man involuntarily tries to demonstrate his body - he straightens his shoulders, showing off and thereby attracting the woman’s attention.

    If a woman attracts him sexually, then during the period of communication with her he will begin to touch his thighs every now and then and put his hands on the belt.

    When talking to the woman he loves, a man almost always tries to reduce the distance on a subconscious level. With or without reason, he tries to get closer, penetrating personal space.

The look of a man in love

Unconscious glances of a guy in love towards his object of adoration. If a young man is interested in a girl, then he will admire her. And realizing that it is simply indecent to look at a woman so closely, he, like a teenager, will hide his gaze and avert his eyes.

So if your companion is not a special agent, then you will definitely notice how he looks at you, unconsciously lingering his gaze on your lips. And even though these glances will be as if on the sly, you will still definitely notice them, since they will be very frequent.

I believe! These eyes don't lie. After all, how many times have I told you that your main mistake is that you underestimate the value of human eyes. Understand that the tongue can hide the truth, but the eyes can never!

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov