Anita Lutsenko told who the father of her child is. Anita Lutsenko: I got pregnant at the perfect time

I don't feel sick

Anita, have you made plans for your motherhood - to give birth to a child before such and such an age?

Like every decent girl, I dreamed that by the age of 25 I would already have two children (smiles). But I did not deliberately address this issue. And the fact that this happened only now, when I’m 32, is just perfect! Probably, even she herself could not have planned everything the way nature did. I have become more responsible. In addition, everything happened just during the fifth season of “Important...” - I managed to reach the final without a belly, leaving my four-month pregnancy a secret. Someone, of course, noticed changes in the figure, but there were few such big-eyed people. Well, it’s also important that I didn’t have to buy a bulky down jacket for winter, because outerwear doesn’t match. And I will give birth in May, when it is not yet particularly hot.

Everything at work also turned out well. I planned it so that everything could be done online: I created weight loss programs, and my presence at training sessions is no longer necessary. In general, a month before I found out about my interesting situation, I started preparing a project for pregnant women with a trainer. We only had one question left open: who would demonstrate the exercises? For this, a woman was needed in the first trimester, second and third. I became it, having experienced everything myself.

There are many myths about pregnancy: you shouldn’t do this, it can harm the baby... Have you debunked any of them in your program?

Of course, there were a million questions. Fortunately, I have an excellent gynecologist who knows how to calm me down. And the main thing I realized is that if you don’t exercise (I’m not talking about the gym or active swimming, but about the basics - bending over, working with the feet, rotating the pelvis), you feel sick during pregnancy.

I had two weeks without physical activity. And immediately everything became wrong... But as soon as you force yourself to do at least two stomps, two slams - not only does your figure “get better”, both heartburn and swelling disappear. I have a special program that describes in detail every day of the child’s development in the mother’s tummy and the mother’s condition. When I read that in the third trimester your legs swell, your lower back hurts, you can only eat in small portions because the baby is supporting all the organs, shortness of breath appears, etc., I just want to say: “Nothing like that! I don’t have anything from this list!”

Omen fish

You haven't eaten meat before. Now you force yourself to eat at least a little - for the sake of the child?

Only chicken. I can have red meat once every two months somewhere at a party or on a picnic. I'm not a vegetarian. First of all, I just don’t want to. Secondly, I read a lot about how unhealthy meat is. And then, there are other sources of protein, so I don’t have a deficiency in my body. Moreover, nutritionist Svetlana Fus monitors my diet. We have been controlling each other for a long time: I control how she trains, she controls what I order at a restaurant when we meet. And since we are writing a book together, we meet often. (laughs).

Are you one of those crazy moms who constantly goes to pregnancy courses for nine months and reads a mountain of books?

It so happened that a year before that I began to be interested in literature about children and education - some friends recommended, some I came across myself. That is, I have some basic knowledge. And what I don’t know, I ask my friends, preferably those with three children (laughs), who already have enough personal experience. I perceive it as working out in the gym. It’s one thing when you come there for the first time and don’t understand what and how. And it’s completely different if you’ve been training for the third month.

Besides the new interest in books about children, were there any signs that you were pregnant?

I didn't know this yet when I went to a three-day personal development seminar. There were assignments to draw your family, your future. And it seemed very strange to me that I don’t have a single drawing without a fish. You know: when you dream of fish, it means pregnancy. But for me it appeared in a different format. In general, I already suspected that something was wrong here... And then I did a test, and everything fell into place.

Is the first reaction to the test joy or fear?

If I were 25 years old, there would most likely be fear and confusion. But the last time the pregnancy test showed one line, I was upset. So I was already mentally prepared for two.

And they immediately rushed to tell the news to the future dad? Or was it framed somehow romantically?

No, she said it right away.

I try not to step on the scale

Isn't it scary to watch your body transform? You probably don’t even remember the last time you got better?

Oh, that was when I was 16 years old, and even then - plus some three kilograms. I’ve never seen such numbers as the scales now show in my life: I’ve gained 11 kilos! To be honest, now I try not to stand on them, so as not to get upset. On the other hand, I don’t look ugly - I don’t swell, my arms and legs don’t become fat, just a tummy has appeared. So it’s even fun for me to watch how my figure changes and how my athletic body behaves. It’s also very interesting how I’ll get into shape later. Yes, I know all the recipes for losing weight (laughs). But I understand that in this situation it is more difficult than usual. But I will finally experience first-hand what overweight people who need to lose weight feel.

Women in an interesting position often develop new habits and hobbies. Do you notice this about yourself?

In addition to a 24-hour selection of strollers and diapers? (Laughs.) Yes, most of my searches in stores and on the Internet are not for fashionable sneakers, shoes or anything from the interior, but for children's things. There is already a whole shelf of books by Dr. Komarovsky! I completely redirected the energy from myself to the new person.

My gastronomic preference at the very beginning of pregnancy was salmon. It’s even surprising that the friends had no idea about anything. I could eat it three times a day: in the morning - with scrambled eggs, at lunch - salmon soup or salad with fish, and in the evening - baked with vegetables.

Some even discover new talents during this period.

Since childhood, I have been interested in drawing and attended art school. When a loved one died, this became my salvation. Now I continue my studies. If I have free time, between “stay at home” and “go to drawing” I will choose the latter. Moreover, my boyfriend also draws there. What I mean is that my most beautiful painting was painted during pregnancy: Buddha. People specially came to my teacher to look and find out who its author was. But I myself don’t know how I learned so beautifully - as if everything was happening independently of me, someone was guiding my hand. So this is not a myth - expectant mothers exhibit special abilities.

In general, everyone says that I have basically changed. Although I don’t really believe in it (laughs).

Wedding without tables with the letter “p”

You also had a period of “nesting” - when you endlessly want to equip your home, make it even more comfortable and buy some unnecessary touching things?

This moment happened to me even before pregnancy. Paintings, sofa cushions - everything you need for comfort is there. You can't add anything anymore. That's why I focused on diapers with ears (smiles).

So you're not superstitious? Are you buying a dowry for your baby before giving birth?

It seems to me that whoever believes in what fears works for him. I don't believe in all these prejudices. At least the fact that you can’t cut your hair during pregnancy.

There are celebrities who try for as long as possible, and some even until the birth itself, not to advertise their interesting position. You didn't hide it.

In fact, even my friends did not know about my secret for a very long time. Being in my sixth month, I told my friends at a party that I was pregnant, and they laughed - they said, of course, of course... Well, yes, I was in a tight dress! And nothing was visible there. I say: “So maybe you can congratulate me?” They responded skeptically: “Aha!” They didn't believe it. And then, when girls started coming up to me on the street for my autograph and congratulating me on my pregnancy, I realized that there was no point in hiding it from anyone. I still go to the supermarket and attend events. Staying locked up at home is somehow strange. In addition, I wanted to share my experience with people who are not sure what loads they can give themselves in this situation and what they cannot.

You are clearly not the kind of woman who goes with the flow and doesn’t plan for her future. Have you already thought about how long your maternity leave will last?

At the moment I don't have a job. When they gave me the maternity leave, I realized that there was nowhere to take it (laughs). So I'm in free mode for now. We'll see what happens next. Maybe I'll return to television. But now I want to try myself in something else, maybe not even related to losing weight.

Are you planning a wedding - with a white dress, a limousine, a noisy party?

Since I was 11 years old, after I watched a program about weddings in Bali, I have dreamed of getting married there. Yes, in a white dress - but very simple. With flowers in her hair. Perhaps in the presence of 3-4 of your closest friends. But there definitely won’t be U-shaped tables or limousines there. I think the bride should be very beautiful. Therefore, the hair must grow, the waist must become thin. Then we’ll think about something (smiles).

And today, coach, TV presenter, and now also a new mother, Anita Lutsenko, on her Facebook page, tells the details of the birth and shares her “Adonis”.

If you choose a maternity hospital in Kyiv, read Anita Lutsenko’s story on how to give birth in Adonis. Perhaps he will help you make the right decision.

Anita Lutsenko's review of the Adonis maternity hospital: “very comfortable and caring”

I gave birth in Adonis and I don’t regret a second - it was very comfortable and caring.

Mankovskaya chose the doctor, and she, of course, is a miracle. Despite the fact that I was going to give birth on my own and without an epidural (ed.), the result was a “caesarean section” (during the pregnancy, all tests were ideal and not a single deviation from the norm). Without details. Just for those who like to discuss - this is not related to sports.

Well, the main thing is that Maska is healthy, and now I’m just expanding my horizons and will know about CS (ed.). This, of course, is tough - pain, a feeling of helplessness (neither getting up, nor changing diapers, a lot of injections later). I don’t advise anyone to do it on their own. Although we walked in the yard for 1 day!

The doctor said that she had never seen abdominal muscles like mine before - she pulled them apart, sewed them up, moved them. Phew! It turns out they don't cut them.

We talked with the doctor about food in the maternity hospital. For example, I don’t eat this at all: milk porridge, pasta, mashed potatoes, kaklety, porridge! The joy was 1 time carrots, kefir, baked apple and casserole! We found with her that abroad they give vegetables and fruits without any problems.

And about CS, about Kegel - the exchange of knowledge between pros is priceless!

Anita Lutsenko at the very beginning of labor

1. In red - this is the beginning! I'm in a cozy cocoon outside... I've been having contractions for 6 hours already)) breathing really helps. Reached 1:1 min.

Contemporary music with classical performance

2. On the 2nd day my beloved @liashkotatiana arrived with a gift. Contemporary music with classical performance. I burst into tears.

On the 5th day I am home. Today I already did my butt - it turned out to be an extra 13 kg, but yesterday it was already 2 kg. Oh, it will be interesting to put your butt back in your pants.

P.S. The practice of 3 days without sleep in a Buddhist temple was very useful in my life. Now anything less than this is not considered lack of sleep. Happy.

A joyful event happened. In one of the Kyiv clinics, the host of the show “Zvazhenі and Shchaslivi 8” gave birth to a strong and healthy daughter, whom she named Mia.

True, after the birth of the girl, the young mother was taciturn. Anita did not talk about her daughter in an interview and did not share her photographs on her blogs.

Only almost six months later, the first pictures of Mia began to appear on Lutsenko’s Instagram. However, the 33-year-old star does not dare show her daughter’s face to the public to this day.

But if you believe Lutsenko’s words, then her daughter was born with very beautiful eyelashes and lips, like actress Angelina Jolie.

Not long ago, Anita Lutsenko gave an interview to one of the Ukrainian publications, in which she spoke for the first time about Mia’s father and the girl’s development.

Mia is an avid traveler. I visited eight countries while I was in my tummy. At two months we took her to Tuscany. We’ve been to Egypt twice, and now we’re going to the Carpathians. Very sociable girl! For example, Mia started walking at 10 months, she already has 12 teeth, and she eats herself

Anita opens up.

Anita also intrigued the audience with the desire of her boyfriend, whose name she hides. It turns out that the man asks his beloved to give him two more children.

Not long ago, my beloved gave me a certificate for a month of yoga training in India. At first the three of us planned to fly to India. Then the husband said: “No, I can handle the child myself. And you go - get some sleep, meditate, take care of yourself.” My old dream! Even before I became pregnant with Mia, I wanted to go to Rishikesh to see this particular teacher. Then a daughter was born, it seemed like there was no time for that... But my loved one decided to prove to me that life does not end with the birth of a child. And asks for two more

Anita Lutsenko said in an interview with Telenedelya.

Photo in text:

A photo of a newborn girl - however, all that can be seen from it is that it is a baby (just kidding). Lutsenko’s other posts turned out to be more useful, in which she shares the secrets of losing weight after childbirth.

In front of you - Anita's favorite breakfast: “Always with sour cream, always delicious - and yes, there is 1 spoon of flour and 1 spoon of sugar inside. I take 5% cottage cheese (never low-fat), for a snack: cookies and a big apple.” Lunch coach It will be buckwheat with vegetables, and dinner will be fish with salad and “pasta most likely.”

According to Anita, all daily food intake it is divided into 4 times: at 9:00, 12:00, 16:00 and 20:00. To restore strength, he consumes “vegetables (including yellow tomatoes), fruits (except strawberries), kefir, cottage cheese, bread, pasta, buckwheat, soups, fish, cheese, avocado, brown rice, eggs, chicken, beans.”

Concerning physical exercise, then “doesn’t touch the stomach yet”, does exercises on his arms and lying on his side. “No abs for 6 weeks absolutely,” says Anita, who had to undergo a caesarean section. “It is already clear, of course, that if there is at least a minimum of excess on the stomach, then the scar will be visible, but if the stomach is flat, nothing will be noticeable.”

Fortunately, Lutsenko managed to avoid stretch marks. “I smeared myself from the moment I saw 2 stripes, every day and regularly twice a day,” writes Anita. “Of course, I was lucky and remained without stretch marks, although in the last week, when my stomach became huge, I woke up at night and looked in the mirror expecting a disaster!”

​Photo: Instagram

As a rub the trainer used “2 liters of sesame oil, 3 jars of Weleda oil, 300 ml of walnut oil, 0.5 liters of coconut oil. Total = about 3 liters! + cream for stretch marks, just cream, milk when there was no time to wait 15 minutes for the oil to be absorbed, but you need to get dressed to go out!” .

“I was very afraid of stretch marks because I know from my clients how they struggle and that it is almost impossible to get rid of them (money does not play any role), unlike excess weight, etc. Stretch marks appear from stretching the skin, not when you lose weight, and I am more inclined to think that this is more of a genetic phenomenon. My mother had them... most likely my daughter will have them too. My mom has just a little on her hips, so I was worried! Phew! It's gone! I wish the same for you! It's better to keep yourself from eating something delicious than to deal with a lifetime of stretch marks. Smooth butts and perfect bellies to everyone!».

Anita Lutsenko / Instagram

The man from whom Lutsenko is pregnant is involved in Internet technologies and is also interested in yoga.

The fitness trainer did not mention his name, but told the story of how they met.

She met the father of her child in a cafe. There she was sitting with her friends and noticed that a man was looking at her. Then Lutsenko, as a waiter, gave him her phone number. After that, her future chosen one came up to wish her a good evening. At that time, Anita was in a relationship with another man, to whom she admitted that same evening that she had fallen in love with another man.


Lutsenko said that she and her lover are planning to get married, but she would like to wear a dress that emphasizes the waist, so the event will take place after the birth of the child.

Lutsenko will soon give birth to a daughter. According to the coach, she always dreamed of becoming the mother of a girl and, as a child, came up with names for her daughter. About the child’s father, Lutsenko said that after just a couple of months of dating, she realized that he was the only person in her life from whom she wanted a child.