White ash flowers are always silent. See also in other dictionaries

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At a young age, Myfanwy Granville suffered great misfortune, but she humbly accepted her lot. However, fate had completely different plans for her. But will the headstrong princess agree with what fate has in store for her? Josephine Thorndike is deeply unhappy in her marriage, because, having submitted to the will of her father, she was forced to marry a man she barely knew. But she does not despair and believes that her dream of true love will definitely come true. But maybe happiness is much closer? You just have to look closely... Growing flowers is a complex art. After all, some of them are capricious, others, on the contrary, are unpretentious. And only a few know how to hear the language of flowers. People call them gardeners...

A series: Fifty Shades of Magic

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book Flowers are always silent (Yasya Belaya, 2016) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Chapter 2. Lines of your story...

London, Hampstead, 1878

- Oh, how unhappy I am! - drawled Josie Thorndyke, wringing her hands and leaning back in her chair.

Richard Thorndike adjusted his glasses, put down the newspaper and looked at his wife with a mocking glance.

– My angel, you are in a suspiciously good mood today.

- You find? – she continued to gaze at the ceiling, decorated with elegant frescoes with idyllic scenes from the life of shepherdesses.

- Of course. You don't call me a monster. Don't make a scene. Don't threaten to take your own life. So I’m wondering, what happened to you?

“I must have developed hypochondria from constant nervous tension,” Josie suggested in a colorless voice and cleared her throat for convincing.

“Oh, there it is,” Richard said with feigned concern. “But I keep wondering why you have such a lovely complexion.” And this, it turns out, is hypochondria. Next time you will need to tell Vardis to add it to the list of symptoms.

“I wouldn’t laugh if I were you,” Josie pouted, and her lips, I must admit, were very seductive. “Claudine, by the way, told me, and they told her at the market that the worst influenza is now raging in London. Anyone who becomes infected with it will certainly die. And I feel that I am also sick and will soon die. That's why I say I'm unhappy. After all, I'm still too young to die.

– Oh yes, it would be an irreparable loss!

-Cruel and heartless! You should cry and pray to God to take your life instead of mine!

She pouted even more, and tears sparkled in her eyes. Richard lowered his head and covered his face with his palm so that his young wife would not notice his smile.

“Don’t you really feel sorry for me?” Not even a little bit? Oh, how unhappy I am!

Richard suppressed a smile, walked up behind his wife’s chair, unceremoniously grabbed her under the arms, pulled her out of the cozy cocoon of blankets and placed her on the floor. Despite the lunch hour, she was still wearing a thin shirt and a frivolous peignoir. Long dark brown hair scattered in disarray over her fragile shoulders.

He turned Josie sharply towards him and pulled the ribbons of her negligee.

“What... what are you doing?..” young Mrs. Thorndyke was indignant, trying to escape from her husband’s embrace.

- I'm going to rid you of influenza. This is such a terrible disease that you simply cannot neglect preventive procedures.

The silver silk of the peignoir slid down along the chiseled curves of her figure. With one hand Richard gently squeezed Josie’s graceful wrist, with the other he wrapped his arms around her thin waist, drawing her closer to him. Josie arched towards him, and her lips parted, which Richard did not fail to take advantage of, digging into them with a passionate, burning kiss.

Once she was able to breathe, Josie immediately rose up.

-What are you allowing yourself to do?! Now is the day! They can come in here at any moment!

- And what? - Richard whispered in her ear, before biting him, - they will only see that I kiss my lovely wife. Is this forbidden?.. - he moved to the neck and went down to the collarbone.

- Ah... You kiss me wrong...

“Tell me, my angel, how I should… kiss you, and I will immediately correct myself…” his voice was interrupted by barely restrained passion.

“This is too reprehensible... Too seductive... Ah...” she pulled off his glasses, once again surprised by the extraordinary blue of his eyes and eyelashes that were too long for a man, ran her fingers through his thick coal-black hair and eagerly returned the kiss...

Soon they moved onto the ottoman and began hastily ridding each other of the remaining clothes. He invaded her roughly, sharply, immediately plunging into her entire length. She didn’t object, she just arched and wailed like a beggar on the porch: “Lord!.. Oh God!..” He moved quickly and furiously, and Josie moaned loudly and rushed about the ottoman, crumpling the satin coverlet. She no longer cared that someone might come in and see...

When it was all over, she lay there without a thought in her head and ruffled his usually so impeccable hairstyle. Richard's thin, long fingers wrote signs on her body that were only known to him.

- I told you before that I don’t love you...

– Oh yes, repeatedly and in the most direct terms.

“So,” she said lazily, “now I hate you.” And it's not a joke. My hatred would be enough to blow up the world.

- What did I do to deserve this? – he muttered pseudo-offendedly, inserting three fingers into her at once.

Josie screamed and her eyes flew open.

“It hurts,” she whined, moving forward and pushing herself onto them. He sped up his movements, causing her to whimper.

- So what? – he reminded, leaning down and biting her pink nipple.

“You... you... ah... you... cruel, ferocious... you are an animal.” Merciless monster! – she shouted, raising herself on her elbows and spreading her legs wider. A few more strokes and she came with loud screams. Almost losing consciousness, she fell into his arms. He took her hand and ran his tongue along the soft satin of her wrist.

– Josie, my joy, answer me one sacramental question: if you don’t like everything that happens between us intimately, why don’t you ask me to change tactics? Be more gentle? Why do you encourage, moan and ask not to stop?..

She sighed, somewhat shakily, as the tip of his tongue circled the captivating circle of her nipple again.

“You see, Richard,” she said, positioning herself so that it would be more convenient for him to caress, “in my mind I understand that all this is wrong, reprehensible and dirty... And a decent lady should burn with shame that this happened to her... And I burn, and I cry and hate you for this shame... I swear to myself one night I will stab you in the chest with a knife... I'm going crazy with humiliation and resentment... But when you touch me... Ah... I... I... I don't want to be a lady at all... Please don't stop “,” she whined.

But he just sighed heavily and pulled away. Several seconds passed in silence. Richard fumbled for his glasses and placed them on his nose, as if they were restoring common sense.

– Josie, how can I earn your love? - he said seriously and even sadly.

“I don’t know,” she shrugged. - Maybe if you did something romantic, I would think...

– How romantic? – he asked, picking up clothes scattered on the floor. She watched him from under half-lowered eyelashes. Flexible, slender, lean, and moves like a predator, strong and confident.

- Something crazy and scandalous...

“Josie, weren’t you the one who lectured me about decency just now?” - He pulled on his trousers and threw on his shirt...

- You did not understand. “She stood up, shook her head, her hair rushed down like a waterfall, and her husband’s eyes flashed with delight. “Scandalous does not mean reprehensible.”

- I really do not understand. “He sat down next to him, she immediately climbed onto his lap and curled up into a ball...

- You see, during the day you are so ordinary, even boring... And at night you are unbridled, unceremonious, rude.

– Would you like it the other way around?

- No, I would like you not to sit with these books and your sad friends during the day, but to entertain me...

– Oh, my angel, I cannot give up scientific activity even for this...

“You see, you’re a bore after all...” She rubbed her nose against his palm and felt with pleasure how a trembling ran through his body.

“Okay,” he surrendered to the mercy of the winner, “let’s return to where we left off – to the scandalous, but not offensive...

- For example, I could have been kidnapped by robbers, and a hero would have saved me...

Richard adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat.

– And the role of the hero, as I understand it, is not assigned to me?

“Well, of course,” she said in the tone in which the basics are explained to a small child. - A hero should be young and beautiful, and you should be old and ugly!

Richard choked.

“I’m only thirty-two,” he timidly reminded.

- Exactly, as many as thirty-two. And you are a bespectacled person. And also, you stutter if you are very worried, like that time when you asked for my hand...

“And after that you call me cruel and merciless?” – he asked, narrowing his eyes.

- Oh... you are simply unbearable... I’m telling you this... And by the way, I’m cold, they could dress me, otherwise you’re just undressing me...

– What should you do if you lack not only basic taste, but also a sense of proportion, so you have to get rid of unnecessary things...

“You are an evil person,” she was offended, but still allowed him to twist her this way and that so that he could more accurately tie the ribbons of her more than frivolous outfit.

“Of course,” he agreed. – I won’t even argue... But, I must admit, you intrigued me: what role do I have in your romantic adventure? I'm just burning with curiosity.

– Do you have no imagination at all? Why are you being kept at the Royal Academy of Sciences?!

“Indeed, I’m resigning tomorrow, burning all my books and committing an auto-da-fe—why should such worthlessness take a place in the sun.”

“Richard, with you you’ll never know whether you’re joking or really offended!” – she was indignant. He rolled his eyes and mentally asked the heavenly powers to strengthen his spirit and endurance. Josie got a little angry, but still condescended: “You will be the evil leader of the robbers ...”

“Who would doubt it,” he muttered, walking up to the fireplace and leaning on the marble ledge.

“Yes,” Josie walked around the room excitedly. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were burning. “You will tie me to a tree and you will...” she paused, searching for words, “in general, you will violate my innocent body...”

– What about the hero? – Richard reminded.

“That’s why he’s a hero.” He will not only save the unfortunate woman, but will also heal the wounds of her crippled soul...

– And you know, I’m starting to find certain charms in the fate of the main villain. I don't like pathos and powdered sugar.

- Here you go! You will always ruin everything - the villain must repent. And surrender himself into the hands of the executioners.

- Why suddenly?

- Well, of course, he must be punished for the insulted innocence of the heroine...

– This is still debatable.

- Without a doubt! After all, this is my story. Or another one, because you ruined that one!

- All! I'm silent! And all attention!

– In general, there is a beautiful island in the sea. A young and immaculate princess lives on it, whom the locals... what's their name...

– Usually – aborigines...

- Yes... these natives consider the princess a white goddess and pray to her every day... The goddess sits on the throne and commands...

“A very wise ruler,” Richard remarked casually.

Josie furrowed her perfect brows, indicating extreme anger.

- Don't get in early! You will appear again!

- This is encouraging.

– The princess knows that one day a beautiful young man will come for her on a ship with snow-white sails... but... instead... a dragon will attack the island... He grabs the princess and drags her into his lair...

- And why? Does he want to eat her?

“Not at all,” Josie suddenly blushed deeply, “he will chain her to the wall in a high tower and begin... subjecting her... to sweet tortures...”

Richard walked up to her, lifted his face by the chin and looked into her eyes.

– Don’t you think, my love, that the moral accents in your stories are somewhat shifted? “He traced the outline of her lips with his thumb and, leaning over, kissed the very corner.

– Does this bother you? – she was surprised.

“Very,” he responded completely seriously. – Why does a noble hero never get a beautiful heroine?

– A noble hero is a pipe dream. And evil robbers and ferocious dragons are a harsh reality. Dreams rarely come true and, unfortunately, only after reality has happened to a person...

And then Richard frightened her by collapsing at her feet with a groan.

– Josie, dear, beloved! - he cried, showering her fingers with kisses, - what have I done?!

- Richard, what's wrong with you? – his despair was so sincere that Josie was confused. - Why are you doing this? They're just stories!

He shook his head and buried his forehead in her chest.

- Josie, if I give you an island, put you on a pedestal and call you a goddess, can I count on your forgiveness?

“Richard, I have absolutely nothing to forgive you for.” I don't understand why these stories bother you so much?

“You are an innocent child, Josie.” It is difficult for you to imagine the mechanisms through which evil destroys pure souls... Recently you said that you hate me... But I deserve only contempt...

He was shaking, and Josie, frightened and quiet, could only stroke his head, comforting him.

Little by little he calmed down, stood up, hugged her and asked:

– At what latitudes would you like the island?

– In the southern ones... So that strange birds would sing and magnificent flowers grow there...

“I promise that all the paths along which my goddess will walk will be strewn with flowers.”

- Is it true?!

- I swear... And then I will put a knife in your tender hand so that you fulfill your oath.

-Which one? – Josie wrinkled her forehead, remembering.

He smoothed out the wrinkles and kissed her dark curls gently.

“The one where you kill me while I sleep.”

Josie raised her face and looked at her husband. Sparkles of anxiety danced in her gray eyes.

- Why are you doing this?

“Forget it for now...” he asked, “and you know what, your stories turned out to be very interesting and fascinating.” You should write them down.

- ABOUT! – she sang sadly. – You know how much I don’t like to write a lot. I will have calluses from the pen...

Richard smiled, rejoicing at the return of the usual Josie - a spoiled, capricious, little, adored girl.

“Then I have one gift for you.” Would you like to take a walk with me?

- It’s only an hour, I go out for a walk after three...

“Josie, I’m not talking about you, but about you and me.” Will you join me?

“You just have some kind of unhealthy desire to walk the streets with me.” And even this stupid habit of yours to hold my hand when all the couples walk arm in arm...

“My angel, how do you manage to evaporate all my tenderness?!”

– I don’t understand at all what you mean. But boasting about me—and that’s exactly what you’re doing—is sheer childishness. Do you really like everyone to look after us and compare: my beauty and your, so to speak, more than ordinary appearance?

Richard remained silent, clenching his fists. Pretending that he had not heard her tirade, he walked over to the newspaper table and took hold of the bell. A large lady in a starched cap came to the call:

“Claudine, I give you a little over an hour to bathe, comb and dress your mistress.” And please don’t let her do it herself, otherwise you’ll have to spend another hour changing clothes.

– I’m actually here! – Josie protested, but Claudine nodded to the master and dragged her along.

On the way to the bathroom, young Mrs. Thorndyke developed plans for revenge - one more insidious than the other.

Flowers are always silent

Yasya Belaya

Fifty Shades of Magic

At a young age, Myfanwy Granville suffered great misfortune, but she humbly accepted her lot. However, fate had completely different plans for her. But will the headstrong princess agree with what fate has in store for her?

Josephine Thorndike is deeply unhappy in her marriage, because, having submitted to the will of her father, she was forced to marry a man she barely knew. But she does not despair and believes that her dream of true love will definitely come true. But maybe happiness is much closer? You just have to take a closer look...

Growing flowers is a complex art. After all, some of them are capricious, others, on the contrary, are unpretentious. And only a few know how to hear the language of flowers. People call them gardeners...

Yasya Belaya

Flowers are always silent

© Design. AST Publishing House LLC, 2016

I was born a gardener

seriously angry

I'm tired of all the flowers,

except... Rose...

Gardener. What happened to you?

Rose. In love.

Gardener. In whom?

Rose. Into the tulip.

Child Game

Chapter 1. Roses in my garden

North Wales, Llanrwst, 1875

Brahms' "Lullaby" was played in the music salon. The harp and metallophone, merging, gave birth to dream fairies. They hovered in the air, showering people with golden pollen from their rainbow wings. And the music itself seemed like their singing.

The wind threw handfuls of golden leaves out the window, but did not stop there, but, boldly penetrating into people’s territory, picked up the leaves and swirled them around the parquet floor in a carefree autumn dance. And, restless, he fiddled with the thinnest tulle of the curtains and got tangled in his hair.

A girl was crying in the front row.

The golden dust, Paul decided, was what she got the most: scattered throughout her hair and neck, powdering her nose and cheeks, lingering on the tips of her eyelashes. Paul, grinning, thought: I have an advantageous position - both part of the stage and the first rows of the stalls are in full view.

The young man's gaze slid lower, noting that the neat chest of the young mourner rose high... The girl was dressed in a simple blue dress. The lace cape emphasized the youth and grace of the stranger.

Paul looked the young lady in the eyes again. In them, gray-blue, as if icy, diamonds of tears trembled.

– Imagine - she is considered here almost the first beauty! Pfft! – the voice of a portly lady standing nearby in a bright blue dress, fanning herself with a huge fan, sounded outright contempt.

“And you, as I see it,” he began cautiously, “do not agree with such an assessment?”

- Surely! – his interlocutor responded almost indignantly. – Too thin, freckled, movements too nervous and impetuous!

Paul chuckled and, looking at the reddish curls, the narrow trembling shoulders of the person in question, her sharp shoulder blades, bristling under the fabric of the dress, he decided for himself that he had never met anyone more beautiful in his life. But he kept his conclusions to himself. This blue lady, resembling a thundercloud, has no need to know that in the crowded hall of the music salon there was nothing but fabulous music, whirling leaves and a fragile girl crying with delight.

He didn’t even notice where his old counterpart had gone, and shuddered when he heard a man’s voice instead of a woman’s.

“I see you don’t take your eyes off her!” – the plump short man in a striped three-piece had to rise on tiptoes to whisper this to Paul. – The local pearl, Myfanwy Llanrwst, daughter of the ruler. Almost a princess. Are you represented?

Paul shook his head.

“I’ve been in Llanrwst since last night,” he explained. “All I had time to do was rent a hotel and have dinner.” And in the morning, as soon as he woke up, he went for exercise. And then I wandered here: the door is open, the music is flowing, the audience is smart...

- This is one of the princess’s quirks. When an orchestra comes to Llanrwst - and there are always plenty of them here; and other bohemians - poets, musicians, architects - are so fond of it! - so, if someone comes, Myfanwy immediately invites them here, to his salon, and orders them to open the doors and windows so that everyone can hear. He says art is for everyone. An eccentric girl.

“And I find such a quirk charming,” the young man smiled and extended his hand to the stranger: “Paul Granville, at your service.”

“Aaron Sparrow, I’m very glad,” he said cheerfully, returning the handshake. His hands, Paul noticed, were plump and unpleasant. “Listen, are you by any chance one of the Granvilles of Globe Hill?”

- Randomly one of them.

- ABOUT! - Sparrow rejoiced, - it means you were sent to me by fate! I heard that in your area they breed wonderful goats that produce excellent wool.

– Yes, our wool is really excellent! And why do you actually need it? Forgive my tactless curiosity.

- What do you! – Sparrow raised his hands up in a conciliatory gesture. - This is fine. I only applaud curiosity in young people. A rarity in our times: usually young people do not want to hear anything, because they believe that they already know everything. And if you come back to me, I’m a businessman, I buy and sell. So it goes.

“A speculator, to be more precise,” Paul thought, but asked out loud: “What does Llanrwst sell?”

Sparrow chuckled.

– Mostly beauty and harps. The cotton here is also good quality.

The music died down and Princess Myfanwy rose to thank the musicians. A blush played on her tender cheeks, and her eyes were still sparkling with tears.

-What issue are you here for? Tourist?

Paul, absorbed in the contemplation of his golden fairy, did not immediately realize that they were addressing him. But then he caught himself and shook his head:

- No, I have more of a scientific interest...

“Ah,” said Sparrow, slightly disappointed. – But I see that in addition to the scientific, you have now added the personal.

Paul became embarrassed and blushed.

“Come on, I’ll introduce you. I know her father briefly: I run business.” Harps are at a great price in London now.

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I was even more confused, but I simply had no right to miss such a chance.

“My lady, allow me...” Sparrow rather unceremoniously called out to the daughter of the ruler of Llanrwst, and she turned around. For a moment, her and Paul's eyes met, and the world around her froze.

And then she came up, enveloping him in a delicate floral scent, and extended her hand. Her palm was so narrow and weightless that Paul was even afraid that he might do harm with a handshake.

But the princess warmed him with an encouraging smile, and then said, and her voice sounded like the singing of a harp yesterday - silvery and tender:

“You must kidnap me immediately, and then perhaps I will give you a kiss.”

She said - and blushed deeply. And her eyes seemed to whisper: “I found you.”

And the hearts of the young people at that very moment began to beat in the same rhythm, tapping: fate...

– What are you waiting for? – the princess was slightly offended, seeing Paul’s confusion and embarrassment. - If so, I’ll steal you myself! – she said quietly but clearly, taking his hand and blushing painfully from her own insolence. “Come on,” and she added more confidently and loudly: “You should see them.” They just bloomed yesterday. Roses in my garden...

And he allowed himself to be taken away, knowing for sure that he would follow her even to death...

“Myfanwy, you don’t feel sorry for yourself at all!”

Calder Granville draped a fluffy blanket over his sister-in-law's lap.

“You have absolutely no reason to worry,” embarrassed by such concern, the young woman blushed to the roots of her hair. - It’s not cold here at all...

- And that’s why your hands are icy?

He gently shook her narrow palm, very lightly, almost imperceptibly touching the white satin skin. But he immediately let go, sighed and walked back to the desk.

– I see you haven’t sorted the mail?

“Yes, excuse me,” Myfanwy responded quietly, “I’m a little upset that no one writes to me.”

- God! Why are you burying yourself at twenty years old!

Calder looked at her in a way that the woman clearly felt: he was angry and probably wanted to shake her properly, and he lowered his head even lower.

“Alas,” she said, dropping her knitting, “you know: I died back then...

She covered her face with her hands, and her shoulders shook with sobs.

“Forgive me,” Calder almost ran up to her and sat down by the chair. - Sorry... I shouldn't have...

His fingers cramped with the desire to hug, shelter from all troubles, console, lull...

“Oh no, Calder, it’s not your fault,” Myfanwy looked up at him with eyes the color of a rain-washed sky, and the man’s breath caught. – I know that all your actions and words are dictated by concern for me. Really,” she said, squeezing his hand impulsively, “I have done nothing to deserve a friend like you.”

And he allowed himself to press his lips to the blue vein on her wrist. Weightless. Expecting immediate punishment for his insolence. But Myfanwy only smiled, slightly revealing her snow-white, but uneven, sharp teeth.

– You deserve much more! After all, thanks to you, flowers appeared in Glome Hill,” he whispered.

– You speak as if I am a flower fairy!

- In any case, they are very similar. Covered in pollen.

“No one has ever called my freckles that before.”

“So, at least I’m a pioneer in something.”

Calder winked slyly, and Myfanwy laughed quietly. And the sun, entangled in her reddish curls, which stubbornly refused to lie in a strict widow’s bun, and coloring them with bright gold, seemed to confirm her unearthly origin. After laughing, she returned to her needlework, and he got up and went back to his mail.

- But you were mistaken, that no one will write to you. Here is a letter addressed to you. And very respectable,” Calder handed her a vanilla-pink envelope with a giant seal.

- Oh, this is from the priest! Only he can have such a seal... - Myfanwy was embarrassed. “I’m really ashamed of my father’s penchant for such theatrical gestures.”

She hurried to jump up to quickly take the letter, but got tangled in the blanket and, gasping, flew forward.

Calder picked her up and they both froze. Their hearts were beating wildly and in unison. And they couldn't take their eyes off each other.

Finally, Myfanwy, blushing deeply, carefully extricated herself from her brother-in-law’s embrace, stood up and took the unfortunate envelope from his limp fingers.

She read, and Calder admired her, standing in the slanting strip of the sun: even in this dull black dress she was more beautiful than all the dressed-up princesses.

Myfanwy screamed, staggered, and the letter, in a circular motion, dived to the floor. This time there was no need to grab her - she firmly dug her whitened fingers into the back of the chair.

“Father is sick...” she said quietly, pressing her folded palm to her chest and lowering her head, “he’s dying...” she said very quietly and fell down as if knocked down, whining thinly.

Now Calder didn’t hesitate - he rushed to her, sat down next to her, hugged her and whispered, cradling her:

- Do not despair. Let's believe in miracles. But leave immediately! I'll arrange for the crew.

He jerked, intending to get up, but she did not allow him to leave, like a child, she grabbed the collar of her coat and shook her head.

- No. I won't go alone. If something happens, I won’t be able to stand it.

He swallowed, driving away even the thought of such an outcome, and, taking her hand, assured:

-You won't be alone. I'm going with you.

“Thank you…” Myfanwy stopped mid-sentence, and Calder, following her gaze, noticed that his daughter-in-law’s attention was attracted by a note that had jumped out of the same envelope. Myfanwy pulled out the message and began to read. Gradually, the clouds of sadness that had descended on her tender face were broken by a smile. - This is Mouse. He writes to tell me not to take it into my head, because Father, I quote: “... he’s up to something and is doing something strange...” The mouse promised to keep me informed and let me know when things really get bad. So he writes...

“He writes very badly, I must admit,” said Calder, standing up, dusting off his trousers and extending his hand to help her up. - And who is he, this Mouse?

Myfanwy returned to her chair and, sitting down, allowed herself to relax:

“The mouse is my father’s right hand, and at the same time his brains.” He is the chief of the guard, and the first adviser, and the chancellor... But it’s easier to say who he is not. In fact, his name is Glenn Notenheim, and if he had not been at court, the priest would have long ago spent the entire budget of Llanrwst on balls and fireworks.

– But why do you call such a respectable person a strange and offensive, in my opinion, nickname? – Calder winced, making it clear how he felt about this kind of joke.

“I don’t think Glaine can be called respectable.” He’s so thin and awkward, and about your age,” she continued in the same cheerful, high spirits, “and he’s also an albino, and with red eyes!” Looks like a mouse. That's why everyone calls him that. Few people in Llanrwst seem to remember his real name. Yes, he calls himself that too. So no hard feelings.

“I guess I’ll never understand the political structure of Llanrwst,” said Calder, grunting and rustling his papers again. - The mouse is a courtier! What could be worse and more hilarious?

But the question remained unanswered. Myfanwy had barely opened her mouth to object when she was unceremoniously interrupted by the maid running into the living room, shouting:

- My lord, my lord, there! – out of breath from running, she spoke hastily, swallowing her words.

- So, Marion,

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What happened that you burst in here without knocking or permission? – Granville asked in an insinuating tone, folding his arms over his chest and assuming an imperturbable look. And I must admit, given his height and width of shoulders, the spectacle turned out to be impressive.

The girl shook all over and was completely at a loss for words. Somehow she managed to blurt out:

- There's this lady... In pink ruffles... She says: your cousin. And you must save her...

“She claims her name is Granville!” What should I tell her now?

- Nothing. Stay here with my lady. And I will go down and drive this impostor away.

“Oh no, Calder, I won’t let you,” the determination on Myfanwy’s gentle face said that she would not give up on her. “Suddenly the poor girl really needs help!” We can't leave her! Paul would never do that!

- Oh yes, of course! Floor! Our Saint Paul! Protector of the orphaned and wretched! – Calder rumbled furiously.

- What are you like! How…unbearable you are! – Myfanwy gasped and, turning on her heels, grabbed Marion’s arm, heading towards the door.

“My lady,” Marion became bolder when she found herself at a safe distance from the owner, “you’re not afraid!” He’s like Dracula: thin, pale, always in black. And he’s all like: wow! I'm coming to drink your blood!

“Come on, dear Marion,” Myfanwy said upset. – Calder is a wonderful person. Only very lonely. And he’s always worried about everyone. Here everyone will become thin and pale. I also wear black, so that means I’m Dracula too?

“No,” Marion shook her head. -You are a prisoner. He has enchanted you and keeps you here in his castle. Waiting for you to wither away. And then he will marry you. Forgive you, but it’s true! – that’s what everyone calls it: the dead bride.

- Lord, Marion, what kind of superstitions are they?

Myfanwy was outraged by the prejudices. Just think: trains already run between cities, airships fly across the sky, there is a telegraph and gas lamps, and people continue to believe in various nonsense! And not ashamed!

After this conversation they went down into the hall. And then Myfanwy was almost blinded by the pink flash that immediately rushed towards her.

- Cousin! Cousin! You are a true angel!

The guest squeezed her palms in hers and shook her. Myfanwy stood on the last step and therefore seemed taller than the uninvited visitor, which gave her a somewhat patronizing look and allowed her to see her relative who had fallen out of the blue. The owner of the incredible pink dress was dazzlingly beautiful: huge blue eyes, golden curls, a thin nose, scarlet lips, porcelain skin, high breasts and a thin waist. It seemed that there was not a single flaw in it.

Myfanwy immediately felt faded and old, a true widow.

“I’m also glad to see you, dear cousin,” she said ceremoniously, as befits adult women, making a curtsey, “but, to my deepest regret, we have not yet been introduced to each other.”

- Oh-oh-oh, cousin, why all these stories and the decorous voice?! I'm Latoya Granville, or you can just say T. Are you Myfanwy? Paul was talking about you. I'll call you Maeve.

“Either you will call the mistress of this castle by her full name and add “milady,” or you will fly back to where you came from.

The coldness in Calder's voice, who came after them, made the hairs on the back of Myfanwy's neck stand up - three years ago, she had received the same unfriendly reception in this house. But while she was gathering her thoughts, choosing words to extinguish the inevitable conflict, Latoya rushed past her like a hurricane and screamed: “Coldy” threw herself on the neck of a man whom even the most loyal servants considered a servant of darkness.

Marion even backed away, muttering prayers, and Myfanwy closed her eyes, just in case.

However, the expected murder did not follow: Calder, only wincing, tore his loving relative away from him and calmly put her on the floor.

“Still, I would prefer that you express your joy less violently and do not shorten my name.” And yet, it’s customary for us to warn about visits in advance: in the castle, you know, there are no guest rooms,” he said emotionlessly.

“Don’t be a bitch, Coldy,” Latoya pouted, ignoring all of the above. “And I will never believe that in such a huge castle there is no room for me,” and innocently batted her long eyelashes.

– Where did you grow up? What kind of terrible speech and manners are this? “I’m not at all sure whether we can let you go further than the threshold: you’ll infect the whole of Glome Hill with your pink nonsense,” Calder said coldly, brushing off invisible specks of dust from his impeccable frock coat and moving away from the eccentric girl. “And there really are no extra rooms in the castle.”

Myfanwy, who was afraid that Latoya's too violent display of feelings would lead to a storm, cheered up. That mischievous girl who three years ago came face to face with the gloomy owner of Glome Hill has awakened in her again. If she were today, would she have survived then? Calder was right - the flowers fade here...

Yes, this castle knows how to drink juices!

“Don’t be angry, Calder, and be polite to your guest,” she said sternly. “Especially since Latoya can easily take over my room—I don’t need one that big.” There is a bathroom and a fireplace.

Calder narrowed his eyes angrily.

“Well, if you don’t care about your health, then I wash my hands of it,” he said calmly, although rage flared in his dark eyes. “But just try to cough and I’ll drive you away.” And I'm not kidding. Have a nice day and let me take my leave.

With these words, he spun on the spot, smearing the air with the hollow of his black frock coat, and left with an offended look. And then both ladies joined hands.

“Don’t be afraid of him,” Myfanwy said peacefully, abandoning the official tone. “And you can call me Maeve as much as you want.” Come on, I'll show you everything.

Myfanwy had one regret: Latoe had nothing to compare it to, which meant she wouldn't see how Glome Hill had changed over the years. One might say that he became a living monument to Paul... And those who sacredly fulfilled this duty of memory spared no effort to make the monastery so beloved by them prettier and prosper... And yet Myfanwy decided to try to describe to her new relative the changes that had occurred.

“Just imagine,” she began, taking Latoya by the arm and leading her up the stairs, “when I arrived here with Paul, there was dust all around, as if no one lived.” And there were no curtains... And no flowers...

– Is it really nothing at all?! – Latoya gasped.

“Absolutely,” Myfanwy confirmed, “just gray, unbleached walls and a piano.” I remember the piano well. It stood in a separate round room and was magnificent.

- You play? – Latoya almost jumped with delight.

– I used to play. Now there is no. Something died in me when Paul died. You know, I actually hate flowers. I’m just planting them... Probably for Calder... And to prove to myself that I still have a soul...

- Yes, it’s sad here. Why are you sitting there with books and conversations? And you don’t give any points?

- What kind of balls are there! I had such a nervous breakdown that I spent a year and a half in bed. I didn't want to live at all. If it weren't for Calder...

She sighed and became quiet. By then they had reached the room, and Myfanwy waved her hand.

- Make yourself comfortable.

– I’ll move to

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Paul's old room.

- And you’re not scared? “What if he... well... appears,” Latoya said in a deathly voice.

“I don’t believe in ghosts,” Myfanwy abruptly stopped her attempt to become mystical. “And then, even if he appears in front of me, I will only be glad: I’m already beginning to forget his features.”

- This is darkness!

- What do you mean?

- Yes, everything is yours! I remember Paul well. The last time he was this happy. He told me everything about you. And about Coldy. How will he introduce you? We had a good laugh then. And then we left - maman got sick and was in a hurry to get water. We arrive - and here we are!

Myfanwy gritted her teeth and clenched her fists: she would not cry in front of this pink and careless girl. Never.

“Sorry, you need to rest from the road,” Lady Granville said, turning away. She bowed slightly and ducked out the door. She rushed, without knowing the way, all the way to Paul’s room, and there she collapsed on the bed and, clutching the bedspread, began to cry as she had not cried for a long time. She pounded, tore her hair and howled, thinly and protractedly, like a wounded dog.

- Floor! Darling! Why do you?! Why?

It's hard to bury yourself alive at twenty years old.

Chapter 2. Lines of your story...

London, Hampstead, 1878

- Oh, how unhappy I am! - drawled Josie Thorndyke, wringing her hands and leaning back in her chair.

Richard Thorndike adjusted his glasses, put down the newspaper and looked at his wife with a mocking glance.

– My angel, you are in a suspiciously good mood today.

- You find? – she continued to gaze at the ceiling, decorated with elegant frescoes with idyllic scenes from the life of shepherdesses.

- Of course. You don't call me a monster. Don't make a scene. Don't threaten to take your own life. So I’m wondering, what happened to you?

“I must have developed hypochondria from constant nervous tension,” Josie suggested in a colorless voice and cleared her throat for convincing.

“Oh, there it is,” Richard said with feigned concern. “But I keep wondering why you have such a lovely complexion.” And this, it turns out, is hypochondria. Next time you will need to tell Vardis to add it to the list of symptoms.

“I wouldn’t laugh if I were you,” Josie pouted, and her lips, I must admit, were very seductive. “Claudine, by the way, told me, and they told her at the market that the worst influenza is now raging in London. Anyone who becomes infected with it will certainly die. And I feel that I am also sick and will soon die. That's why I say I'm unhappy. After all, I'm still too young to die.

– Oh yes, it would be an irreparable loss!

-Cruel and heartless! You should cry and pray to God to take your life instead of mine!

She pouted even more, and tears sparkled in her eyes. Richard lowered his head and covered his face with his palm so that his young wife would not notice his smile.

“Don’t you really feel sorry for me?” Not even a little bit? Oh, how unhappy I am!

Richard suppressed a smile, walked up behind his wife’s chair, unceremoniously grabbed her under the arms, pulled her out of the cozy cocoon of blankets and placed her on the floor. Despite the lunch hour, she was still wearing a thin shirt and a frivolous peignoir. Long dark brown hair scattered in disarray over her fragile shoulders.

He turned Josie sharply towards him and pulled the ribbons of her negligee.

“What... what are you doing?..” young Mrs. Thorndyke was indignant, trying to escape from her husband’s embrace.

- I'm going to rid you of influenza. This is such a terrible disease that you simply cannot neglect preventive procedures.

The silver silk of the peignoir slid down along the chiseled curves of her figure. With one hand Richard gently squeezed Josie’s graceful wrist, with the other he wrapped his arms around her thin waist, drawing her closer to him. Josie arched towards him, and her lips parted, which Richard did not fail to take advantage of, digging into them with a passionate, burning kiss.

Once she was able to breathe, Josie immediately rose up.

-What are you allowing yourself to do?! Now is the day! They can come in here at any moment!

- And what? - Richard whispered in her ear, before biting him, - they will only see that I kiss my lovely wife. Is this forbidden?.. - he moved to the neck and went down to the collarbone.

- Ah... You kiss me wrong...

“Tell me, my angel, how I should… kiss you, and I will immediately correct myself…” his voice was interrupted by barely restrained passion.

“This is too reprehensible... Too seductive... Ah...” she pulled off his glasses, once again surprised by the extraordinary blue of his eyes and eyelashes that were too long for a man, ran her fingers through his thick coal-black hair and eagerly returned the kiss...

Soon they moved onto the ottoman and began hastily ridding each other of the remaining clothes. He invaded her roughly, sharply, immediately plunging into her entire length. She didn’t object, she just arched and wailed like a beggar on the porch: “Lord!.. Oh God!..” He moved quickly and furiously, and Josie moaned loudly and rushed about the ottoman, crumpling the satin coverlet. She no longer cared that someone might come in and see...

When it was all over, she lay there without a thought in her head and ruffled his usually so impeccable hairstyle. Richard's thin, long fingers wrote signs on her body that were only known to him.

- I told you before that I don’t love you...

– Oh yes, repeatedly and in the most direct terms.

“So,” she said lazily, “now I hate you.” And it's not a joke. My hatred would be enough to blow up the world.

- What did I do to deserve this? – he muttered pseudo-offendedly, inserting three fingers into her at once.

Josie screamed and her eyes flew open.

“It hurts,” she whined, moving forward and pushing herself onto them. He sped up his movements, causing her to whimper.

- So what? – he reminded, leaning down and biting her pink nipple.

“You... you... ah... you... cruel, ferocious... you are an animal.” Merciless monster! – she shouted, raising herself on her elbows and spreading her legs wider. A few more strokes and she came with loud screams. Almost losing consciousness, she fell into his arms. He took her hand and ran his tongue along the soft satin of her wrist.

– Josie, my joy, answer me one sacramental question: if you don’t like everything that happens between us intimately, why don’t you ask me to change tactics? Be more gentle? Why do you encourage, moan and ask not to stop?..

She sighed, somewhat shakily, as the tip of his tongue circled the captivating circle of her nipple again.

“You see, Richard,” she said, positioning herself so that it would be more convenient for him to caress, “in my mind I understand that all this is wrong, reprehensible and dirty... And a decent lady should burn with shame that this happened to her... And I burn, and I cry and hate you for this shame... I swear to myself one night I will stab you in the chest with a knife... I'm going crazy with humiliation and resentment... But when you touch me... Ah... I... I... I don't want to be a lady at all... Please don't stop “,” she whined.

But he just sighed heavily and pulled away. Several seconds passed in silence. Richard fumbled for his glasses and placed them on his nose, as if they were restoring common sense.

– Josie, how can I earn your love? - he said seriously and even sadly.

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I know,” she shrugged. - Maybe if you did something romantic, I would think...

– How romantic? – he asked, picking up clothes scattered on the floor. She watched him from under half-lowered eyelashes. Flexible, slender, lean, and moves like a predator, strong and confident.

- Something crazy and scandalous...

“Josie, weren’t you the one who lectured me about decency just now?” - He pulled on his trousers and threw on his shirt...

- You did not understand. “She stood up, shook her head, her hair rushed down like a waterfall, and her husband’s eyes flashed with delight. “Scandalous does not mean reprehensible.”

- I really do not understand. “He sat down next to him, she immediately climbed onto his lap and curled up into a ball...

- You see, during the day you are so ordinary, even boring... And at night you are unbridled, unceremonious, rude.

– Would you like it the other way around?

- No, I would like you not to sit with these books and your sad friends during the day, but to entertain me...

– Oh, my angel, I cannot give up scientific activity even for this...

“You see, you’re a bore after all...” She rubbed her nose against his palm and felt with pleasure how a trembling ran through his body.

“Okay,” he surrendered to the mercy of the winner, “let’s return to where we left off – to the scandalous, but not offensive...

- For example, I could have been kidnapped by robbers, and a hero would have saved me...

Richard adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat.

– And the role of the hero, as I understand it, is not assigned to me?

“Well, of course,” she said in the tone in which the basics are explained to a small child. - A hero should be young and beautiful, and you should be old and ugly!

Richard choked.

“I’m only thirty-two,” he timidly reminded.

- Exactly, as many as thirty-two. And you are a bespectacled person. And also, you stutter if you are very worried, like that time when you asked for my hand...

“And after that you call me cruel and merciless?” – he asked, narrowing his eyes.

- Oh... you are simply unbearable... I’m telling you this... And by the way, I’m cold, they could dress me, otherwise you’re just undressing me...

– What should you do if you lack not only basic taste, but also a sense of proportion, so you have to get rid of unnecessary things...

“You are an evil person,” she was offended, but still allowed him to twist her this way and that so that he could more accurately tie the ribbons of her more than frivolous outfit.

“Of course,” he agreed. – I won’t even argue... But, I must admit, you intrigued me: what role do I have in your romantic adventure? I'm just burning with curiosity.

– Do you have no imagination at all? Why are you being kept at the Royal Academy of Sciences?!

“Indeed, I’m resigning tomorrow, burning all my books and committing an auto-da-fe—why should such worthlessness take a place in the sun.”

“Richard, with you you’ll never know whether you’re joking or really offended!” – she was indignant. He rolled his eyes and mentally asked the heavenly powers to strengthen his spirit and endurance. Josie got a little angry, but still condescended: “You will be the evil leader of the robbers ...”

“Who would doubt it,” he muttered, walking up to the fireplace and leaning on the marble ledge.

“Yes,” Josie walked around the room excitedly. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were burning. “You will tie me to a tree and you will...” she paused, searching for words, “in general, you will violate my innocent body...”

– What about the hero? – Richard reminded.

“That’s why he’s a hero.” He will not only save the unfortunate woman, but will also heal the wounds of her crippled soul...

– And you know, I’m starting to find certain charms in the fate of the main villain. I don't like pathos and powdered sugar.

- Here you go! You will always ruin everything - the villain must repent. And surrender himself into the hands of the executioners.

- Why suddenly?

- Well, of course, he must be punished for the insulted innocence of the heroine...

– This is still debatable.

- Without a doubt! After all, this is my story. Or another one, because you ruined that one!

- All! I'm silent! And all attention!

– In general, there is a beautiful island in the sea. A young and immaculate princess lives on it, whom the locals... what's their name...

– Usually – aborigines...

- Yes... these natives consider the princess a white goddess and pray to her every day... The goddess sits on the throne and commands...

“A very wise ruler,” Richard remarked casually.

Josie furrowed her perfect brows, indicating extreme anger.

- Don't get in early! You will appear again!

- This is encouraging.

– The princess knows that one day a beautiful young man will come for her on a ship with snow-white sails... but... instead... a dragon will attack the island... He grabs the princess and drags her into his lair...

- And why? Does he want to eat her?

“Not at all,” Josie suddenly blushed deeply, “he will chain her to the wall in a high tower and begin... subjecting her... to sweet tortures...”

Richard walked up to her, lifted his face by the chin and looked into her eyes.

– Don’t you think, my love, that the moral accents in your stories are somewhat shifted? “He traced the outline of her lips with his thumb and, leaning over, kissed the very corner.

– Does this bother you? – she was surprised.

“Very,” he responded completely seriously. – Why does a noble hero never get a beautiful heroine?

– A noble hero is a pipe dream. And evil robbers and ferocious dragons are a harsh reality. Dreams rarely come true and, unfortunately, only after reality has happened to a person...

And then Richard frightened her by collapsing at her feet with a groan.

– Josie, dear, beloved! - he cried, showering her fingers with kisses, - what have I done?!

- Richard, what's wrong with you? – his despair was so sincere that Josie was confused. - Why are you doing this? They're just stories!

He shook his head and buried his forehead in her chest.

- Josie, if I give you an island, put you on a pedestal and call you a goddess, can I count on your forgiveness?

“Richard, I have absolutely nothing to forgive you for.” I don't understand why these stories bother you so much?

“You are an innocent child, Josie.” It is difficult for you to imagine the mechanisms through which evil destroys pure souls... Recently you said that you hate me... But I deserve only contempt...

He was shaking, and Josie, frightened and quiet, could only stroke his head, comforting him.

Little by little he calmed down, stood up, hugged her and asked:

– At what latitudes would you like the island?

– In the southern ones... So that strange birds would sing and magnificent flowers grow there...

“I promise that all the paths along which my goddess will walk will be strewn with flowers.”

- Is it true?!

- I swear... And then I will put a knife in your tender hand so that you fulfill your oath.

-Which one? – Josie wrinkled her forehead, remembering.

He smoothed out the wrinkles and kissed her dark curls gently.

“The one where you kill me while I sleep.”

Josie raised her face and looked at her husband. Sparkles of anxiety danced in her gray eyes.

- Why are you doing this?

“Forget it for now...” he asked, “and you know what, your stories turned out to be very interesting and fascinating.” You should write them down.

- ABOUT! – she sang sadly. – You know how much I don’t like to write a lot. I'll get calluses from

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Richard smiled, rejoicing at the return of the usual Josie - a spoiled, capricious, little, adored girl.

“Then I have one gift for you.” Would you like to take a walk with me?

- It’s only an hour, I go out for a walk after three...

“Josie, I’m not talking about you, but about you and me.” Will you join me?

“You just have some kind of unhealthy desire to walk the streets with me.” And even this stupid habit of yours to hold my hand when all the couples walk arm in arm...

“My angel, how do you manage to evaporate all my tenderness?!”

– I don’t understand at all what you mean. But boasting about me—and that’s exactly what you’re doing—is sheer childishness. Do you really like everyone to look after us and compare: my beauty and your, so to speak, more than ordinary appearance?

Richard remained silent, clenching his fists. Pretending that he had not heard her tirade, he walked over to the newspaper table and took hold of the bell. A large lady in a starched cap came to the call:

“Claudine, I give you a little over an hour to bathe, comb and dress your mistress.” And please don’t let her do it herself, otherwise you’ll have to spend another hour changing clothes.

– I’m actually here! – Josie protested, but Claudine nodded to the master and dragged her along.

On the way to the bathroom, young Mrs. Thorndyke developed plans for revenge - one more insidious than the other.

Chapter 3. The Cost of Decisions

North Wales, Free Town of Llanrwst, 1875

- Aren't they amazing? – the princess looked at the flowers, tilting her head slightly to the side.

Paul looked at her in fascination. Even the meaning of her question did not immediately touch his consciousness.

“Oh yes, of course, roses in September, and here in North Wales too.” What could be more surprising? “Paul took a decisive step towards her and took her hand. The girl was embarrassed. She timidly pressed her fist to her chest and blushed. Still looking at the path covered with golden leaves, she said quietly:

“No matter what I plant in the ground, it will definitely germinate.” My relatives laugh and suggest that I bury a stick in the ground if necessary. They say it will sprout too.

– What a wonderful quality! – Paul was sincerely delighted. – The more I get to know you, the more fascinated I become.

- Oh, come on, you will praise me too much!

– I don’t think it’s possible.

She just smiled timidly.

- Come have lunch with us today. Afterwards we are going for a walk, and in the evening there will be a ball. Father loves balls very much.

- How busy your schedule is - it’s unlikely that it will allow us to be alone. So I’ll ask now: did I miss my chance for a kiss? – She nodded. - How can I get him back?

“I told you so,” she stood on tiptoes and whispered in his ear: “Kidnap me.”

She pulled away and disappeared before he had time to come to his senses, disappearing into the silver-golden haze of the autumn park.

And he wanted to laugh and scream with happiness.

Llanrwst is beautiful at any time of year. But autumn suits him especially well. In autumn, a cozy town with Gothic buildings and an ancient bridge over the river is like an illustration to a fairy tale about elves. And Myfanwy’s presence only added to the confidence in the magical origins of this place.

Paul was incredibly grateful to his curator for sending him to study the free cities. Previously, Paul was interested in this phenomenon only from the point of view of legal theory. And now... As Sparrow put it: “Personal interest has also been added.”

Young Granville really liked that his companion did not spout words, like many of her peers, but was more silent. Or from time to time she gives him a slightly embarrassed bright smile. It was so wonderful to be silent around Myfanwy.

The princess's mentor, a pretty old lady in a hat with impossibly huge flowers and a purple shawl, turned out to be very tactful: seeing the mutual interest of the young people, she followed them at a respectful distance.

It must have been this circumstance and the fact that he was given gracious permission to call the princess simply by her name, forced Paul to make up his mind and, tenderly taking his companion by the hand, he said:

- Myfanwy, what would you answer if, after several hours of getting to know each other, I proposed to you?

“There are things that take years to discern their essence, but there are things that you understand right away,” she boldly answered, turning pink. “I would be offended if you didn’t do this.”

“Then,” he declared passionately, pressing her palm to his chest, where her heart beat tremulously and solemnly, “Myfanwy Llanrwst, become my wife!”

– My pleasure, Paul Granville. And I think we should announce our engagement today, at the ball. Then the priest will have a blow.

Now he passionately pressed both of her blue-gloved hands to his chest. And she looked at him with bright shining eyes. And autumn threw all its splendor at their feet.

The ruler of Llanrwst is not exactly a king. But Dorian liked to be called the Fifth, wear a crown and use the name of the city as his family name. He also secretly dreamed of a profitable dynastic marriage, although he knew for sure that Myfanwy herself would choose her life partner and he would not resist this - after all, he was the only adored daughter.

And now, when his little Maeve stood in front of him with her head bowed, and next to her was a handsome young man with a stubborn look, Dorian clearly understood that the girl had grown up and was free to choose her own destiny.

He imposingly descended from the throne, hobbled towards them and, joining the hands of the lovers, said:

- Well, since you have already decided everything, all I can do is bless you. And you know what, Granville, take care of her - she’s so fragile to me.

Paul looked tenderly at the reddish crown of his bride - now definitely a bride! – and assured the future father-in-law:

“I promise to protect your daughter more than my own heart.”

- Well, fine! Don't delay the wedding - I want grandchildren!

At these words, Myfanwy blushed and hid her face in the chest of her chosen one.

- Go dance, it will be a wonderful ball!

And they danced and laughed and soared among the stars. And the music, which was always full of the castle of the ruler of Llanrwst, seemed to sound only for them.

After another round of the waltz, Paul leaned over to his companion and whispered:

- Now it’s time!

- What? – she was surprised.

“To kidnap you,” he said and took her with him into the winter garden.

Bright moonlight poured through the huge windows, giving all objects phantasmagoric shapes. Exotic plants staged a shadow theater on the walls. And Myfanwy, in a champagne-colored dress and a tiny crown on her head, shone only for him.

Paul hugged her and, looking into her beautiful shining eyes, began:

– Until I met you, Myfanwy, I didn’t believe that you could fall in love at first sight...

- Silly! Shut up! - she interrupted and, raising herself on her toes, kissed him. Clumsily. Fast. But it was an amazing kiss.

Northumberland, Globe Hill Castle, 1878

Myfanwy woke up and, like a child, rubbed her eyes with her fist. She didn’t remember when she moved onto the bed, or how she fell asleep, or why she was covered with a blanket. Surely Calder came to see her. No matter how much he says that he doesn’t care what conditions she will be in, he himself will be the first to rush to check if everything is fine with her.

Ah, Calder...

You need to get up quickly

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until Calder and Latoya met and sparks flew.

Myfanwy called the maid and ordered hot water to be brought from the kitchen. A little later, having tidied herself up, she went down to the dining room to order dinner to be served.

Latoya was already there, this time she dressed in a provocatively purple dress and walked around, looking into every corner like a proprietor.

- It’s nice here! I thought your Globe Hill was like a coffin, all in red velvet. And it’s cozy here. And napkins – organ-sharman-sharman, as my mother says. The finest! Can you tell me later where these come from?

Myfanwy was at a loss, stunned by such a hail of words.

“I already told you that Globe Hill has changed. And the napkins... I knitted them myself... My aunt taught me. She once lived in Brabant...

- That’s a lot of patience! – Latoya exclaimed.

“Widowhood teaches many virtues very well,” Myfanwy calmly retorted.

The cook entered, and the women plunged into discussion of the evening menu.

The round podium room, which Myfanwy nicknamed the piano room, adjoined the dining room. And now Latoya got to the instrument and began to torment it. Every wrong sound cut Lady Granville's delicate ears like a cry for help. She winced and kept apologizing to the cook Hannah for her confusion. Finally, asking Hannah not to forget about the candied peach pudding, she hurried to the piano's rescue.

- Well, why are you so little! – despite her gentle character, Myfanwy was sometimes very strict. – Is it possible to sit down at an instrument without knowing how to play!

- Is it really true? – Latoya was sincerely surprised. “And my mother always said that I was a pretty tolerable strummer.”

– You drone on completely unbearably! – Calder noticed as he approached.

- How rude you are, cousin! – she was offended. – By the way, I played for guests at family evenings.

Calder and Myfanwy looked at each other, rolling their eyes in unison.

“I’m sincerely sorry for the guests,” Calder said in a loud whisper, taking Myfanwy by the elbow and leaning towards her. She smiled slyly at him.

Latoya became even more angry:

- But if you are both so smart, then take it and play! And I will listen as it should!

Myfanwy shook her head.

- Sorry, but I can’t... I told you already...

- Then maybe you, Coldy? – Latoya looked at him almost pleadingly.

“It’s true, Calder, I’ve never heard you play.” Please, for me,” Myfanwy asked tenderly, touching his hand. The touch was light, like the flight of a butterfly, but it was enough to make the man flinch and cast a sad, haunted look at the petitioner.

“Okay,” he agreed, “what would you like to hear?”

Myfanwy closed her eyes slightly, immersed in memories of the time when music filled her every day. Now the sounds cascaded over her: intoxicating, enchanting, carrying away... Like old friends who had come after a long separation, the melodies began to sing all at once, and Myfanwy’s head went spinning from this cacophony.

“I can’t decide,” she smiled sadly, “I haven’t played or listened to anything for so long... You choose.”

Calder nodded, sat down at the piano, closed his eyes, thinking, and then his thin, sensitive fingers touched the keys. “Moonlight Sonata” joined the silence of the evening castle with a breath of fresh air.

Myfanwy cried as people cry when they meet someone dear, one of those whom they no longer expected to meet.

And even Latoya became silent, mesmerized by the beauty of the piece being performed.

As soon as the last sound faded into the air, Myfanwy, as if emerging from a night river, renewed and overflowing, rushed to her brother-in-law.

– Calder, you play incredibly! How dare you torment me with silence for three years?! Never do that again! – she babbled, shaking his hand.

And Calder, looking into those bottomless, clear eyes, vowed to play every evening.

Dinner had just been served, and all of them, excited and joyful, suddenly rejuvenated, chatting about all sorts of trifles, moved towards the table. Calder pulled out a chair and helped Myfanwy sit down, while Latoya sat down herself. And they talked and talked: about the weather and politics, about social scandals and philosophy. Somewhere Latoya was the ringleader, somewhere she just watched, with her mouth open, as the owners of the castle exchanged quotes from the classics, easily switching to Latin, then Greek, or French when necessary.

“By the way,” Calder seemed to come to his senses, “when you, dearest cousin, appeared here, did you tell Marion that you urgently needed to be rescued?” What's wrong?

- Eh, Coldy, how can I trust you with the secret of my heart when you are so official all the time?! – she said, half-jokingly, half-sadly.

“Trust me,” Myfanwy patronizingly covered her hand with hers.

“With all due respect, Maeve, you’re unlikely to be able to help me.”

– Well, then tell us both! “Two heads are still better,” Calder encouraged her.

And Latoya suddenly became serious and sad. After picking at the salad with a fork several times, she sighed and decided:

– The whole point is that I found myself at the center of a scandal.

And she fell silent.

Myfanwy shook her hand gently.

- Oh, poor thing! So what happened? Have you been seduced and abandoned?

Latoya shook her head.

– Oh, Maeve, dear, everything is much, much worse! I wanted to be seduced: I lost the bet.

There was a pause.

Calder sat gloomy and in the uneven glow of the candles seemed paler than usual.

- Strange dispute! – he finally said coldly. - Moreover, as I understand it, it was concluded between a lady and a gentleman?

“That’s right, I made a bet with Earl Joel Macalister, he’s a famous rascal and socialite, and all mothers keep their daughters away from him... But maman... He completely confused her.” She trusted him so much. And there’s nothing to say about me - I wanted it as soon as I saw it.

These details made Myfanwy blush, and Calder could hardly contain his rage.

- So, now the whole London world speaks like this? – he asked insinuatingly.

– No, but my mother and I always called things by their proper names. Since my father died eight years ago, may he rest in peace, my mother stopped raising me.

“That was extremely imprudent of her, considering the number and size of the pink elephants that live in your head,” Calder noted, twirling his glass.

“As it is,” Latoya sighed, “well, in general, we bet on the night of love, and I lost.”

- And... this gentleman... did he... ask you... for payment of a debt? – Myfanwy said in a trembling voice. Such frivolity and immorality simply did not fit into her head.

“Yes, and I paid in full,” Latoya muttered, looking down at the table.

Myfanwy screamed softly and fainted.

Calder immediately jumped up to her, picking her up and laying her on the couch that stood nearby.

- Why are you standing there like a pillar! – he yelled at the unlucky narrator, as if she were a servant. - Open the window and give me some salt, you probably carry some with you!

Latoya, shocked by the extent of her newfound cousin's innocence, immediately rushed to do his bidding.

Gradually, Myfanwy came to her senses, stood up and sat down, quietly thanking her loved ones for their participation.

And Calder, kneeling next to her and still lightly holding her waist, brought down his pent-up anger on Latoya:

- How dare you show up after something like that?

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– Oh, Coldy, I was in despair. Mama and I were no longer accepted everywhere because the scoundrel McAlister blew the whistle on everything. It was impossible to even lean out into the street - they almost poked fingers at me... Ah... - and covering her face with her hands, she burst into tears.

Myfanwy was pathologically unable to see people cry, especially women. Still staggering after her recent fainting spell, she finally got up, walked up to Latoya and hugged her shoulders:

“Don’t cry, we’ll figure something out,” she said caringly.

“No,” Latoya shook her head decisively, “you can’t think of anything here.” Everything died.

“Do you even understand,” Calder was shaking with rage, “that because of a black sheep like you, shame will fall on the entire Granville family?”

He tried not to even think about the real consequences: he had to be a saint, like Myfanwy, so that, living under the same roof with a lonely young man, he would not incur gossip and rumors. He wanted to grab this dirty bastard by the hair and throw her out, just like that, into the night.

“Now I understand...” Latoya drawled sadly, burying her nose in Myfanwy’s thin shoulder, smelling of cinnamon and vanilla. She just hugged her cousin tighter and stroked her back.

“And I hope you realize that you can’t stay here another minute,” said the owner of Globe Hill decisively. “I’ll call the butler and ask him to escort you to the lift and help you find the carriage.”

- Oh no! – she rushed out of Myfanwy’s embrace and fell to her knees in front of Calder. “Cousin, please, I beg you, don’t send me away!” I have nowhere to go! Even my own mother doesn’t want to see me now! Ask!

Myfanwy, excited and shocked, was one step away from following suit.

“Calder, I also ask you, don’t drive the poor thing away,” she stammered in fear, ready to take on the full brunt of his anger.

Calder took a deep breath, it took a superhuman effort to keep his cool and not kick the blonde woman kneeling next to him.

“Myfanwy,” he said as calmly as possible, although the very sound of her name was already depriving him of the ground under his feet, “I also ask you to show prudence.” If she stays, they will start talking about you too.

- I'm not afraid of gossip! – Lady Granville said, raising her head.

- But I’m afraid! - shouted Lord Granville. “And I won’t allow your honest name to be scattered in the wind because this... rubbish... smeared you with its dirt!”

Latoya howled and clutched his knees even tighter.

“Calder, don’t be angry... There is an opportunity to settle everything,” Myfanwy said almost joyfully, “Father’s letter, you forgot, I can leave... Rumors reach our wilderness slowly - so no one will know whether I was here on the day of Latoya’s arrival or No.

Calder felt a farewell in her words and wanted to crawl after her on his knees, howl and beg to stay... But he understood that now this was the only way out.

“But then you’ll have to leave for good,” he said in a falling voice.

– What are you talking about, this is Paul’s grave! I will definitely visit her!

“Paul is buried downstairs in the church cemetery.” There's no need for you to go up to Globe Hill.

“I’ll know that my dear friend is waiting for me here...

Latoya suddenly jumped up, as if completely forgetting about the recent scene, and exclaimed:

– Everything can be solved much simpler. And then Maeve won't have to leave forever.

“Your simple decisions scare me,” Calder said honestly.

- Don't be afraid, Coldy, you just have to marry me...

The world trembled and shattered into myriads of fragments...

Chapter 4. The down of angels' wings...

London, Hampstead, 1878

An hour and a half later, Josie Thorndyke came down into the hall. She wore an elegant cream dress, shaded with soft pink lace, an elegant hat with roses and feathers, and light gloves. In her hands she clutched an elegant reticule embroidered with precious beads. The bustle and train made her look like a peahen with her luxurious tail folded. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs, leaning on the railing and bending slightly at the waist.

Richard froze, once again fascinated by the refined beauty and grace of his wife. He admired her for a few seconds, then came up, put his arm around her waist and pressed his lips to hers. As always, he kissed her powerfully and boldly, exploring every corner of her mouth with his tongue. Josie closed her eyes, and the thick shadows of her long eyelashes danced on her cheeks. She put her palms on Richard's shoulders and was worried that in his impulse he would not wrinkle the dress or ruin his hair.

Finally he pulled away from the sweet captivity of her lips, and Josie met his shining gaze: now, when she stood on the steps, their faces were on the same level. Glasses with thin silver frames gave his look an innocence, and his eyelashes added radiance. And Josie, to her surprise, felt a little dizzy, drowning in the impossible blue of those eyes. She even swayed and he had to catch her.

“One day,” he whispered in her ear, carefully, like a porcelain figurine, lowering it to the floor, “I will completely go crazy from your beauty... And what will you do with me then?”

“Hmm...” she defiantly thought, putting a finger to her lips, “most likely... I’ll immediately hand him over to Bedlam.” And I will ask that you be put on chains as especially dangerous.

The joy immediately disappeared from his face.

“Sometimes I am seriously afraid of you, my love,” he said, hastily lowering his eyes so that she would not catch the flicker of torment in them.

She snorted like an angry kitten.

– You could have praised me! After all, I answered you in your favorite manner, when you don’t understand whether you’re laughing or serious!

– This is truly deadly sarcasm! - With these words, he took her hand and led her to the door.

On the street people looked after them and whispered. Is it a common thing to hold hands in public? Josie was angry: he was always disgracing her! Why can't you behave like everyone else? Doesn't he understand?! It is said, not a socialite and not a gentleman!

It’s good that the store where he took her was only a couple of blocks from their house. It was located in the basement of one of the Hampstead mansions and was almost invisible because of the ivy that picturesquely spread along the wall.

“Please, my lady,” Richard opened the door and let Josie go forward, bowing slightly.

After the bright light of the day, the twilight of the shop made Josie rub her eyes. Stunned by the silence, she felt her husband carefully close the door behind him, then, coming up from behind, he wrapped his arm around her slender figure.

The owner of the shop immediately jumped out to meet them, introducing himself as Gaston Lenois. Monsieur Lenois was short and thin as a pole, and his remaining hair puffed up comically around his egg-shaped bald spot.

“Oh, the goddess of luck favors me today, since such a rare bird has flown into my humble abode,” he said, shuffling around. Josie extended her graceful palm to him, and the Frenchman, bending down, boldly kissed it just above the line of his glove. Josie flushed, Richard narrowed his eyes angrily. – Madam, please forgive me, but your beauty completely deprives men of common sense, your husband will not let you lie.

“Stop clowning around, Lenois,” Thorndyke said coldly, releasing his wife with obvious reluctance. - We come to you on business.

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so why are you standing at the door! Come in, I'm always glad to have such guests! – Lenois bowed, inviting them inside.

Josie had never visited such shops, so now she looked at the items with childish enthusiasm.

– Last week you told me that they brought you a typewriter. Did you also boast that this is a unique piece, made to order?

- That's right, a wonderful thing. A real work of art, if a mechanism can be such, the merchant woke up in Lenois. -Have you finally decided to get one? Otherwise, writing monographs by hand is not comme il faut.

“I’m buying a typewriter for Mrs. Thorndyke, she wants to start a career as a writer,” Richard said in a loud whisper, leaning slightly over the display window.

Josie listened to him with half an ear, absorbed in the contemplation of all sorts of things. She could not even imagine the purpose of some of them.

She did not become curious about the item she was purchasing, completely trusting Richard in this regard. To her own amazement, her attention was captured by the shelves of books that occupied a good part of the shop. She walked around one of them and pulled a book from the shelf.

At this time, the door bell announced that new customers had arrived. And then Josie appreciated the benefit of her position: through the shelves she had a clear view of the entire trading floor, while she, thanks to her miniature size, remained completely invisible.

Two ladies came in. Judging by their tight dark dresses, sad buns and lean faces, they, Josie determined, belonged to the category of old maids that she despised and probably earned their living by hammering letters into the heads of some rich teenagers.

Josie quickly lost interest in the newcomers, being much more interested in the book she was holding in her hands. The inscription on the cover was in some unknown language, but judging by the side edge, the book had pictures. Josie quickly opened one of them and blushed thickly - the illustration was strikingly frivolous: a naked woman and a man merged in love ecstasy. The partner grabbed his lover by the elbows and took her from behind. The woman arched her back. The man put one leg forward, pressing the woman's thigh, and was probably plunging into her to the limit, judging by the fact that his partner's mouth was open in a silent scream. Josie's breath caught in her throat, her cheeks flushed, and her clothes suddenly felt tight. She understood perfectly well that a well-bred lady should faint at the sight of such a frank scene. She should have immediately closed the book and put it away, but Josie could not take her eyes off this picture, passionately wanting to be in the woman’s place. Just to bend over and feel her husband’s impressive penis deep inside her... Through the gap in the shelves, she glanced at Richard. He stood, leaning freely on the ledge of the display case, and talked about something with Lenois.

And just then she heard a muffled conversation - the same ladies who had just entered the shop were talking...

“Fanny, my dear,” said the older one to the younger one, although, in Josie’s opinion, they were both old and homely, “have you noticed what an impressive gentleman is communicating with Monsieur Lenois?”

“Oh yes,” said Fanny, rolling her eyes and becoming even more disgusting. - And growth! And become! And even glasses!

– There is some hidden power in him...

- Yes, and an exciting call...

Josie, in a rage, slammed the book shut, making the ladies flinch, put it back in its place and, walking importantly across the hall, took Richard's arm. Then she turned around to where her unexpected rivals were frozen in amazement, and smiled victoriously.

“Did something happen, my angel?” – Richard asked, a little concerned about his wife’s behavior.

“I miss you,” Josie immediately made a dissatisfied face.

“We’re going home now,” he said, paying and picking up the bag with the typewriter.

Already at the threshold, he suddenly stopped, noticing a heap of old atlases on one of the shelves.

- This is for sale? – he asked curiously.

- What you! – Lenois waved his hands. - These are old pirate maps. I bought them a long time ago from some weirdo for a penny. Sheer rags!

- So can I pick them up?

- Well, of course! – the merchant was delighted.

Richard quickly ran his gaze along the parallels and meridians. He smiled at something. He rolled the cards into a tight roll and tucked them into the straps of his bag. And only after that he politely bowed, raising his light top hat, and, taking his acquisition in one hand, and squeezing Josie’s palm with the other, he went out into the street with her.

It was a pleasant September day, the sun was shining and there was a fresh, but still warm, summer breeze, but Josie shivered. Everything she had seen and happened recently made her body burn. The closeness of her husband and this innocent, but very intimate gesture, when one hand rests in the other, excited her beyond words.

They had gone only a few yards from Lenois's shop when Richard stopped and, placing his purchases on the ground, leaned towards his wife.

“Josie, you are now so excitingly charming and radiating such passion that I barely have enough self-control not to do something outrageous to you right on the street... So what happened?”

Not kissing her now seemed like a crime to him. Blood was pounding in my temples. She wanted him, he saw it: frank desire was now in her eyes, her lips parted seductively. Richard had to clench his fists and grit his teeth because the irony of fate made him want to howl. How happy he would be if this happened at home. Only the thought that any unseemly, thoughtless act could now ricochet on the reputation of his beloved sobered him up.

“Josie, my angel,” he said chokedly, “let’s go...

She nodded and took his hand herself. Richard smiled tenderly at her.

“So,” he began playfully, “what made you so angry?”

She pouted slightly, angry that he had witnessed her shameful weakness. And he grinned brazenly, smugly, clearly rejoicing.

“There in the shop... two ladies... They were staring at you...” Josie finally said.

Richard smiled even wider. Imps danced in his blue eyes.

- Yes, you are jealous!

- You can’t wait!

- Is that so? But if the ladies are interested in me, maybe all is not lost for me?

- Frr... You still remain a bore, a bespectacled person and a stutterer...

- So, no chance?

– Did you hope?

- Oh, what are you talking about! And I didn’t dare think.

“Did you really not notice those ladies?” “Josie raised her face to catch his gaze, which was shining and full of adoration.

“Josie, from the day I saw you in your father’s office two years ago, all other women ceased to exist for me...” his voice trembled slightly from an excess of feelings.

She chuckled:

“I couldn’t imagine such frivolity in the head of a bookworm like you.”

- And what do you think should be in my head?

She blurted out immediately, probably painting a long-thought-out picture:

– Many, many tiny Richards. All are nerdy and wear glasses. They sit there and read, read, read...

“My angel,” he said enthusiastically, hugging her waist and

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attracting to oneself - this is a new word in human anatomy! You will be quoted for generations!

A surprise awaited them at home in the person of Mrs. Rebecca Crane. The young woman, Josie's longtime friend, was clearly very excited.

Having bowed to the ladies, Richard went into the office, and Josie took Rebecca into the small living room, where tea was usually served. It was a cozy room, upholstered in blue silk with delicate roses, furnished with light, light wood furniture. In the niches there were flowers in white and blue vases. And on the windows there were velvet curtains trimmed with gold fringe.

Here, taking off her hat, pulling off her gloves and throwing them on the bookcase, Josie began joyfully kissing her friend.

– Becky, Becky, I’m so glad to see you! I'm just dying of boredom here! Who knew that marriage was such a boring undertaking!

Rebecca settled down next to her on the sofa, took her old friend by the hands and, rolling her eyes, said in the most intriguing tone she was capable of:

“Then I have something to cheer you up!” Do you remember Latoya Granville?

Josie's pretty face twisted into a vengeful expression.

- Still would! She always tried to challenge me for the title of the first beauty, how can you forget this!

“So,” Rebecca switched to a completely spy whisper, “she recently disgraced herself loudly!” Just imagine: not being married, she spent the night with a man! And with whom! With Joel McAlister himself! Now she and her mother will not be allowed into any decent house!

- ABOUT! – Josie said upset. - But why, why was I not there when the Duchess of Norfolk slammed the door in her blond nose?! - Mrs. Thorndyke's face reflected an extreme degree of despair.

“Don’t you feel sorry for her at all?” – Rebecca asked with feigned sympathy.

- Here's another! – Josie screamed. “She once even stole one of my boyfriends from me.” I don’t remember either Viscount Denver or Earl Drummond. But I’m still angry at her!

“To be honest, she never had a chance against you,” said Rebecca in an unctuous tone, who was extremely proud of being friends with the person at whose lovely feet lay half the world of London.

- Oh, of course, how could she compete with me! – she said decisively. “I won’t argue, nature gifted her a little more generously than me,” Josie glanced at her breasts, not big and not small, but just enough so that they fit comfortably in Richard’s palm, “and yes, she’s blonde.” But on the other hand - and I know this from Claudine, and she from the Granvilles’ maid herself, and she certainly won’t lie - her hair is just below her shoulders, while mine always fell to her hips, and now even more longer! And one more thing - I always collected the cream, and she got the buttermilk!

At the end of this passionate tirade, when Josie was just gathering air for further indignation, Richard entered with a tea tray in his hands.

“Forgive me, beautiful ladies, for interrupting your stormy and very soulful conversation,” he organically could not stand gossip, “but I dared to take the trouble to bring you tea.”

And with the dexterity of a real maid, he began to set the table. Josie was not at all surprised by her husband’s behavior, but Rebecca was clearly intrigued, which she said directly.

“Of course,” he readily agreed, casting a slightly mocking glance at his wife, “serving tea is the responsibility of the hostess, but, you see, dear Mrs. Crane, Josie believes that the tea is already in the cup from the very beginning.” A sort of concept. And while the best minds of humanity are struggling to solve this paradox, I am pouring tea in this house.

Having said this, he handed the cup - one finger from the edge, three spoons of sugar and cream - to his wife, touching her hand. He placed another cup in front of Rebecca, bowed, kissed Josie on the neck, a little more passionately than he should have in the presence of a stranger, and left.

Rebecca blinked.

-What was that just now? And what did he just say?

- Oh, don't ask!

“Listen, I kept wanting to know how you managed to marry him?” He wasn't in your retinue, was he?

– Yes, it all turned out so spontaneously and ridiculously. This happened in your last season, you had just gotten married, so you fell out of the action a little... So, then as many as five gentlemen sought my hand, and mind you - all aristocrats! And I was already inclined to run away with Albert Ersho, when the priest called me and said that he had a serious conversation with me. You know, my parents adored me - I am the last and most desired daughter! I was pampered, pampered and cherished. My father never put pressure on me, and then suddenly - a conversation! In the office! I was very scared then that our plan with Albert had been revealed, and, to be honest, I was preparing for an excellent beating. But instead, my father kissed me, complimented me and said that today a certain young man asked for my hand. I clapped my hands and began to list my suitors, but the priest kept shaking his head, provoking me even more. “So who is he?!” – I cried out then, and my father told me that I hardly remember him, although he came to our house several times. Imagine my disappointment!

- Well, why?! If I were you, I would be happy: the secret admirer is so in love that he asks for the hand of a father who dotes on his child!

Rebecca popped a few candied fruits into her mouth and washed it down with tea.

- Well, that’s what I decided later too. Therefore, the priest persuaded me to listen to him and not refuse immediately. And I agreed. I was consumed with curiosity. I immediately wrote to Albert that I had stopped loving him and had changed my mind about running away with him, of course, I broke his heart, but at that time I was so intrigued that I could not think about anything other than that contender for my hand. And now the day has come! How much I imagined this! How I drew him! And then... someone comes in... so ridiculous that I didn’t even understand who he was at first. The only thing I noticed was that the stranger was quite tall, and you know I have a weakness for tall people. But otherwise it was something awkward - glasses, hands shaking, stuttering... I didn’t immediately understand what he was saying, and when I finally got it in, I almost roared with frustration. He must have noticed that tears were shining in my eyes, because he fell to his knees and began to beg not to send him away right away and something else that I couldn’t understand because of my absolutely terrible stutter. In general, he was so pathetic that I agreed to become his bride, just to stop this performance. Then he grabbed my hand - just imagine such insolence! - and began to shower him with kisses, and then completely turned him over and began to kiss his wrist. I was simply stunned by his tactlessness, I took my hand away, said that I would like a diamond ring as proof of love, and left quickly so as not to see him... I cried all night, and the next morning I began to make inquiries. And then a new discovery fell upon me - it turns out that he is an orphan without a family, who, out of mercy, was sheltered by a certain influential gentleman... Marquises and counts were running after me, but here - no one!

- I'm impressed! How could your father, Lord Eddington, who is related to the royal family, give you away to a rootless man?! - Rebecca's eyes became

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quite round.

- Here! I also asked the priest the same question! Misalliance! I have already heard what people are saying about me! But the priest said that this man would be able to take care of me, they say, now he is quite wealthy, has a mansion in Hampstead, that he is a young scientist who shows great promise! And, they say, I’m still young and don’t see my happiness. And then - he, this groom, disgraced me!

- Oh, what terrible things you say! – Rebecca cried, moving closer.

“It was even more terrible to go through it.” I was at a picnic and even involved in flirting, and then he shows up, kneels right in front of everyone and hands me a box with a ring. I was even speechless from his impudence. He put the ring on my finger, kissed my wrist again and, thank GOD, left. True, I also had to call my companion, Miss Mild, and leave, because everyone began to move away from me and whisper. Oh, it was unbearable. But they didn’t even have to announce the engagement – ​​it was already publicized, and quite widely. But fate was preparing even more terrible trials for me.

- Oh my God! – Rebecca impulsively squeezed Josie’s hand.

- Yes, after that incident he disappeared. Then I found out that he had gone on some kind of expedition. He wrote to me, of course, indecently often, but I was offended and burned all his letters. He was gone for a long time, a whole year, and gradually everything calmed down, I began to shine in the world again. I turned nineteen and was at my peak. True, all this was not real. After all, everyone knew that I was engaged. Some spiteful critics called me a straw bride. Imagine, no advances from your groom, no normal flirting! That’s when my gentlemen began to run away to this Granville! And then he fell on my head during my cousin Loyce's birthday party. Yeah, unshaven, covered in dust and some terrible rags, with a bunch of incomprehensible and unnecessary souvenirs. Then for the first time I burst into tears in front of him and said: “How long will you humiliate me?” He didn’t even seem to understand what he was talking about, although he apologized, and from then on he began to warn about visits and always looked impeccable. He began to visit us more often. And my parents, I don’t know why, were fascinated by him. Mom even called me lucky. But I didn’t feel happy at all. When we were left alone to get to know each other better, I was completely lost. I didn't know what to talk to him about. I was annoyed by his glasses and the fact that he stuttered. I kept asking God: why? The wedding day was set, I was so prepared and waited, because this was my last chance to show myself in all my glory...

- Well, of course, because this happens once in a lifetime! A wedding is the most important thing for a girl! – Rebecca stated authoritatively.

- That's it! And he ruined it for me! Such a day!

- Can't be!

- Believe me!

– But wasn’t your wedding the height of luxury and grace? Oh, don't be modest! I remember how everyone said that your dress was the most beautiful in the last fifty years, and you looked like a fairy!

“Oh, Becky, if there was another man next to me, maybe I wouldn’t say that.” But what happened happened. Immediately as my father walked me down the aisle of the church and placed my hand in his, Richard intertwined our fingers and we stood there for the rest of the ceremony. And then, when the priest said it was okay to kiss the bride, Richard lifted my veil and kissed me, but not at all the way one should kiss a bride. He kissed me as if I were already a grown woman, and yet it was my first kiss in my life.

- Can't be! You were so popular! From its very first season! Haven't you kissed anyone?

- No! I liked it when men crawled after me, begging to give me a look. Maximum - you were allowed to kiss the hand. Well, or whisper stupid things in my ear while dancing. I wanted to give my kiss to the one I love with all my soul. And then an almost stranger, unpleasant to me, breaks it off, and does it unceremoniously and rudely. I burst into tears right there, so he picked me up in his arms and carried me all the way to the carriage. And mom and dad saw all this and for some reason didn’t tell him anything. In the carriage, he tried to console me, but I didn’t want to talk to him. Oh, I was so unhappy!

- Poor thing! Is it conceivable to suffer like this?

– This is just the beginning. Be strong, my dear Rebecca, for today you are about to learn how deceiving a façade can be! – Josie declared solemnly. “I will tell you how the beautiful Josephine Eddington, queen of three London seasons, died!”

- Oh my God! – Rebecca was seriously frightened by her friend’s words.

- Listen! – Josie said, her eyes sparkling feverishly. “When the reception began, he quieted down a little, and I began to hope that my tears had an effect on him. But it turned out that everything was in vain. He directly told me that I should not dance with anyone but him. I said: here’s more! And he said that he forbids it, because now I am his wife. True, it was little consolation to me that he himself danced breathtakingly. And most importantly, when he hugged me, strength and tenderness were combined in his hug. It was inimitable and terribly infuriating. But everyone around me congratulated me, said how good I was, and I was comforted. And then my mother took me into an empty room and told me what was going to happen to me that night. She told me then that it would hurt, but I would have to be patient a little, and then it would be fine. And that, they say, Richard loves me so much and will not allow me to suffer! Then she left, and the maids came for me and took me into the room. It turned out to be a bedroom. They wanted to undress me, but I shouted at them and they left. I cried. I was scared, I didn’t want him to touch me, especially the way my mother said. But he came. His hands and voice were shaking again. He wanted to kiss me, but I slapped him in the face and lost control. It was then that I told him everything: how disgusted he was with me, that I agreed to become his wife out of pity, and so on. I probably said terrible things, but then I only thought about how to hurt him more. And I don’t know, maybe I crossed some limit, and then... Oh, Becky, I’m still scared to think about it. He seemed to go wild. He cut my precious dress with a paper knife that was lying on the dressing table... He literally tore off the remnants of my clothes... He tore off the cord from the bell for calling the servants... and... - she gasped and covered her face with her hands, she was shaking, but her eyes remained dry, only painfully glittering between thin fingers.

Rebecca froze, shocked by what she heard.

Josie sighed, gathered her strength and continued:

“He tied me to the bed and... did things to me the mere knowledge of which should make a decent lady burn with shame.” Neither my screams nor my tears had any effect on him... Moreover, they inflamed him even more... But that’s not the worst thing! At some point, I began to enjoy what he was doing to me. It was very bright, some kind of perverted pleasure, but I wanted it not to end... It was disgusting, disgusting and unbearably sweet. As if he broke something in me, and something else woke up - bad, shameful...

Josie paused, catching her breath. Rebecca didn't know what to do: either hug her friend or cry. All she could do was squeeze her thin fingers.

- Sorry to tell you this. I carried everything inside myself for so long. Whole

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six months! I couldn’t tell anyone - not my mother, not my sisters, and especially not my beloved father! They all respect Richard! Why, sometimes they even envy me - they say, he blows away specks of dust from you! But they just don't know how bad he is! How dark! - she stopped again, fell silent, then, squeezing her friend’s hand, she finished: “I woke up in the morning, as soon as I moved, rose petals flew at me.” And they fall, and they fall... White, red, pink... And I sat down, hugged my knees and cried, because I felt like - sorry for being rude! – the last whore... And you know, since then I can’t do it any other way, I want this pain! And to be tied up! And I myself provoke him to be rude to me! At night I like to be a corrupt girl with whom I can do whatever I want. I hate myself for this, but I hate him even more that he made me like this!

The clock in the large living room struck ten, and Josie started with a start, as if waking from a nightmare. The women realized that it was time to say goodbye. Josie walked her friend to the door and there impulsively hugged her:

- Thank you for listening.

- My pleasure!

Josie had no regrets: she had known Rebecca since childhood and until now her dear and older friend had never betrayed a single one of her secrets.

Having said goodbye to Mrs. Crane, Josie went up to the bedroom: she and Richard shared it, and not each of them had their own, as was customary. There she rang the bell and called the maid, who helped the mistress undress, and Josie plunged with pleasure into the warm water smelling of roses and lavender. She leaned back and closed her eyes. Hands slid over the body, touching the innermost corners. Soon she felt other touches - gentle and sensual. She turned around, hugged Richard and began to kiss him passionately. Her hands gradually slid down his chest and began to untie the belt of his robe. He gently caught her palms and pulled her away. He caught her out of the water, whispering something about a beautiful mermaid, wrapped her in a fluffy towel and carried her to the bed. Carefully, like a crystal sheet, he lowered her onto the silk sheet and began to cover her body with gentle kisses, like the fluttering of a moth.

Josie did not come to her senses immediately, softened by the refined caresses. But then she stopped him. And looking down into his eyes, the expression of which she could not read because of the candlelight glare on his glasses, she said:

- Richard, what are you doing?

“Actually, I plan to make love to you.”

“And you won’t tie me up?” Won't you hurt me?

- No, today there is only tenderness.

“Oh, Richard, you can’t do that.” You are reality, don't you dare become a dream.

He pulled away, sat down and laughed sadly...

Chapter 5. Your joyless dried up garden

- Try to please him.

Paul helped his bride out of the carriage. Myfanwy wore a traveling suit of terracotta taffeta and an elegant hat with a fascinator. She looked simply lovely.

- I - to him?

- Yes, brother - my whole family. And I am his. True, soon I will have you... He is a little specific, but overall he is the most wonderful older brother on earth, no matter how hard he tries to look like an idiot. You will definitely like him. Therefore, I ask you, try to please him.

Paul said all this while dragging her along a rather steep path. Myfanwy walked, looking at her feet, because the entire path was strewn with small pebbles that were trying to slip out from under her heel. And, despite the fact that Paul was insuring her, it was somewhat scary. Finally, when they stopped on a small platform, Myfanwy raised her head up and only now saw Glome Hill - gloomy and lonely, the castle seemed to hang over this world, pressing with its dark bulk.

- Do we have wings to fly there? - she said.

“We don’t have wings, but we do have a brother - an engineering genius,” with these words Paul hugged her waist with one hand, with the other he pulled some hitherto invisible lever, and something scraped from above. - Look! – he said with truly boyish delight and pride.

And Myfanwy stared in surprise at this peculiar elevator.

- Looks like a kitchen lift!

“That's right,” Paul agreed brightly and helped her climb into it. “Now hold on to me as tightly as possible and under no circumstances look down.”

She clung to his gray traveling coat with all her might, Paul hugged her, as if sheltering her from all adversity, took hold of the cord, like what is used to call servants, called someone, and the unit slowly crawled up.

A feeling of slight trembling, because my feet did not feel solid ground, came over Myfanwy. It was scary and exciting, like being on a fast-paced swing. And she only pressed herself harder into the body of her companion. Paul, holding his bride tightly, whispered something soothing to her from time to time.

And then the elevator, shuddering for the last time, stopped.

Paul opened the door a crack and helped Myfanwy out. They found themselves at the castle gates. Up close, Globe Hill was even more depressing. It seemed as if this huge thing was going to move and crush you. Myfanwy clung to Paul in fear.

- Really, he’s great! – young Granville looked at his family nest almost in love.

- Don't know. Maybe a goblin king or a dragon ruler,” Paul answered with the same boyish excitement. “I told you I would kidnap you.” You see, he dragged me into his black castle! Scary? I wonder how many beautiful princesses have withered away here from melancholy?!

- Oh, Paul, stop it! – she closed her eyes. – What kind of nonsense?! Even I know that there are no goblins and dragons. And you! Five minutes to a specialist in international law! How can you say such a thing?! Princesses, black castles - nonsense!

- Or maybe it’s not such nonsense? – he said in a slightly sepulchral tone. – Princess – yes, gloomy castle on the rock – please! What if the goblin king appears now?

There was a playful sparkle in his eyes, but Myfanwy did not share his joy. The picture around was indeed depressing - everywhere you looked there were stones, withered heather and bare trees with crows' nests. And also the wind, such that it seemed that it would immediately pick you up, spin you around and carry you away. And he would be thrown into the bottomless abyss that yawned just a few feet away.

Paul put his arm around her waist and pulled her towards him.

“Listen,” she finally decided, “how does your brother live in such a place alone?” How did you get up here before when there was no elevator?

- He is not alone, there are other inhabitants here. You'll see them soon. How did you get up? Previously, when I was just a child, there was a trail here, a little to the north. Steep, but quite usable, although a horse wouldn’t walk on it. But local residents have long adapted goats for this purpose.

- Koz?! – she was surprised. – But where do they grow them?!

“On the other side of Globe Hill,” Paul waved his hand forward, “the valley.” Very picturesque. There's a village there. We will definitely visit it, especially since we are going to get married in the church there!

At the thought of the imminent wedding and those following it

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In the quiet joys of family life, Myfanwy blushed and smiled tenderly.

Paul took her hand and pressed it to his chest.

“I can’t wait for the day when you become truly mine!” – he exclaimed passionately, and his bride became even more embarrassed. “Maeve, darling, let’s swear right here, in front of Glome Hill, that we will love each other forever, even if death separates us!”

“No need,” she shook her head. - No need for vows! Because how could it be otherwise if you are my destiny! – she said quietly but confidently. And then she rose on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on his lips.

They were happy with that absolute pure happiness that, as if as a reward, descends on young and innocent creatures. She was seventeen, Paul was twenty, and life sparkled around them like a bright rainbow, despite the gloomy landscape.

“Paul,” she asked timidly when they finally released their embrace, “so, you two have lived here together since childhood?”

“Yes,” he became sad, “my mother died when she gave birth to me.” Father got angry and sent Calder and me here. Calder was only nine at the time. Father rarely visited us, and when he did, he hardly spoke to us. And he often punished us, especially Calder. He, as the eldest, always took the blame upon himself. And he got it! My poor brother!

- Oh! - Myfanwy was embarrassed - Sorry for making me remember all this.

- Never mind. “He tucked a golden lock that had escaped from under her hat behind her ear. He had long noticed that her ears were slightly pointed at the ends, like those of an elf. – Sooner or later you need to learn the legends of Glome Hill Castle, after all, it will soon become a part of your life.

Hand in hand, they walked to the gate, and Paul knocked on the door with a heavy chimera knocker. The viewing window in the gate opened slightly, and a joyful, rosy-cheeked face poked out. It was so round and occupied the entire hole so tightly that it seemed as if there was nothing else except this face.

- ABOUT! - it screamed when it saw the guests. - Young master! Why didn't you warn me? Now, now I’ll open it!

The face disappeared.

Paul turned to Myfanwy and said:

- Sorry, I should have warned you in advance - we don’t like surprises!

Myfanwy sighed.

Finally, the gate swung open, and the young people found themselves in a stone sack of the castle courtyard. Beside them, running around in circles like a happy puppy, was a short man whom Paul introduced to her as the butler, Graham Fielding.

Mr. Fielding lavished praise and compliments on Paul's fiancee, but, to the great surprise of the young owner, was in no hurry to escort her into the house. While Paul argued with the butler, Myfanwy began to look around the yard. It seemed as if she had found herself in the Middle Ages. The picture was aggravated by an old beggar woman who appeared from behind the wall. Tousled hair, filthy rags, wildly burning eyes, gnarled teeth sticking out of her mouth - it seemed as if death itself had appeared before her. The old woman grinned gap-toothed and beckoned to Myfanwy with a dirty, crooked finger. As if hypnotized, the girl walked towards her, although everything inside was screaming and shrinking in horror.

“Play with me,” the old woman creaked.

- Yes, in “The Gardener.”

- But... but... I... can’t...

“It’s simple,” the old woman laughed for some reason, “you just need to choose a flower.” Forget-me-not will suit you.

“Maeve,” Paul called out to her, “who are you with?”

The girl shuddered, as if returning to reality. She turned around at the call and saw surprise in the eyes of the groom: he seemed to be looking at emptiness. And indeed, when she again looked at the place where the old woman had recently stood, there was no one there. Myfanwy shivered, shook her head to drive away the eerie vision, and returned to her groom.

Paul took her hand and they followed Fielding. Dear, he justified everything:

“My lord will be very, very unhappy.” He was in his laboratory in the morning and told me not to disturb.

Paul was even offended:

- Well, I don’t come to visit that often! Especially with the bride.

Finally they entered a vast hall. Dust and desolation reigned all around, as if no one lived here at all. It seemed that they were inside a crypt and that its afterlife owner was about to appear - pale and in a robe of darkness. The man who appeared in the doorway was exactly like this image: very tall, must have been half a foot taller than Paul, thin, as if after a serious illness, dressed in some incredible black robe, disheveled and with a burning gaze. At the sight of him, Myfanwy screamed and hid behind the groom.

- Very polite! – the dark stranger commented on her actions.

- Calder, you could stop scaring my fiancée! Otherwise I'll get angry! – but it didn’t look like it from his face: on the contrary, Paul was smiling with all his might and opening his arms. However, his brother was apparently not in good spirits.

– So, you decided to get married, but you just presented me with a fait accompli? Didn't we agree to discuss such issues at the family council?

- Calder! – Paul was indignant. “You’ve gone completely crazy here, in Glome Hill.” Why should I consult with you if I fell in love!

- I thought you were an adult! – he said coldly, with irritation. - And you brought some kind of whistle that is almost afraid of its own shadow! Is this really what the mistress of Glome Hill should be like?!

- How can you! Paul clenched his fists.

- And by the way, where are you going to put her? As far as I understand, you are not married yet? This means you can’t spend the night in the same room, and I won’t tolerate debauchery!

Myfanwy was ready to burst into tears: and this man should like her? He really pissed her off! In all the seventeen years of her life, Myfanwy had never been so angry! Not much was said about her in the third person, and so were such offensive things.

She came forward, curtsied and said, strictly following etiquette in her intonations:

“My lord, I ask you to forgive us for such a sudden visit. We would really not like to cause you unnecessary inconvenience, so we will depart immediately, especially since our luggage is still below. For this, allow me to take my leave.

Calder froze, as if struck by thunder. For several minutes, he looked at her, standing in an oblique strip of light, as if wondering how and when this unearthly creature appeared here. Then, turning even paler, he muttered:

“Please forgive me,” and retreated.

Paul took her hand and said quietly:

- Really forgive him. He's gone completely wild here. He's usually much more courteous. Let's go, I'll show you the room - take mine, there's a bath and a fireplace. And I'll move into the old nursery.

And, placing her palm in the groom’s palm, she stepped into a new life...

Northumberland, Globe Hill Castle, 1878

It started raining that evening. At such a time it was impossible to get out of Globe Hill. And everyone who was hostage to bad weather wandered around the castle like shadows.

Of course, Calder rejected Latoya's proposal with contempt. He shuddered at the thought that a creature so dirty and vicious was touching him. Latoe was only allowed to walk around the perimeter of the rooms, without going into the center, so as not to dirty the whole house, as Calder said. Dinner was served to her at the very end of the table, almost two yards from the owners of Globe Hill. She was ordered not to give dinner, since she should spend the evening hours in prayer and repentance, without being distracted by the vanity of the world in

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type of meal. Her magnificent dresses are all that remains of her former social splendor! – Calder personally threw him into the abyss, saying that he was sick at the sight of pink. They had to borrow clothes from Marion, and now Latoya, which infuriated her beyond belief, looked like a maid.

Of course, Calder demanded that she immediately leave Myfanwy’s room and move into any other one, but Latoya begged, citing the fact that she could not stand the cold. Myfanwy stood up for her. Calder considered this behavior a betrayal.

“Your kindness will backfire on you!” - he said, looking at both the petitioner and the one asking for her with a prickly, unkind look.

And Myfanwy very soon became convinced how right he was. The fact is that the room she occupied did not have a bathroom. And then she decided to ask Latoya, apologizing for the inconvenience caused. Approaching her former room, she was surprised to notice that the door was slightly open. Myfanwy knocked anyway and, hearing no answer, said:

- I enter.

Latoya was not in the room. All sorts of feminine things were lying around in disarray, and there was dust. Myfanwy felt ashamed of her cousin. I wanted to immediately go down for a broom and clean up here. And having already gone for cleaning supplies, she suddenly stopped when she heard moans coming from the bathroom. Terribly afraid that something had happened, Myfanwy rushed there and was dumbfounded by the picture that opened - Latoya, sprawled in the bathroom, caressed herself. And she was so carried away that she didn’t even notice who had entered. Myfanwy, feeling a lump of nausea rising in her throat, rushed away. I immediately didn’t want to use the same bathroom. All crimson, she returned to her room, doused herself with cold water from a jug while still wearing her clothes, and, kneeling down in front of the crucifix, began to earnestly pray for the lost soul of Latoya Granville.

Here, in the old nursery, the fireplace had long been out of order, and now Myfanwy's teeth were chattering. She hurried to change into a thick nightgown, combed her hair and ducked under the blanket. But the blanket was completely cold, and she immediately felt cold. As a result, she lay awake all night, trembling...

The next morning, before breakfast, she called Latoya aside and, blushing and turning pale, confusedly asked her not to engage in such ungodly obscenities anymore.

“If Calder finds out,” she said quietly but sternly, “he’ll throw you out there naked.”

Latoya jumped up.

“You’re all either saints or hypocrites here!” Also tell me, you've never done anything like this!

Myfanwy felt faint at the thought of something like that, and clutching the wall to keep from falling, she said almost with disgust:

“Having lost your honor, have you also lost all shame?”

- Shame?! Shame is used to hide behind those who are afraid to give free rein to their nature - cowards and weaklings! – Latoya proudly raised her chiseled nose.

“I wonder,” Myfanwy said with bitter contempt, “who do you think are cowards and weaklings: the London nobility who slammed the doors of their houses on you, or Calder and me, who took pity on you?”

– I don’t need your pity! – Latoya screamed, swallowing tears. “I don’t regret what I did at all.” But now I won’t die an old maid like some!

And then Myfanwy hit a person for the first time in her life.

“I’m sorry,” she was frightened when she saw a red mark light up on Latoya’s tender cheek, “but you’ve already crossed the line!” Agree, dying as an old maid is in some ways better than dying as a fallen woman somewhere in a cheap hospital!

- So what, you never wanted a man? You're still very young!

“I buried my desires the day Paul died.

- But this is absurd - life goes on! Would he really want you to bury yourself alive like that?

Myfanwy took several deep breaths, restoring her heart rate, which had become erratic from such talk.

– You and I, Latoya, I don’t know whether you think it’s fortunate or unfortunately, have too different views on loyalty and morality. And I would ask you not to bring this topic up again.

- Yes, it hurts me! But know this: the right ones like you infuriate me! It is because of you that normal people, giving vent to their feelings, are ostracized.

“And they also differ in normality,” Myfanwy said quietly. “And I still hope that you will stop doing what we talked about while I’m the mistress here.”

Latoya just snorted and walked away. Going up to the room, she, still angry and annoyed, amused herself by mentally trying to get Calder and Myfanwy into the same bed. But, unfortunately, she was never able to imagine them not buttoned up. Damn Puritans. And the only thing she regrets is that now she is unlikely to be able to compete with the hated arrogant Josephine Eddington. Of course, her wedding thundered throughout London! Of course, a wedding in St. Paul's Cathedral, thousands of rose buds that strewn the path of lovers, and a husband carrying his young wife in his arms. The world buzzed about it for another week. But let Josephine not think that she has defeated her, there is always a chance to win back. And Latoya, sticking out her rather impressive chest, proudly walked towards her.

Ding-dong, ding-dong...

The rain died down and Myfanwy went out onto the balcony to cool down a bit after talking with her cousin.

And here is this bell. Is someone really chasing a goat?

Ding-dong, ding-dong...

Closer and closer... With clouds of fog creeping onto the castle.

Ding-dong, ding-dong...

- Hello, girl...

The old beggar woman, the same one who was there on the day of her arrival in Globe Hill.

– Have you changed your mind about playing with me yet, Forget-me-not?.. Come on... I was born a gardener...

Darkness covered Myfanwy. Cold sticky darkness...

Flowers are dying here, I checked...

And stubbornly - before my consciousness fades completely: I don’t want to die...

...And at this time Aaron Sparrow was banging on the castle gates with all his might...

Chapter 6. For one smile from you...

London, Hampstead, 1878

The typewriter delighted Josie beyond words. Just think: I poked a button and it was on you! letter on paper! Josie accompanied the appearance of each sign with a jubilant cry, very reminiscent of the one with which discoverers accompany the appearance of a long-awaited island on the ocean surface.

- Oh, Richard! Thank you! Thank you! – she cried after the first series of experiments, throwing herself on his neck.

- There is no need for gratitude, my angel! – he answered, hugging her to him and smiling happily.

Standing on tiptoe, pulling him by the neck and kissing him on the cheek, Josie returned to the typewriter.

Since Josie was now engaged in intellectual activity, in her own competent opinion, Richard had to share his office with her. And, being a pathological neat guy, he had to put up with crumpled pieces of paper flying everywhere, which meant the pangs of creativity for his lovely wife. It was, of course, impossible to work in such conditions, but he could not deny himself the pleasure of seeing Josie at the typewriter.

And so, deciding to be curious about how her story was going, Richard walked over to Josie’s desk, which now stood opposite his own. She was so carried away that she did not even react to her husband’s approach, although at the very beginning she told him not to dare distract her from her work, because she might lose her mind, and then what?

Taking one of the sheets from the table, he realized that he had the honor of observing

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the cover of the future masterpiece. Along the edge of the page there were incomprehensible waves and circles with dots, which must have been flowers and ruffles, and in the middle, in a rounded, semi-childish handwriting, was carefully written: “Loka?n passions.”

Richard shuddered.

Putting his hand on his wife’s fragile shoulder and leaning forward slightly, he brought the sheet to her face and said:

– My love, I’m afraid to upset you, but the word “curl” should be written with an “o”.

Josie’s graceful brows frowned, her huge gray eyes flashed lightning bolts that should incinerate the insolent person.

– You understand a lot through “o”! - she exploded.

“I dare to assure you...” he began, but Josie interrupted him with an angry:

– You’ll tell me here! I've read your books!

– Have you read my books?! – Richard was taken aback. – That’s it, I’m sending for Vardis because I’m seriously afraid for your mental health!

- Yes, I read it! - She stamped her foot, infuriated that he did not rejoice at her statement. – And I’ll tell you – you speak English completely incomprehensibly, use some strange words, and some are also foreign!

– Oh, Josie, I will certainly take your comments into account in my next treatises and, moreover, I will contact the Department of Philology of the Royal Academy of Sciences so that they make thorough changes to the theory of styles.

- Please! – she condescended more mercifully, although she did not fully understand what was actually being discussed. - Otherwise I read half a page...

– Half a page of scientific text! – he said dumbfounded. - Oh, my dear, I’m definitely sending for Vardis!

The anger returned. She jumped up, put her hands on her hips and said:

– Yes, I read half a page, but I still didn’t understand who these monsoons were!

Richard pulled back, raising his hands in a conciliatory gesture of surrender.

- Fine! Just remember for the future, my angel, books without pictures are not for you!

– I decide what to read! - she screamed, because the reminder of the picture book brought back an unnecessary vision in her memory. And Richard had not touched her since the night she refused his affection. He actually moved to sleep on the sofa in one of the living rooms. This gave her more reason to be furious: no one had ever done it herself! of your own free will! didn't leave Josephine Eddington!

She put off talking about this topic until the cup of anger in her soul completely overflowed! Then she will tell him everything, and he will have to crawl at her feet in the dust to beg for the right to return to the marital bed!

“Don’t worry so much, my angel,” he said, coming to terms with his defeat in this dispute, “this is extremely harmful for your incomparable beauty.”

And it is unknown what turn this conversation would have taken if not for the servant who politely knocked on the door and handed over the letter.

“My aunt, Countess Brandouin, invites us to dinner, and if I were you, I would hurry up, because it’s already a quarter to two,” he said, carefully folding the letter.

“Explain to me, Richard,” said Josie, offended that she would have to visit this arrogant Brandouin, “how can you call people completely strangers to you aunts and uncles?!” You are an orphan who was taken into the family out of mercy!

He didn't answer, turning his back to her and closing his eyes. Only after a couple of moments of ringing silence did he throw over his shoulder, muffled and tired:

- Go, Josie. The Countess doesn't like it when people are late.

And she left with a final, angry snort.

The mansion of the Countess Brandouin was half an hour's drive from the Thorndyke mansion in Hampstead.

The dress Josie Claudine had chosen for the day was a pearl-silver alpaca that complimented her dark hair and porcelain-white skin.

In the carriage, she and Richard sat on opposite sides and were silent. He did not hug her, did not shower her with kisses, as he usually did when they found themselves together in the cramped space of the carriage. Why, he didn’t even look at her, staring out the window and resting his face on his palm. Josie was terribly, incredibly angry!

Only near the countess's mansion, leaving first, Richard grabbed her by the waist and lowered her to the ground. He looked at her face with a strange, as if frightened look, and took her hand - it seemed like she would never wean him from this bad habit! – and still silently led him into the house.

They were met by Baron Shefordt, the countess's cousin.

- Oh, Josephine! – he cried, kissing her cheeks, which is why Richard, who was standing next to him, tensed and clenched his fists. “You are getting prettier and prettier, although it would seem like there’s nowhere else to go!”

“There is no limit to perfection, Uncle Hendrick,” Richard said coldly, pulling Josie towards him.

- Oh, Richard, my boy, what are you doing! Is it possible to be more perfect than perfect! - said Shefordt and immediately switched back to Josie: - Your husband, my child, must be executed for hiding such beauty from human eyes!

If it had been anyone else, Josie would have chimed in to tease Richard, but Hendrik Shefordt's presence here meant that his adored granddaughters, Molly and Dolly, were somewhere nearby, and Josie couldn't stand those jokes. They reminded her of enthusiastic lap dogs who could only gush over their offspring and exchange recipes for biscuits. How can people be so brainless? – Josie asked herself. And I always tried to stay away from them, so as not to catch this virus myself.

But in general, she and Richard almost never went anywhere. He could hardly endure balls, banquets, all that secular fluff that constitutes the ultimate dream of some. In addition, lies and hypocrisy, which were fragrant in magnificent colors in prestigious salons, caused an acute reaction of rejection in him. And if the invitation was still unavoidable, Richard remained distant and did not let Josie go. “You are my wife, and I do not intend to share you with anyone, even for the duration of the dance,” he repeatedly stated. And Josie, although not without indignation, submitted to his whim. Such an imperious and uncompromising assertion of his rights excited her, for it was reminiscent of the bonds with which he tied her in bed. Attending such events alone, being a married woman, was the height of indecency. Therefore, all she could do was visit her parents, sisters and a few married friends. But for the most part she preferred to stay at home and entertain Richard, of course, when he was also at home, with her blues. As a rule, this led to certain, very piquant consequences.

Countess Brandouin appeared. She walked over and squeezed Richard's hand with one hand and Josie's with the other. The Countess was tall, stately, with traces of dazzling beauty, a woman who preferred dresses of the early Victorian era.

- My children! It's so good that you stopped by! – she said enthusiastically, dragging both of them to the table.

She sat Josie on her right hand, openly showing off her.

“My dear,” the countess said in a loud whisper, “when will you please us with your interesting position?”

Josie blushed, becoming even more beautiful, and cast a withering glance at Richard: they say, ask him. They sat opposite each other: in the aunt's house, male and female guests were always seated on opposite sides of the table.

But since Josie did not answer her aunt’s question, Molly and

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Dolly began vying with each other to praise their babies. Josie sighed and called upon all her social experience.

The dinner was spent with a non-committal conversation about sweet family trifles.

Sweets were served. Next to Richard was a plate of cookies, generously sprinkled with powdered sugar. At the sight of this delicacy, he shuddered slightly. Josie was always surprised that her husband did not like sweets so much, he even always drinks coffee and tea so that, in her opinion, he couldn’t even put them in his mouth.

And one more thing she noticed every time they visited one of his named relatives. For the most part, they were nice and even kind people. True, they loved to chat too much and sometimes seemed annoying. But Richard behaved with his relatives not just with cold politeness, he seemed to fence himself off from them with an invisible wall. He tried to take a position so as not to inadvertently come into contact with any of them, even with the sleeves of his clothes, as if they were all stricken with a contagious disease. He kept to himself and answered, if anyone addressed him, simply and monosyllabically. Even at the very beginning of their life together, Josie, amazed that Richard, who never missed an opportunity to touch her at home, began to shy away and studiously avoid even the slightest touch when visiting his own, asked him what was the matter. He replied that he had reasons to dislike his relatives and then closed the topic forever. And Josie showed an understanding in this matter that surprised her - she no longer climbed in and didn’t get to the bottom of it.

After lunch everyone went for a walk in the garden. Countess Brandouin's garden was simply the height of perfection. He was looked after by the best gardeners and landscapers in the kingdom. Surprisingly, even those flowers and shrubs, which are not at all typical to grow in these latitudes, took root in this garden. The plants in the garden were selected in such a way that its owners could admire the bright blooms at any time of the year.

The Countess took Josie's arm and said:

“Come on, my child, I need to talk to you.”

Josie was always suspicious of such talk. She generally preferred not to have heart-to-heart conversations with people who were somehow unpleasant to her.

So now I tensed up and straightened my back.

The Countess led her to the gazebo that stood next to the fountain at the other end of the alley. Walking past one of the flower beds, Josie suddenly stopped, amazed by one of the plants. The bush was small and had almost flown around, so the flower was clearly visible. Bright red, with a long orange pistil, as if strewn with beads. The five petals curled like a flamenco dancer's skirt. Looking at this amazing flower, Josie felt her heart pound and color rush to her cheeks: it was beautiful, unique and incredibly erotic.

- What is this? – she asked, mesmerized by the wondrous vision.

– Hibiscus, otherwise – Chinese rose. Rare plant. Extremely capricious! He was sick for so long that we were about to throw him away. It's amazing that he has blossomed!

The Countess herself was shocked by this anomaly.

- Like? – she asked, seeing how Josie’s eyes were shining.

- Not that word! I would never have thought that there were things in the world... so... so perfect!

– Oh, my child, you still don’t know so much about the nature of things! - said the countess, pulling her along with her.

Josie turned around to take one last look at the flower, but then, right before her eyes, it began to curl up. Then he swayed and fell to the ground.

- Ah! “Josie exclaimed, clutching her heart as if she had just lost a dear friend. There were tears in her eyes.

- Don't be upset, darling. This is fine. Hibiscus blooms for only a few hours. Consider yourself lucky to see him,” the countess sighed and realized that she couldn’t take Josie away from here so easily. “You know, in the East this flower,” she switched to a whisper, “is considered a symbol of passionate, indecent love.”

Josie lit up like a hibiscus flower. And the countess dragged her away, immersed in some kind of daydream. Finally they reached the gazebo. The Countess sat her down opposite her and, taking her hands, said in the most confidential tone of which she was capable:

“Baby, now tell me everything without concealment, what’s going on with you and Richard?”

Josie turned pale. Her worst forebodings about her aunt’s intentions were coming true.

– Why did you decide to ask? – she said, moving away as far as possible.

“It’s like a cat ran between you.” Believe me, baby, I notice such things right away! Did he offend you in some way?

How disgusting it is when uninvited guests pry into your soul for intimate details. There is something perverted in this human passion - to rummage with passion in someone's life. Josie took a deep breath.

“That’s not the point,” she said finally.

- So what? – the countess did not let up. – Don’t be afraid, I’ve known him for a long time and I can help you!

Josie still wriggled, embarrassedly crumpling the hem of her dress.

“The thing is,” she finally said, “he hasn’t slept with me for the third night now.”

- Nonsense, baby! – the countess sighed, but immediately came to her senses and said: “You said third!” And is this already bothering you so much? Did you sleep together more often before?

“Actually,” Josie was infuriated by this pepper shaker who was now dissecting her soul with some kind of manic pleasure, “we sleep together every night, since our wedding day!” And every time, of course, if I don’t have menstrual ailments, we make love!

– And you talk about it so calmly!

– I’m not talking about this calmly at all, as you may have noticed! – Josie was seriously angry.

- Is it possible that he could corrupt you so much! – the countess clasped her hands. – From childhood, he was vicious and intemperate in his expression of emotions! And no matter how much his venerable adoptive father fought, this boy remained an ugly savage with the habits of a street beggar!

At this point the countess's tirade ended; she must have run out of air. And then someone called out to the countess, either Molly or Dolly - from such a distance all lap dogs are the same - and she, bowing and finally telling Josie to think carefully about her words, left.

Josie stood up and walked forward. She didn’t know why or where she was going, excited and devastated by the recent conversation. She did not notice how she passed through the gate in the old wall, abundantly covered with ivy, and found herself in some kind of wasteland. Here she looked back, surprised at where she had wandered, and was about to turn back, but, catching on something, she flew forward shouting:

- Hey, little heel!

And she probably would have been seriously hurt if she hadn’t been caught.

- My angel, what are you doing here?

Richard looked extremely worried. Kneeling down next to him, he gently but securely hugged her to him, and she was happy about this hug and angry that he was making her enjoy such little things.

- Heel! - she whined.

Richard quickly lifted her skirt and looked down. Josie's dainty shoe was indeed caught between some old roots, and the heel was twisted to one side. Richard carefully removed the white silk stocking from the mangled shoe. Josie's foot was so small that when he placed it on his palm, it fit entirely into it. He could not resist and, bending down, pressed his lips to hers.

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lovely leg. Josie felt the heat of his kiss through the thin fabric of her stocking.

She gasped quietly from the unearthly pleasure born of this caress. And Richard, having easily lifted his wife, was ready to carry her back, when suddenly...

Ding-dong, ding-dong...

Very close. In the gray serpentine fog...

Ding-dong, ding-dong...

“It’s cold, so cold,” Josie whispered, and he pressed her even closer to him.

And then the old woman appeared. Creepy, disheveled, in rags. She had a bell hanging from her belt. She held a staff in her crooked, gnarled fingers. The old woman walked past, as if not noticing them, and hummed to herself:

I was born a gardener

Seriously angry

I'm tired of all the flowers,

- What is this? – Josie asked, trembling all over, hugging her husband even tighter.

“But this, my love, is better for you not to know,” said Richard. And in his voice, usually warm and velvety, there were notes of steel.

He kissed Josie's forehead, whispered some words, and she quietly passed out. Then, holding it with one hand, he took off his coat and carefully laid his treasure on it.

He felt their presence with jolts of electricity along his spine. Straightening up, he looked around the vacant lot and said mockingly:

- Well, what about you! Crawl out!

And they climbed up - gray, nimble, disgusting... They giggled, clearly mocking him:

- Give it back! Give us the flower!

- Just try and take it! – no less mockingly, in tone with them, he answered.

The blue flame, blazing brightly in the eyes, began to spread throughout the body, distorting features and limbs. The creature, which had long been waiting in the wings, joyfully released its claws and wings. The long blades caught fire in her paws and immediately fused together, forming giant garden shears...

-Are you the Gardener? – a shiver ran through their gray ranks.

The hellish creature laughed and answered in a voice that hardly resembled a human one:

- You guessed it! And I'm going to do a good job of weeding!

Chapter 7. Teach me to bloom...

Northumberland, Globe Hill Castle, 1875

That evening, Myfanwy came down to dinner in a pale blue taffeta dress that left her slender, heavily freckled shoulders exposed.

Calder, now combed smoothly but still dressed in black from head to toe, gave her a disapproving glance.

“This is extremely frivolous of you,” he commented on this robe, “it’s quite cold in the castle, you could catch a cold.”

“When a woman opens her shoulders, she wants a man to warm them with his palms,” Myfanwy answered. And Calder, who was about to read her an angry rebuke, suddenly stopped and stared at his plate.

Paul looked from the bride to his brother and did not understand what was happening. Therefore, he poured wine into glasses and, in a joyful voice, offered to drink for the acquaintance.

But despite this, the conversation did not go well, interrupted by long pauses. Myfanwy sat with her back straight and clutching her fork. Calder completely retreated into the shadows and remained silent. Unable to watch his loved ones drift further apart, Paul said:

– Maeve, maybe you can play for us? We have an amazing piano!

This is perhaps the only thing that could unite them. Paul knew very well that in those moments when it was especially difficult, Calder poured out his soul in music.

- Piano? Here? – she was surprised. - How did you get him here?

“That’s another question,” Paul smiled and extended his hand to her. - Let's go, I'll show you...

And he noticed that Calder looked strangely at their joined hands.

Adjacent to the dining room was a small round room. Uneven moonlight poured in through two lancet windows. The black piano seemed to be purring, like a huge well-fed cat, basking in this heavenly silver. The keys looked like a grin in the twilight.

Myfanwy touched them carefully, giving birth to gentle, clear sounds. The instrument was in perfect condition: it was clear that it had been used frequently and cared for with care.

The girl moved the stool, slightly stretched her fingers and... She knew exactly what she would play - certainly Mozart! She loved it for its magic and sunshine. For absolute music sparkling with a wondrous light, as if overheard somewhere in heaven.

And now, while playing, she was floating on her own. Shining, thin in a strip of moonlight. Paul noticed that his brother first looked at her, without looking away, with some kind of inflamed, brilliant gaze, and then, leaning his head back on the door frame, closed his eyes and folded his arms across his chest, plunging into his thoughts.

Paul was sitting on a bench that occupied the opening of one of the niches. His face was in shadow. But he himself saw them clearly. Calder, like the creation of a graphic artist, tall, straight, dark, and Myfanwy, fragile and almost unreal in these moonlight reflections. It was as if some invisible artist had painted them, forgetting about other colors except shades of black and white.

And then the last note of the wonderful melody disappeared into the air. And Paul noticed how his brother flinched from this sudden, deafening silence. Finally, Calder pulled away from the doorway and, for some reason, casting a derogatory glance at the young musician, said coldly:

- Well, you play quite tolerably. I think I can trust you with my instrument from time to time.

With these words, he turned sharply and left without even saying goodbye.

Myfanwy covered her eyes with her hands and said:

“Do you really think he can like me?” – her voice trembled with tears.

Paul walked over to her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

- Relax, everything will be fine! - he said, hardly believing what he was saying. - Go to bed, today was a hard day.

Myfanwy went up to her room. In the room she found a maid - a plump, pretty girl with golden curls, lively brown eyes and a funny upturned nose was like a breath of life in the gloomy atmosphere of the castle.

The girl was straightening the bed.

“My name is Marion,” she introduced herself, making a curtsey. “And your bath is ready, my lady.”

“Thank you,” Myfanwy said, slightly embarrassed by such concern, “there was no need to bother yourself.”

“Why, the owner said that I must do whatever you order,” the maid said briskly.

– Wait, Marion, which one is the owner?

“Lord Granville, of course.”

“Aren’t both brothers lords?” – Myfanwy was surprised.

- Shh! – Marion shushed. She looked around, pulled back the curtain on the window and even bent down, looking under the bed. Making sure that no spy was hiding here, she took Myfanwy by the hands and sat her down on the bed. “So you, my lady, know nothing at all?”

And Myfanwy realized that now another of the mysteries of Glome Hill Castle would be revealed. I wonder how many skeletons are hiding in the dusty closets here?

“Sir Calder and Sir Paul are brothers only on their father’s side,” Marion began. “Sir Paul’s mother was once a pupil of the elder Lord Granville. He seduced her. She died unmarried, giving life to the fruit of her sin. Lord Granville, they say, became furious: after all, his wife, Sir Calder’s mother, also died in childbirth. They say,” she switched to a furious whisper, “his seed is cursed!” So, he was furious, which means he wanted to throw Sir Paul out into the street so that the dogs would eat him. Hey, you ask Fielding, he caught it! But then the son stood up for the baby. In his own way he loved poor Lizabeth, Paul's mother, and she, still almost a child herself, took care of him as best she could. The boy held her hand as she walked away and promised not to abandon her orphan. The Lord came to such

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rage that, they say, almost killed him. And the next morning he sent Sir Calder with the baby and several servants here to Globe Hill. And only two years ago, already dying of syphilis, he recognized Sir Paul as his legitimate son and endowed him with all the rights and regalia that are due to lords. And although he never refused money, it was of little use: Sir Paul lived for so many years - but for me, he was so tired, you know them, those gossips! - not a real milord. Therefore, when they say “my lord” in Glome Hill, they mean only one thing - Sir Calder.

To say that Myfanwy was shocked by this story would be an understatement. Her tender heart trembled with aching compassion, pain, contempt for the disgusting act of the elder Lord Granville. She convulsively clutched the bodice of her dress, her breathing was labored, and her cheeks were flushed.

- It's horrible! - she cried. - I will try! I will try my best to please him! Paul won't suffer like this anymore! Never!

- Milady! – Marion, in turn, was frightened by her ardor. - Sorry, sorry for disturbing you!

“You have absolutely nothing to apologize for, dear Marion,” Myfanwy answered more calmly. “You did the right thing in what you told me.” Oh, these men! They would rather grit their teeth than show us women their vulnerability!

- It's right! You, my lady, speak just like an angel! – Marion declared with such confidence, as if she heard angelic voices every day. - Tell me, my lady, will you allow me to help you change your clothes and comb you?! Later I will tell my grandchildren that I brushed the hair of a real princess!

– Oh, dear Marion, I’m probably going to upset you now, but I’m not a princess at all! My father is not a king at all!

- Doesn't matter! – Marion cried joyfully. - Everyone still says that you are a princess! So it is!

In the morning after breakfast, Paul took her away with him.

The path down was quite steep, and Paul had to literally carry his bride. Finally the descent became gentler and they were able to walk together, holding hands.

The village of Khidvil is nestled in a picturesque mountain valley. Autumn generously smeared them with yellow, but the greenery was not yet going to give up, although it was no longer so emerald. Here and there the September days spread out in lilac puddles. Somewhere in the distance goats were grazing. There was truly idyllic peace all around.

– Paul, this is wonderful! - Myfanwy clapped her hands, and her beautiful eyes moistened with delight.

– I told you, Maeve, that you’ll like it here! – Paul, beaming, looked at her. Taking her palm and kissing it just above the glove, he said: “Let’s get engaged again in the face of this beauty?”

- Floor! Dear, dear Paul! - she said. “We have been engaged so often already - in front of the wind, and in front of the sun, and in front of Globe Hill, that the sky will soon consider us pagans and will no longer accept our vows.”

She raised her hand and placed it on his cheek, and he covered her hand with his.

“When were you going to tell me that you were illegitimate?”

He tensed.

– Have the servants already told you?

- Yes, they painted it. But why didn't you say it yourself?

– Would that change anything? – he asked bitterly.

– If you’re talking about my feelings, then no. But we must trust each other. What else should I know?

Paul thought about it. Not all the secrets were his alone. But she’s right, it’s better to start now so that later some dusty secrets don’t poison your life.

He sighed and said:

“Ten years ago, Calder also had a fiancee. Nellie…

- Oh my God! – Myfanwy was frightened, covering her mouth with her hands. – You say that... That girl... she died?..

- It would be better if she died! – Paul shouted, clenching his fists. - He loved her so much! He saw her in church during the morning service and decided that he had met an angel. She had such innocent brown eyes. Calder asked for her hand in marriage, and she agreed. Oh, I remember that day! He was completely beaming! Never again have I seen him so happy! Everything was heading towards the wedding, despite its simple origin: Calder was in love, and he had no time for such trifles. But one day, returning from Hidvil, he found his father in the castle - he always came unexpectedly, without warning... So, our father was there and this... this... Nellie... They... - Paul stopped short, then took a breath and, blushing deeply, finished: “They were lying together... naked...

Myfanwy staggered. Paul picked her up. She was burning all over.

- Sorry for saying that. But I have to... I have to tell... So, Calder decided that it was his father who took revenge on him for that willfulness with me, but then Nellie herself got involved. She said that she had been with our father for a long time... a long time ago...

Myfanwy turned pale.

– Yes, she turned out to be so treacherous. She wanted to marry Calder to hide her sin... He kicked her out, got into a fight with his father and swore that from now on no woman would cross the threshold of Glome Hill, so as not to cause its inhabitants pain anymore! – He hid his face in his hands, he was pounding.

Myfanwy hugged him tenderly, trying to comfort him.

“Truly this is a gloomy castle that takes away happiness...” she said quietly.

- This is our castle! Generations of Granvilles have lived here!

“I’m sorry, I in no way wanted to offend you and your family nest,” she said and smiled tenderly at Paul.

“It’s okay,” he answered calmly and also smiled, “you don’t have to apologize.”

“You know,” she said, blushing a little and hastening to turn the conversation into a more peaceful direction: “I would like my wreath to be made of these flowers.”

Myfanwy nodded towards the clearing, which resembled a colorful rug in a village house.

“Okay, I think there are masters in Hidvil who will help you.”

- No need for masters! You can't imagine how boring the life of princesses can be and how much they can learn while waiting for their beautiful hero to come for them! – She kissed him on the cheek and began picking flowers.

Myfanwy walked back alone. Paul helped her up the steep path, and he went to Hidvil to see how the preparations for the wedding were progressing.

The girl walked with an armful of flowers, dreaming of what kind of wreaths she would make, decorate them with ribbons and hang along the main stairs of Glome Hill. She will make this castle fall in love with flowers! It was better to think about this than about the sins and crimes that hung like cobwebs on its walls.

She entered the house through the kitchen, giving a flower to the cooks.

- Angel! A real angel! - rushed after her, making her blush.

- Poor, poor girl! – I heard something else, making me sigh.

She had already approached the stairs and was about to go up to her room when she heard from behind:

– Why did you bring this garbage here, my lady?! “She turned around—Calder’s black eyes were flashing lightning.

– If you may have noticed, my lord, these are flowers! – Myfanwy, to her surprise, realized that she was starting to get angry again.

- It's trash! Flowers do not live here for more than two hours!

- They will live with me!

- Why else?! Because you are a self-confident, stupid girl?! – his gaze burned through her.

- How dare you talk to me like that?! – everything was bubbling inside her. It was the first time in her life that someone had insulted her so unceremoniously. Her father's court may have been a puppet court, but it still had some semblance of royalty, and she was accustomed to honor and respect.

However, the impudent Lord Granville only chuckled contemptuously:

– By the way, I’m at home, where I talk to uninvited guests the way I want.

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My etiquette applies here. You will soon become my daughter-in-law, so you better remember right away - no Granville will ever tolerate being pushed around by a woman! And even more so me! Because you are all treacherous, treacherous creatures!

Myfanwy began to boil slowly but steadily:

– Don’t judge everyone the same!

- Here's another! – he said sarcastically. - Why are you better than others? Yesterday – shoulders, Mozart, today – flowers. All these feminine things of yours are from the arsenal of driving men crazy!

– Do you have something against my shoulders, Mozart and flowers? – she asked almost angrily.

“No...” he was already drawing in air for another tirade, but then she interrupted him: having pulled out a forget-me-not from the bouquet, impossible in these parts in September, she threw the flower at his feet and said in an icy, truly regal tone:

- So console yourself, you unfortunate one! – she turned around and, picking up the edge of the dress, went up.

He, as if struck by thunder, stood and looked after her.

...This time loud voices forced her to go down to the living room: the brothers were sorting things out in raised tones.

-...There will be no wedding! “Calder hit the fireplace grate with such force that bricks almost flew out of the fireplace.

– It’s not up to you to decide! – Paul soared.

– To me, because now, after the death of my father, I am the eldest in the family. And in general, of the two of us, I am much more of a lord than you!

“Yes, please,” Paul shouted, and tears sparkled in his eyes, “take all these titles and castles of yours and drag them with you to the grave!” I can manage somehow without the surname Granville! I need her badly, worn out by this bastard, who, unfortunately, was my father!

Calder had already raised his hand to give his brother a good punch when Myfanwy stepped between them:

“Forgive me, Paul, and you, my lord,” she said with a slight bow, in a calm, quiet voice, “but there really won’t be a wedding.” Here, Paul, I'm giving you back the ring and ending our engagement! Goodbye, dear. Have a good stay, Lord Granville.

With these words, she went to her room to pack her things. The last thing she heard was Paul's hysterical voice:

- Are you happy! You like to sit here like a biryuk - so sit here! And from this day on, you no longer have a brother.

They knocked on the door feverishly and persistently.

“Paul, I won’t talk to you.” “It’s really over,” she said over her shoulder, shoving another dress into her bag with trembling hands.

“This is not Paul,” they answered from the other side.

She straightened up, took a few breaths and opened the door.

He knelt down from the threshold, crushed, broken, with the eyes of a sick dog:

- Excuse me! I'm disgusting! It’s just... it’s just... I’ve been living alone for so long... I’ve become completely wild, worse than a mountain troll,” he smiled bitterly, “I’ve forgotten how to be normal.” And here you are - woven from light! You appear and stun me with youth, music, beauty... Forgive me! Don't leave! Stay for Paul! He's all I have! I love my little brother very much and I’m not at all ready to lose... And the flowers... they really fade here... I checked...

She let him fall to her hand - and stayed.

That evening they held a reconciliation dinner. She was again wearing a dress that showed off her shoulders. And Paul put the ring on her finger again. Calder was polite, courteous - he handed her a chair, put a larger piece of cake on the plate - and even joked. True, I didn’t eat anything, I just drank glass after glass...

Having wished them good night, she was already getting ready to go to her room when she heard the conversation:

“Were you trying to hit on my fiancée?”

“Oh no, that would be too dirty even for me.”

And in the morning there was a wedding. A simple rustic wedding. And she walked down the aisle, light and thin, in a light, artless dress and a wreath of autumn flowers. There was no veil, but her long golden-red hair, falling to her wasp waist, gave her the appearance of a nymph. And Paul smiled at her, happily and brightly. Calder also smiled, congratulated... and hid his hands behind his back so that his loved ones would not see how his fingers were shaking... But she still noticed...

...Now they could kiss and fool around as much as they wanted... As soon as they left the church, Paul dragged her along with him, somewhere up...

– You must see them! – he shouted jubilantly. “It’s just a miracle that they bloomed now!”

She tried to say that there was no need, she called down. But he just shook his head with boyish stubbornness. He reached for them, turned awkwardly and fell down at her feet, with a broken neck...

The sky was reflected in his wide-open, still happy eyes. In his hands he clutched a bouquet of forget-me-nots... They immediately withered and crumbled into dust...

“Ding-dong, ding-dong,” the bell rang...

Myfanwy fainted...

Northumberland, Globe Hill Castle, 1878

Heading here to Globe Hill, Aaron Sparrow could not have imagined that he would be greeted in such an unusual way. Meanwhile, the castle gate opened, and a charming blonde flew straight into his arms. She flew with such force that, having crashed into him, despite her rather fragile physique, she literally knocked him off his feet.

Having come to her senses a little and kneading his vast belly with her tender hands, she immediately raised them to the sky, shouting:

- Oh my God! Me, a young girl, in the arms of a gentleman! What a passage! My reputation is ruined! Oh, woe is me! There is only one way to fix everything: if you are a gentleman, which I don’t doubt for a second, then marry me!

Although only dried heather bushes and crows could see them.

Realizing what he was actually talking about, Aaron hit the back of his head on the ground, flying into sweet oblivion...

Calder barely had time to run up to catch the falling Myfanwy.

- Latoya! – he shouted so loudly that the ancient walls of the castle almost began to shake. - Latoya, damn you!

She, of course, came rushing, because his scream must have been heard on the other side of the earth. Frightened, like a panicked quonka, often blinking her long, fan-like eyelashes, she watched as her cousin, with boundless tenderness and equally boundless despair, pressed Myfanwy’s thin body to himself. And on his face there was an expression with which they go to kill.

“Nothing,” Latoya stammered. – We were just talking!

– What were you talking about?! “It seemed to me that a rockfall had begun. - Well, what were you talking about that made her lose consciousness?! What did you tell her, creature?!

- Oh, so she’s alive! – a jubilant exclamation broke into a look that made it clear what would have happened to her, Latoya, if Myfanwy had not been alive. Therefore, she hastened to assure: “We were just talking about hypocrites and morality!” Who would have thought that she was such a sissy!

- Oh, you were just talking! – the voice of the owner of Globe Hill became extremely gentle, but his eyes sparkled dangerously. “Well, now you and I too... we’ll just talk,” and, hugging Myfanwy more securely, he headed towards the stairs leading to the third floor, where the bedrooms were located. At the edge of the stairs, he turned around and glared at Latoya. “Wait for me here, you little bastard, and if you dare move even an iota, I will kill you, I swear by seven generations of Granvilles!”

And Latoya froze in her tracks, seriously frightened, instantly remembering all the dark legends and rumors that surrounded the name of her cousin.

Going up to Myfanwy's room, Paul's former room, Calder

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very carefully, like the greatest treasure on earth, he lowered his daughter-in-law onto the bed, brushed the golden-red locks of hair out of her face, and leaned forward, listening to her breathing. Her breathing was calm, but her eyes remained tightly closed. Having weightlessly kissed her forehead, he stood up and, quietly closing the door behind him, quickly rushed downstairs.

Latoya was indeed waiting for him in the same place, literally rooted to the floor. Now she cursed the day when her mother persuaded her, disgraced, to move here to Globe Hill. Going on this journey, Latoya took a great risk - she came from such a distant branch of the Granvilles that the degree of her relationship with the inhabitants of this castle was very doubtful. But nevertheless, the presence of an ancient surname allowed her to count on some success of the enterprise, as she had previously gained entry into the best houses in London. She learned the story of Paul and Myfanwy from the overly talkative Marion, and the rest was easily discerned by the experienced eye of a socialite. The version about the cousin seemed to her the simplest and most reliable - her instinct told her that the current owners of Glome Hill would not ask her for stamp papers certifying the relationship. And it wasn’t difficult to make up the fact that he knew Paul before his and Myfanwy’s wedding. To be honest, she had reason to believe that, having learned of her sin, the Granvilles would take it more calmly than the London nobility, given the reputation of old Lord Granville. Imagine her surprise when, in the persons of Calder and Myfanwy, she came across holy men, prim and buttoned up. And now she could only stand and wait for reprisals.

Kara was not slow to appear in the person of Calder. He grabbed her roughly by the elbow, shook her thoroughly and said in a voice whistling with rage:

- Now tell me, what did you talk about with her? And just try to hide something from me!

A shiver of excitement ran through Latoya’s body - domineering, rude men turned her on. And although Calder was not at all her type - too thin, too pale, too detached from earthly passions - now she desperately regretted not getting him as her husband: she could bet that he was more than hot in bed.

- Come on, I'm waiting! – he hissed.

“Your beloved,” she deliberately emphasized “adored,” “Maeve just made a mountain out of a molehill!”

“More details, please, and then I’ll figure out who did what,” he narrowed his eyes angrily.

- Hmm... this holy woman just came to see me - without knocking, mind you! – when I was caressing myself in the bathroom...

- What were you doing? – he asked with the same insinuating tenderness.

- I already said it! Why do you want me to repeat this, Coldy...

“Don’t you dare shorten my name, slut, or I swear on Paul’s grave, I’ll kill you right there...”

- Oh, okay, she is, but don’t pretend to be a saint! Only the deaf didn’t know about your dad’s adventures in London! And as you know, an apple comes from an apple tree... And wasn’t your beloved brother Paul a bastard?!

He slapped her so hard that she flew against the wall.

- Calder, are you crazy?! You'll break my face!

He didn’t answer, he just jumped up to her with a growl, grabbed her by the hair, wrapped it around his fist and dragged her to the front door.

She squealed like a wounded pig.

- What?! What are you going to do?!

“What I should have done from the very beginning, I’m going to throw you the hell out of here!” - he growled.

- But I have nowhere to go!

– What do I care about this?! You are my seventh jelly water! I don't have to take care of you!

- Calder! You're completely crazy, right?! It hurts me! – she screamed, trying to escape, but only making her situation worse.

“And I’m disgusted that I’m forced to touch you at all!”

– You are a senile person who has a shift due to prolonged abstinence! You should have slept with her a long time ago! You want her, this saintly Maeve of yours! You've dreamed more than once of spreading her legs and cleaning her properly, huh, Calder?!

He squeezed her hair so that she felt like her skin was about to peel off, shook her, causing another scream, and growled:

“How dare you,” he cursed dirtyly, “touch her very name with your filthy mouth!”

He dragged her along the paving stones of the yard like a rag doll, and Latoe could only thank the inventor of the bustles with all his heart that her lovely bottom had not yet been completely erased.

Finally, reaching the gate, Calder, still holding Latoya by the hair with one hand, opened the entrance gate with the other and, ignoring the shadow that flashed in the opening, threw his dearest cousin forward, giving her a solid kick at the end. Slamming the gate so hard that the boards cracked, he shook off his hands, spun around and rushed towards the castle.

Like a black whirlwind, he flew into the wine cellar, grabbed the nearest bottle, slammed it against the wall, breaking the neck, emptied it all, not paying attention to the fact that the sharp edge cut his lip... Indifferently smearing the blood, Calder rushed on... His path lay through the premises for servants, and they ran away in horror at the sight of the owner. And there was something to be afraid of - blood on thin lips and chin, deathly pallor, wildly burning eyes, fluttering black clothes...

- Chocked! Surely he killed the poor thing! Vampire! - people hissed after him, remembering that just a few moments ago he was dragging a loudly squealing girl somewhere.

Only Calder didn’t care about this gossip right now: the dark family lust of the Granvilles, long suppressed and suppressed, but now awakened by Latoya’s words, was twisting him, almost depriving him of his sanity. He rushed towards the treasured door, poorly understanding what he would do...

Finally he opened the door and froze... Myfanwy lay in the same position in which he had left her - so fragile and painfully desirable. He entered and closed the door behind him, sliding down it, hitting the back of his head and, with a muffled groan, grabbing his hair...

The dirty creatures inside him - the legacy of seven generations of libertines and sensualists - were raging, threatening to break the iron chains of self-control...

Looking at Myfanwy, he wanted more than anything in the world to tear off this ugly dress from her, exposing her thin shoulders covered with freckles, scatter the red gold of her hair over the pillows and taste what those childishly swollen, now slightly parted lips tasted like.

But a long time ago, even when he himself begged her to stay in order to give her to his brother, he forbade himself to even dream about it.

And then, when she, young and impossibly beautiful, walked down the aisle of the church to take her marriage vows to his brother, he whispered:

- Just be happy!

When he tore her, beating in hysterics, from Paul’s lifeless body and carried her to the castle, he whispered:

- Just do not cry!

When, extinguished and subdued, he held her by the waist at the funeral, himself ready to rush into the grave for his beloved brother, his last relative in this world, he whispered:

- Just do not go away!

Then, when he had been struggling with her melancholy and depression for a whole year and a half, he whispered:

- Just live!

And finally, when she herself first went out into the yard and said in a still quiet, barely audible voice that she would like to plant flower beds and plant flowers here, on the stones, he personally dragged the soil from the valley and whispered:

- Just smile!

And then the flowers bloomed, and she laughed for the first time in many days, and he realized that he had won. Defeated the vile demons that tried to lead him astray

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loss and grief, extinguish its light.

And now they came out again, hungry and thirsty, digging their claws and teeth into his soul, and demanded: feed him! feed me! And he had to dig his nails into his palms, otherwise he would have torn off her clothes and taken her, angrily and furiously, without making allowance for fragility, without ceremony with innocence... He would have reveled in her screams, licked her tears, tormented her. her breasts...

Calder groaned painfully. How long has it been since he had a woman? In fact, he never had his own woman. Those whom he would like to call his own went to others - to his father, to his brother... And he was left with only whores. He disdained whores, despised himself for every visit, but there was simply no other way to avoid going crazy. His whores were constant, clean and tested, in order to avoid the fate of his father. He paid them enough so that they would only accept him, so that they would tolerate his refined sadism, infused with family arrogance and so characteristic of people from ancient aristocratic dynasties...

- But why, why didn’t you choose me, my Forget-Me-Not! – he whispered sadly and doomedly. And then Myfanwy’s long, curved, dark-red eyelashes, as if sprinkled with golden pollen at the edges, began to flutter. She opened her eyes and met the hungry abyss of his gaze.

– Did you say – Forget-me-not? That old woman... she also called me Forget-Me-Not...

“Yes, Myfanwy, Forget-me-not,” he said when his breathing finally recovered after a recent race through the circles of hell, “a flower.” You are a Flower. And I am the Overseer of the Garden of the ORDER of Gardeners.

-What kind of order is this? Something like a sect of religious fanatics? – she said almost with contempt.

- No, rather, something like knights - guardians of balance and balance.

– Flowers, Gardeners, secret order. You're scaring me, Calder. This smacks of pagan heresy! – Myfanwy said almost angrily. Although she was not overly pious, she was nevertheless outraged by what she heard.

“Nothing of the kind,” he said confidently, standing up and dusting himself off, “we are protecting the Garden.”

-What kind of garden? – she was surprised. - And from whom?

- Garden, Myfanwy, only one. The same one that is spoken of in the Holy Scriptures, “Edenic,” he responded. “Come to my laboratory, you still have so much to learn...” with these words he bowed and slipped out of the room.

Myfanwy sat shocked, unable to believe that everything that was happening was real. First that old woman, now Calder calls her Forget-Me-Not. Paul also died, clutching forget-me-nots in his hand...

Oh, maybe it’s still worth going and listening to him?

Myfanwy had never been to Calder's laboratory before. Well, he’s doing chemicals there, and let him do chemicals. Somehow she wasn’t attracted to it. Therefore, now, stopping at the solid wrought-iron door, she put her hand to her chest, in which her heart was pounding in fear.

Finally, gathering her courage, she pushed the door - it was slightly open, she entered - and was stunned: there were parchment scrolls lying around and stacks of old books, something was gurgling in the alembics and retorts, in the cabinets there were jars with phantasmagoric creatures preserved in alcohol... Myfanwy was surprised that she didn't faint at the sight of it all.

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The most ancient of the currently known virtual states is located in Wales. It arose in 1276, when the king of Wales, Llywelyn III ap Gruffydd, granted the district of Llanrwst the status of a free city. Llywelyn spent his last years on the throne: the British monarch Edward I Longshanks was already preparing a campaign to admonish the army in order to stop the Welsh outrages. And the last king of Wales granted Llanrwst freedom: just a little more and the crown would be taken away, or even with his head. Llywelyn eventually lost his crown (along with his head), and in the confusion of subsequent events, the decision regarding Llanrwst was not canceled. Edward had no time for sorting out the Welsh rescripts; Scotland was separating from him under the strict leadership of William Wallace. Residents of the free district turned out to be extremely patient and remained in this status until 1947. The example of Ireland seems to have inspired them, and the proud Welsh decided not to waste time on trifles. And they submitted a petition to the UN to recognize the independence of the district as a republic. The UN decided that if the British monarchs were in no hurry for seven centuries, then there was nowhere to rush. So Llanrwst remained simply a free city under the British crown - in fact, a virtual entity. However, it does not seem that its residents are in any way burdened by this status.

The Order of Gardeners was not invented by the author, but actually existed. The peak of his activity occurred at the end of the 18th–19th centuries. The order operated in Europe, including England. By analogy with the Masons, freemasons, the Gardeners used the terminology of representatives of their profession - hence “Flowers”, “Keepers of the Garden”, etc. Unlike the classical Masonic lodge, the Order of Gardeners was divided into several male and two female lodges. Male - external. Women's are internal, completely sacred. Women were considered almost goddesses, guardians of life. Men protected and protected them. At the head of the order was the Master Dragon. According to some reports, the order is still active. The author took some liberties, building his own hierarchy a little and endowing members of the order with superpowers. Although who knows what these gardeners really are like.

End of introductory fragment.

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At a young age, Myfanwy Granville suffered great misfortune, but she humbly accepted her lot. However, fate had completely different plans for her. But will the headstrong princess agree with what fate has in store for her?

Josephine Thorndike is deeply unhappy in her marriage, because, having submitted to the will of her father, she was forced to marry a man she barely knew. But she does not despair and believes that her dream of true love will definitely come true. But maybe happiness is much closer? You just have to take a closer look...

Growing flowers is a complex art. After all, some of them are capricious, others, on the contrary, are unpretentious. And only a few know how to hear the language of flowers. People call them gardeners...

The work was published in 2016 by AST Publishing House. The book is part of the Fifty Shades of Magic series. On our website you can download the book “Flowers are always silent” in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 3.6 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper form.

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I was born a gardener

seriously angry

I'm tired of all the flowers,

except... Rose...

Rose. Oh!

Gardener. What happened to you?

Rose. In love.

Gardener. In whom?

Rose. Into the tulip.

Child Game

Chapter 1. Roses in my garden

North Wales, Llanrwst , 1875

Brahms' "Lullaby" was played in the music salon. The harp and metallophone, merging, gave birth to dream fairies. They hovered in the air, showering people with golden pollen from their rainbow wings. And the music itself seemed like their singing.

The wind threw handfuls of golden leaves out the window, but did not stop there, but, boldly penetrating into people’s territory, picked up the leaves and swirled them around the parquet floor in a carefree autumn dance. And, restless, he fiddled with the thinnest tulle of the curtains and got tangled in his hair.

A girl was crying in the front row.

The golden dust, Paul decided, was what she got the most: scattered throughout her hair and neck, powdering her nose and cheeks, lingering on the tips of her eyelashes. Paul, grinning, thought: I have an advantageous position - both part of the stage and the first rows of the stalls are in full view.

The young man's gaze slid lower, noting that the neat chest of the young mourner rose high... The girl was dressed in a simple blue dress. The lace cape emphasized the youth and grace of the stranger.

Paul looked the young lady in the eyes again. In them, gray-blue, as if icy, diamonds of tears trembled.

– Imagine - she is considered here almost the first beauty! Pfft! – the voice of a portly lady standing nearby in a bright blue dress, fanning herself with a huge fan, sounded outright contempt.

“And you, as I see it,” he began cautiously, “do not agree with such an assessment?”

- Surely! – his interlocutor responded almost indignantly. – Too thin, freckled, movements too nervous and impetuous!

Paul chuckled and, looking at the reddish curls, the narrow trembling shoulders of the person in question, her sharp shoulder blades, bristling under the fabric of the dress, he decided for himself that he had never met anyone more beautiful in his life. But he kept his conclusions to himself. This blue lady, resembling a thundercloud, has no need to know that in the crowded hall of the music salon there was nothing but fabulous music, whirling leaves and a fragile girl crying with delight.

He didn’t even notice where his old counterpart had gone, and shuddered when he heard a man’s voice instead of a woman’s.

“I see you don’t take your eyes off her!” – the plump short man in a striped three-piece had to rise on tiptoes to whisper this to Paul. – The local pearl, Myfanwy Llanrwst, daughter of the ruler. Almost a princess. Are you represented?

Paul shook his head.

“I’ve been in Llanrwst since last night,” he explained. “All I had time to do was rent a hotel and have dinner.” And in the morning, as soon as he woke up, he went for exercise. And then I wandered here: the door is open, the music is flowing, the audience is smart...

- This is one of the princess’s quirks. When an orchestra comes to Llanrwst - and there are always plenty of them here; and other bohemians - poets, musicians, architects - are so fond of it! - so, if someone comes, Myfanwy immediately invites them here, to his salon, and orders them to open the doors and windows so that everyone can hear. He says art is for everyone. An eccentric girl.

“And I find such a quirk charming,” the young man smiled and extended his hand to the stranger: “Paul Granville, at your service.”

“Aaron Sparrow, I’m very glad,” he said cheerfully, returning the handshake. His hands, Paul noticed, were plump and unpleasant. “Listen, are you by any chance one of the Granvilles of Globe Hill?”

- Randomly one of them.

- ABOUT! - Sparrow rejoiced, - it means you were sent to me by fate! I heard that in your area they breed wonderful goats that produce excellent wool.

– Yes, our wool is really excellent! And why do you actually need it? Forgive my tactless curiosity.

- What do you! – Sparrow raised his hands up in a conciliatory gesture. - This is fine. I only applaud curiosity in young people. A rarity in our times: usually young people do not want to hear anything, because they believe that they already know everything. And if you come back to me, I’m a businessman, I buy and sell. So it goes.

“A speculator, to be more precise,” Paul thought, but asked out loud: “What does Llanrwst sell?”

Sparrow chuckled.

– Mostly beauty and harps. The cotton here is also good quality.

The music died down and Princess Myfanwy rose to thank the musicians. A blush played on her tender cheeks, and her eyes were still sparkling with tears.

-What issue are you here for? Tourist?

Paul, absorbed in the contemplation of his golden fairy, did not immediately realize that they were addressing him. But then he caught himself and shook his head:

- No, I have more of a scientific interest...

“Ah,” said Sparrow, slightly disappointed. – But I see that in addition to the scientific, you have now added the personal.

Paul became embarrassed and blushed.

“Come on, I’ll introduce you. I know her father briefly: I run business.” Harps are at a great price in London now.

Paul was even more confused, but he simply had no right to miss such a chance.

“My lady, allow me...” Sparrow rather unceremoniously called out to the daughter of the ruler of Llanrwst, and she turned around. For a moment, her and Paul's eyes met, and the world around her froze.

And then she came up, enveloping him in a delicate floral scent, and extended her hand. Her palm was so narrow and weightless that Paul was even afraid that he might do harm with a handshake.

But the princess warmed him with an encouraging smile, and then said, and her voice sounded like the singing of a harp yesterday - silvery and tender:

“You must kidnap me immediately, and then perhaps I will give you a kiss.”

She said - and blushed deeply. And her eyes seemed to whisper: “I found you.”

And the hearts of the young people at that very moment began to beat in the same rhythm, tapping: fate…

– What are you waiting for? – the princess was slightly offended, seeing Paul’s confusion and embarrassment. - If so, I’ll steal you myself! – she said quietly but clearly, taking his hand and blushing painfully from her own insolence. “Come on,” and she added more confidently and loudly: “You should see them.” They just bloomed yesterday. Roses in my garden...

And he allowed himself to be taken away, knowing for sure that he would follow her even to death...

Northumberland, Globe Hill Castle, 1878

“Myfanwy, you don’t feel sorry for yourself at all!”

Calder Granville draped a fluffy blanket over his sister-in-law's lap.

“You have absolutely no reason to worry,” embarrassed by such concern, the young woman blushed to the roots of her hair. - It’s not cold here at all...

- And that’s why your hands are icy?

He gently shook her narrow palm, very lightly, almost imperceptibly touching the white satin skin. But he immediately let go, sighed and walked back to the desk.

– I see you haven’t sorted the mail?

“Yes, excuse me,” Myfanwy responded quietly, “I’m a little upset that no one writes to me.”

- God! Why are you burying yourself at twenty years old!

Calder looked at her in a way that the woman clearly felt: he was angry and probably wanted to shake her properly, and he lowered his head even lower.