Free cards and congratulations for Tatiana's Day. Congratulations on Tatyana's Day to a woman - poetry, prose, SMS Postcard on Tatyana's Day January 25

We offer you to download postcards for Tatyana's Day on January 25, as well as bright and unusual congratulations. It has happened in our history, and this is not a trend of modernity, but a centuries-old tradition, that Tatiana’s Day, January 25, is also All-Russian Student’s Day. In the old days, the Student's Day holiday in January was very common, but not officially established. However, since 2005, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree according to which congratulations on January 25 are officially due to students too.

A greeting card is a classic and traditional option to congratulate a person on a holiday, but at the same time not just say some wish in words, but also try to express with feelings and emotions what has accumulated in the soul. Quite often it happens that it is not possible to express a large number of feelings in your own words and the congratulatory option may be lost. However, this definitely won’t happen with our postcards.

Do you know why these two seemingly completely different holidays are celebrated throughout the country on the same day? History takes us back to the distant year 1755, when the first university, higher education institution was opened in the Russian Empire, and a scientific society was formed within the walls of an important building. The university officially opened on January 25. But the paradox is that for the first 35 years the opening was celebrated on April 26, the day of the coronation of Empress Elizabeth the First. There is nothing unusual about this, they just wanted to please the Empress, so they moved the date to a few months later.

But when Nicholas the First became emperor, historical justice was restored. In order to somehow make amends for the past three decades, a temple was built on the territory of Moscow State University for students and teachers, and the temple was consecrated in honor of St. Tatiana. And this was not accidental, because it is on January 25 that the day of St. Tatiana is celebrated in the Orthodox church calendar. This is how both holidays seemed to merge and today it is no longer possible to imagine that on January 25 they wanted to download free postcards, for example, for Student’s Day, but they didn’t want to download them for Tatiana’s Day.

In our modern times there are quite a lot of some original Russian holidays, the traditions of which are intertwined and confused, like the consciousness of the Russian people. Probably, in other cultures it is definitely not possible to celebrate the Old New Year or Tatyana’s Day, which harmoniously and quite logically combines with the All-Russian Student’s Day.

Every reader will find congratulations and cards on Tatyana’s Day on January 25 in a wide variety in this material. Additionally, from all the employees of our site I would like to congratulate dear Tatyana on Angel’s Day, and the students on their important day during the year. May the angel always be near, and may all sessions, not only student ones, but also life ones, pass quickly and easily.

Completely free from this material you can download stylish and cool, fashionable, original and interesting postcards for Tatyana’s Day on January 25th. You can find explanations about why this holiday is celebrated on January 25 in the Orthodox church calendar. The fact is that on this day the church celebrates the day of remembrance of the Holy Martyr Tatiana. That's why all girls and girls with this name, regardless of age, celebrate their name day.

But many are also interested in the fact how it happened that a postcard for January 25 can be dedicated not only to beautiful ladies with this name, but also to students. The fact is that in our country it is Saint Tatiana who is considered the patroness of students and the intercessor of all students. On the territory of Moscow State University, and this is the first higher educational institution that was opened in the Russian Empire, there is a temple consecrated in honor of Tatyana.

But it’s still not entirely clear why students also accept congratulations on January 25th. The fact is that Moscow State University was opened by Elizabeth the First on January 25th. True, for the first 35 years the founding date of the university was considered April 26, but this was far-fetched to please the empress. In fact, the opening day of Moscow State University was precisely January 25. When historical justice and the date returned, a temple was opened on the territory of Moscow State University and consecrated in honor of St. Tatiana. Since those ancient times, and this happened in 1791, Tatyana’s Day in our country coincides with Student’s Day. Russian students have been receiving congratulations at the official level on this day since 2005. Then Putin, being president, signed a corresponding decree.

In honor of January 25th, we offer you to download a greeting card version for free. They can be downloaded from this material or from the blocks given in this article. There, too, you will not have to register or pay additionally; all congratulations and specific wishes will be available to every interested user.

Postcards with Tatyana's Day on January 25 will help to congratulate all Tatyanas, as well as students on their day. In conclusion of this material, I would like to remind you that the date of this holiday does not change from year to year and always falls on this date. Therefore, in the calendar for next year, the date can already be made festive and in advance, perhaps, some postcards downloaded today can be left for next year in the folder prepared for this.

The editorial team of our site would also like to congratulate Tatyana on her angel day. We wish you health, so that every lady with this name feels her guardian angel over her shoulder and correctly understands the signs he sends in time. I would also like to congratulate all the students who are still in this wonderful young age: enjoy the free student life, live cheerfully from session to session.

SMS congratulations on Tatyana's Day, January 25

Tatyana's Day, January 25, is the main and favorite holiday of all students, celebrated throughout Russia since 1755. This holiday was invented and made so popular by Empress Elizaveta Petrovna. Why is Tatyana’s Day, Students’ Day, celebrated on January 25? The fact is that January 25 is the day of the Great Martyr Tatiana. And it was on January 25, 1775 that the Empress signed a decree according to which Moscow University was established.

For more than 200 years of its history, Tatyana’s Day has been loved by all students; it is celebrated in universities across the country: from Vladivostok to St. Petersburg. Tatiana's Day 2013 is celebrated by students not only in their educational institutions (here, most often, the official part of the holiday takes place), but also in clubs and concerts at the largest city venues.

In 2005, with the stroke of a pen, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an order according to which Tatyana's Day on January 25 became an official holiday

“I congratulate you on Tatyana’s Day”
Congratulations on Tatyana's Day
Let the best only remain in him,
May your dreams come true soon,
And the bad things in life will be forgotten faster!”

“Well, Tatyana, celebrate!”
Well, Tatyana, celebrate!
Conquer the men closest to you!
Today is your day,
I wish you vigor and strength!

“Congratulations on Tatyana’s Day”
Congratulations on Tatyana's Day,
And I wish you to be successful.
To get wish,
Don't be afraid of anything!

“Set the table for us!”
Tatyana, the holiday is the best
Today I came in your honor!
May you remain a beautiful lady
And set the table for us!

Happy Student's Day, Happy Tatyana's Day
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
Let every day be spicy
Don't let the record book scare you.

Let the exams pass,
And the scholarship is growing
Friends remain close!
Happy Student's Day, people!

We studied, we were not lazy,
We passed the sessions
And now, on Tatyana’s day
The end of the depression has come.

Let's, let's rest,
We'll drink and dance.
Let's finally have some fun
And let's say goodbye to worries.

Only tomorrow is a new day,
We are learning laziness again.
And today, congratulations,
I wish you a lot of joy.

Share one sausage
For twenty eight people
No one can ever
Doesn't go to university.

Tatiana's day is today, which means
You can go for a walk with friends.
Well, at the session I wish
You only get “five” in your record book.

Student's Day beckons
Break away and buzz.
Even teachers sometimes
They get drunk to death!

In the wall newspaper we see a summary:
The dean himself told us to go for a walk!
Get the vodka quickly
We need to pour it faster!

I congratulate you very clearly,
I'm drunk, but I speak lovingly.
I wish you a record
I handed over everything for you!

To download postcards with Tatiana's Day on January 25th for free, just select the option that you like best and save it. To do this, use the right mouse button: when you click on it, a menu pops up that allows you to save any postcard from this material to your computer, so that you can then print it out or simply email it to Tatyana on January 25th.

To send a postcard, you need to try to come up with a good and kind wish for it. Every person has an Angel Day, but it so happens that it is Tatyana’s day that stands out especially during the year, and everyone knows when the holiday is celebrated and how exactly Tatyana should be congratulated. Moreover, lovely ladies with that name share their angel day with students. After all, it is on January 25 that Student Day is celebrated magnificently, cheerfully and enthusiastically throughout the country. Here are the ones you can use.

About the holiday Tatyana's Day

Having decided that postcards with Tatyana’s Day on January 25 can be downloaded for free in this material, we move on. Probably not everyone understands why this particular angel day of the year stands out especially. Perhaps because of this, somewhere in the soul there arises dependence. To put an end to it and thoroughly understand everything, it is worth considering separately the history of this holiday.

The Holy Martyr Tatiana, whose day is celebrated in the church calendar on January 25, was born in Rome into a noble family. Despite the fact that Tatyana’s father was in a government position, he secretly professed Christianity and raised his daughter in this religion. When Tatyana became an adult, she decided to devote her life to God. She began to live in the temple, where she cared for the sick and helped people who were in need.

During the years of persecution of Christians, Tatyana was captured and brought to the temple of Apollo. There they wanted to force her to make a sacrifice to this pagan God, but the saint prayed, and an earthquake occurred, which broke Apollo into pieces. The girls began to beat and torture, gouging out her eyes, but she continued to pray. Then angels descended to the martyr and deflected the blows. They tortured the girl for many days and abused her severely and without pity. But she humbly endured everything, just prayed to the Lord constantly. Then it was decided to cut off her head and the order was carried out. The Christian Church included Tatyana among the saints and she is still there. The day of this saint is celebrated on January 25, when I celebrate Tatiana’s Day.

What to wish on Tatyana's Day?

Why do many people ask where they can get postcards with Tatyana’s Day on January 25th for free? The fact is that Tatyana’s day is a birthday, only for the soul of a person. After all, during the baptismal ceremony, the child comes to life before God and finds his guardian angel. So Tatyana once found her guardian angel, that is, she was born spiritually.

On this day you need to wish all the best to the beautiful Tatiana. Imagining as if these ladies had an ordinary birthday today. You should definitely pay attention to good health, personal and family happiness, and career success. I would like for every Tatyana to receive her little congratulations on this day. And if I also send her a postcard, then that will be wonderful and wonderful. In honor of the holiday, you can do it.

Each person has his own guardian angel, if this person was baptized in the Christian faith. It is believed that it is after the rite of baptism that a person acquires a guardian angel and this is a saint with the same name that is given to a person during baptism. By the way, the secular name given at birth does not always coincide with the church name. Before congratulating someone on Tatyana’s day, you must find out whether this lady was definitely baptized in the name Tatyana.