Break dancing for girls. Active dance classes for women. Breakdancing for girls training We offer you

I received this letter:

“Hello Slan! Yesterday I spent a whole hour in the library reading your works on breaking. I have several questions for you that are very important and relevant to me. I have been practicing lower breaking for 1.5 years now, but due to frequent moves and exams, it was not always possible to train regularly. Something is working out, but there is still a lot of work to do. I seem to be a capable girl, and even my advanced age for sports (17 years old) does not bother me. I'm not afraid of pain, I'm learning Gelik now.
But that's not the point. I have faced vicious discrimination against women in the break many times. I have been told to my face more than once that a girl should only be an adornment to her breaker boyfriend. Like, girl, don’t even bother... But I’m an extreme child, I continue to study.
Do you think breaking is a woman's business? Why is it that every time I stand up on my hands, the guys are delighted, although there is nothing special about it, and when I fall and hit them, they collectively regret it? They don’t feel sorry for themselves, but they lecture me about how to be careful. I'm embarrassed to train and perform!!! The most annoying thing is that I don’t know a single b-girl personally.”

The letter is signed, but the author very much asked that her name not be mentioned if it is used in the newspaper.
Eh, I didn’t think that I would ever write about the problems of b-girls, but apparently I have to start sometime. Everyone knows that breakdancing is a predominantly male dance, but there are also representatives of the fair half of humanity who are ready to show off their strength and dexterity on the dance floor. Alas, the results of such brilliance are quite often disastrous. In my opinion, the whole problem is that girls do not perceive breakdancing as a whole, that is, as a combination of several styles: power moves, style, uprock. Personally, I have never in my life seen a b-girl master all the styles of breakdancing.
Some girls start breakdancing in order to learn how to do the elements of a power move as cleanly and quickly as guys. However, due to physical characteristics, the process of learning the elements for girls is much slower. While b-boys are already practicing the fly-headspin-fly sequence, b-girls are just learning how to enter the second turn of the windmill. Accordingly, many give up this disastrous business without seeing any positive results. In addition, an aching body after training, completely covered with bruises and abrasions, is not the best incentive for practicing breakdancing. Your humble servant himself recalls with horror the first 1.5 years of training - persistent hematomas in places often in contact with the floor, dislocated fingers and torn skin on the wrists. So what can we say about the girls whom we are used to seeing beautiful, well-groomed and smelling nice! Can you imagine your girlfriend covered in bruises, bald from headspin and amnesiac from regular concussions? This is terrible! In order not to delve into the jungle of feminism, I will simply quote the classic: “When men come home from the battlefield with bloody wounds that become scars, it does not make them uglier - on the contrary, it is evidence of courage. What should make a man attractive is not his appearance, but his courage on the battlefield! Women, on the other hand, are attractive because of their beauty, purity and graceful appearance!” So it’s quite natural that guys don’t feel sorry for themselves during training and battles, while at the same time sympathizing with girls if something doesn’t work out for them.
But the B-girls don’t give up and continue to beat the “hated” helics. And, one might ask, why? A girl will come out against a b-boy, make a “fly-helik-babymills-headspin-helik” combination, and everyone will rejoice not at the combination, but at the fact that the girl did it. Trying to prove their equality with the guys, b-girls dive headlong into power moves and treat breakdancing like gymnastics, completely forgetting about its dance components. Dear girls, develop in different directions, because, as practice shows, there are a couple of interesting “tricks” and beautiful dance can easily erase all your achievements in powermoving in a few years!
It happens that girls go to the other extreme, preferring more danceable styles of breaking, that is, locking and electric boogie. If these styles are misunderstood, which happens very often, B-girls make excellent backup dancers for Britney Spears, but it can hardly be called breakdancing. By the way, all b-girls crew of Kirov have this particular drawback.

In addition, there is no school of breakdancing as such; everyone trains depending on their desire. In sports, everything is done under pressure: if you need results, then be ready to train until you sweat blood. And due to the fact that athletes regularly train for almost 8 hours a day, they have such high results. In breakdancing, no one is pushing you: if you don’t succeed in an element, then you can go relax and chat with friends. In general, if you don’t want to, then you don’t have to bother. Therefore, it turns out that the desire to breakdance is gradually crowded out of consciousness by more worldly and safe things, and girls unnoticed by themselves leave breakdancing, not staying in it for a long time. They motivate their departure this way: “If only I could study with an instructor, then yes, but I can’t do anything.” Not everyone has the desire to voluntarily crash on the floor for 2-3 hours in a row, finding the only correct execution of an element through their own mistakes.

It may seem that I am categorically against girls breaking, but this is not the case. I am for freedom of thought and creativity in all its manifestations: if you want to train “gelik”, train for health, if only for joy. And it doesn’t matter what others say if you like it yourself. But in fact, out of thousands, only a few achieve real heights. You just need to remember: in order to get results, you need to train a lot, and not all b-girls succeed. In front of me, several girls vowed to persistently practice breaking almost every day - after a couple of weeks there was no word from them. And one more thing (this applies not only to b-girls): get new information on breaking from wherever possible, take part in battles, communicate with b-boys. This is the only way you can create your own unique style, and breakdancing will always play with new colors for you. I would advise girls to watch how Coty The Girl (“Circle of fire”), Abby Girl (“Problems crew”), Babyson (“Wanted”), Beebish (“Connection”), and the Japanese female team “Cat's eye” dance "

Today, seeing a girl as a bearer of hip-hop culture is no longer as unusual as it was just five years ago. Hip-hop is progressing day by day and today can rightfully be considered a developed culture, popular all over the world, and Russia is no exception. Hip-hop dancing is progressing day by day, and today in hip-hop dance training there are already many more girls than boys, but this was not always the case.

Here is my (once very relevant) article, published in 2005, dedicated to the problems of girls in hip-hop culture. True, back then they danced mainly breakdance, hip-hop dance in the form in which it is now - it was just in its infancy. Therefore, the article will be especially interesting for girls who are learning or are planning to learn breakdancing.

“Seeing a girl as a bearer of hip-hop culture is unusual for many... Some people have never encountered them, many consider them a curiosity, others do not take them seriously at all... Before taking on the problems of girls in the world of hip-hop, I read many articles on on the same topic, but in none of them did I find clear answers to the questions that keep b-girls from sleeping at night. Visiting even local forums you can see a lot of ongoing debate about girls in wide pants, etc. It’s a shame that many guys (part of the culture) and girls (not part of the culture) fundamentally underestimate the abilities of b-girls, or simply ignore them and reward them with ridicule in the style: “Like, girl, don’t even bother...” But, if you look at it from another perspective On the other hand, girls who were able to achieve something, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s breaking or rap, are worth their weight in gold, surrounded by constant attention, fame and respect, and no one cares anymore that there are guys who can do more...
I grew up in the provinces, and here it’s generally difficult to find like-minded people... When I first started studying, all the carriers of culture who were more or less seriously interested in this most often knew each other by sight and we tried our best not to lose touch between yourself. Then I could not even think that one day I would meet a girl who would breakdance or rap... But over the years, as I became more and more famous and respected person in dedicated circles, people began to come to me More and more girls are asking me to teach them how to breakdance, rap, or draw graffiti. Most often these were single b-girls who never dreamed of finding female associates...

I remember how one day, around 2003, a girl came up to me and asked me to join her team of breakers. I remember I was very surprised and, clearly underestimating her, said: “No. I feel sorry for you". But the girl turned out to be stubborn, and I agreed to look at her in action. Imagine my surprise when she did a helik, of course very feminine, not at all like the guys, but she did it!
On one of the sites I saw a published letter from a single b-girl, which, in principle, contains most of the main problems:

"Hello! I have several questions for you that are very important and relevant to me. I have been practicing lower breaking for 1.5 years now, but due to frequent moves and exams, it was not always possible to train regularly. Something is working out, but there is still a lot of work to do. I seem to be a capable girl, and even my advanced age for sports (17 years old) does not bother me. I'm not afraid of pain, I'm learning Gelik now.
But that's not the point. I have faced vicious discrimination against women in the break many times. I have been told to my face more than once that a girl should only be an adornment to her breaker boyfriend. Like, girl, don’t even bother... But I’m an extreme child, I continue to study.
Do you think breaking is a woman's business? Why is it that every time I stand up on my hands, the guys are delighted, although there is nothing special about it, and when I fall and hit them, they collectively regret it? They don’t feel sorry for themselves, but they lecture me about how to be careful. I'm embarrassed to train and perform!!! The most annoying thing is that I don’t know a single b-girl personally.”

I will try to answer the questions, but first, I want to say that this is just my point of view and many people think differently. So let's get started:

“Do you think breaking is a woman’s business?”

Answering this question, I would like to add that just a couple of years ago I would have answered completely differently... Just recently I would have said: “No, what are you talking about! Can a girl break? This is wild, and besides, it’s useless...” But, they say, time heals. And I say - time teaches. Now I, based on my own life experience, I can say that a girl can remain feminine in any activity and she can also break dance femininely. Various “experts” of this art will try to challenge me, proving that breaking necessarily involves rotations on the head and other parts of the body, acrobatic elements, wide pants, robes, bruises, permanent injuries, pumped up muscles, etc. It's not like that at all. There are many different directions in breaking, some of which, I would say, are even more suitable for girls than for guys. Here everything depends on what path the b-girl herself chooses. It is worth noting that breakdancing, starting from the second part of its word, is first and foremost a dance. And girls often move to music even better than guys. And that's a fact. And if dancing comes naturally to girls, then why not dance? On my own behalf, I want to say: Dear girls, do not think that breakdancing is only about strength + rotation. Breakdancing is dance, the ability to get into the rhythm, individuality of performance, self-expression and much more... so, my answer: it doesn’t matter who you are, a guy or a girl, the main thing is the ability to “show what you’re worth, not in words.”

“Why is it that every time I stand up on my hands, the guys are delighted, although there is nothing special about it, and when I fall and hit them, they collectively regret it?”

Well, again, starting only from my point of view, I can say that for many guys it is still unusual to see a girl in a break. They regret it because girls are still the weaker sex... And scars adorn only men... For me, younger sister she does break dancing and I wouldn’t like to see her with bruises, abrasions and scars... Therefore, my advice to you, girls: you don’t have to dance the way guys do, in breaking, individuality is much more valued, the main thing is to perform beautifully and smile more often... More dance, girls.

“I’m embarrassed to train and perform!!!”

But you don’t need to do this... Girls, remember: b-girl is still a rarity. Plus, the public's demands on girls are much weaker than on boys. I want to say that it’s unpleasant to watch a girl crash on the floor, it suits guys better... Therefore, more dance, dear ladies... My advice is to stick to the style and footwork, if you decide to dance the low break. In these directions, girls look much nicer than in power move...

“The most offensive thing is that I don’t know a single b-girl personally.”

Come to my training =)) I’ll introduce you to people just like you. Yes, for now there are few of you... But, further - more. Lately I have had to work with a lot of b-girls, I would immediately like to note that when a b-girl is alone in training, she works out much more intensely, apparently because she takes an example from the guys, but if the girls are in break training a lot, conversations, jokes and hack work are sure to start. I’m saying this as a coach. Girls, be more serious..."

One of the most popular trends in hip-hop culture is breakdancing. In the states, Break-dance is traditionally called breaking or b-boying. In Russia, it is customary to either breakdance or simply “break”. Guys who break dance are called b-boys from the word b-boying.

Girls who breakdance are called bigel, in English - b-girl.

There are not so many girls in breakdancing, only 10-15% of the total number of breakers. Perhaps that is why they are extremely popular among guys who are interested in hip-hop culture. Often a few simple moves are enough for a B-girl to blow up the dance floor and win the hearts of all spectators. In Russia there are fewer girls who breakdance than in the West, but we have the power to change this!

We offer you:

  • Convenient location: just one minute from Dubrovka metro station(15 minutes from Volgogradsky Prospekt metro stations)
  • Excellent and well equipped rooms
  • Very affordable prices
  • Student discounts
  • The very center of Moscow
  • Experienced choreographers
  • Individual approach
  • Convenient schedule and class times
  • Opportunity to perform at our events, concerts, clubs, festivals and competitions (if desired)
  • Opportunity to join the main team of our break team.

All you need is to sign up for breakdancing classes or contact us by phone:

  • +7 495 669-8-555
    +7 926 77-000-86

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Breakdancing was born in the western boroughs of New York in the early 70s

XX century as a street dance. At first, this style was considered an underground culture, but already in the early 80s it gained wide popularity.

Breakdancing includes four main directions: toprock (vertical movements with legs; standing), downrock (movements with legs; resting hands on the floor; so-called “paths”), freezes (fixation in one position, on one or two hands, sometimes with your head) and powermove ( twisting elements and connections between them: rotations on the head, jumps on the hands, rotations on the hands or on one hand by 360, 720 or more degrees ).

The division of breakdancing into “lower” and “upper” is conventional, since breaking is a combination different elements dance, as well as changing levels.

It is believed that breakdancing is predominantly a male dance, but it is also interesting for girls. The main difficulty is heavy physical activity and the presence of strength elements. Street dance school Trix Family conducts breakdancing classes for girls. In our team, b-girls train and perform absolutely on equal terms with b-boys, and taking into account the characteristics of female plasticity and flexibility, the elements acquire special beauty and effectiveness.

Exercise will help keep your muscles toned and your body in excellent condition. physical fitness. If you want to be on the move, then breakdancing is your choice!