55th birthday. Scenarios for birthdays, adult competitions for anniversaries. Kind words from family, friends and colleagues

Beautiful congratulations to a woman on her 55th anniversary in prose

Simple wishes for happiness and love are sometimes more valuable than yourself expensive gift! After all, not one, not even the most beautiful thing will not replace the warmth of communication and the joy of meetings! Let there always be many interesting meetings and sincere friends in your home! Let your family and friends always understand you! We sincerely congratulate you on your 55th anniversary! This is a beautiful date, just like you on this wonderful day! Always remain like this and may Faith, Hope and Love be with you always, at all times!

Happy Birthday 55th Anniversary

Like birds fly the years,
And now 55 is a wonderful date.
But people are sad sometimes
That there is no return to the past.
There is no need to regret the departed.
Let sadness disappear forever
After all, life is given to us as a reward,
The soul never grows old!
Congratulations to the hero of the day!
Health, happiness, strength, beauty!
And with all our hearts we wish,
Let your cherished dreams come true!

Congratulations on your 55th anniversary

Our dear hero of the day! Today you turn 55 years old! You have lived all these years of a happy, complex and responsible life with dignity, ease and confidence. You set goals, achieved them and moved forward. Baggage life experience in work and in family amazes and inspires everyone. Golden autumn has entered life. Autumn harvest. Live beautifully and cheerfully, enjoy every minute, enjoy every second. After all, life is so beautiful and multifaceted! I wish you strong health like a diamond, a healthy atmosphere and conquering new heights!

Congratulations on the 55th anniversary of a friend

Let them give high fives for the joy of the year -
But the soul remains always young,
And don’t let your health fail you,
Relatives will warm you with love!
Let your heart become a little warmer,
Flowers will decorate your Anniversary!
And everything will be in good order in the house,
Live successfully, in love and prosperity.

Congratulations on your 55th Anniversary

The clock of life tirelessly ticks and beats minute by minute! Here you are, 55 years old! This is a truly interesting and exciting date, Anniversary! How much has been passed and experienced, and how much still needs to be done... New goals, new discoveries and achievements! Live actively and joyfully, because movement is life, and we only have one! Live it in such a way that you can look back with pride and say: “What a wonderful life I have had!” Happy holiday!

Congratulations to Tatyana, 55 years old

Fifty with a tiny addition -
This is tannin new Jubilee.
So let's tell Tanya honestly,
That she only gets cuter with age.
We have never seen such beauties,
Only in cartoons and movies.
Even we had no idea
That it’s easy for you to be beautiful.
And now we can only admit
That they are struck by your greatness.
We will admire you
If so rewarded by fate!

Congratulations on the 55th anniversary

Life gives you two A's
And you honestly deserve them.
And we wish you that
So that you yourself want to achieve.
So that everything is perfect for you,
Everything is great in soul and body!
And let them always come true
Your wishes and hopes
And your bright star
Let it continue to shine tirelessly!

Congratulations to the accountant on his 55th birthday

Two fives formed on a wonderful date,
We once got an excellent grade at school,
And now they say that everything will be fine
In public life and in personal life.
Luck and happiness will smile then,
When in life debit and credit come together.
We wish you health, goodness and warmth,
May life flow joyfully and calmly!

55th birthday congratulations

55 is just the prime of life, it is the peak of perfection and, moreover, just a wonderful age, when everything is stable and measured in life. And a volcano of passions and an abundance of inspiration still rages in your soul, emitting the bright light of your beautiful soul. Always be so charming and beautiful!

Congratulations on your 55th anniversary

It seemed that this date would not come,
Days, weeks and decades passed...
And suddenly it came -
Your 55th birthday.
We wish to continue to live without knowing troubles,
Not knowing sorrows and bad weather,
Enough for 100 years:
Health, beauty and happiness!

Original congratulations on 55 years

Congratulations on such a wonderful date, with two A's! May your years be as bright as spring water, and may joy shine in your eyes! I wish you happiness, health for many years to come and success in your business!

Happy Anniversary greetings for a woman turning 55

Wonderful hostess
Open soul!
“Dear, - Happy Anniversary!”, -
Let's whisper slowly!
Live happily, lady,
Away from adversity
And may the heavenly star
It will bring you a miracle!

Congratulations on your 55th anniversary beautiful

Today you are 55 and that’s wonderful. For everything you have done and will do in the future, life gives you two A’s. Congratulations - you are an excellent student! After all, you have a great holiday, a great job and most importantly - a great family! We wish you to continue to remain the best and switch to a ten-point system for assessing your life achievements. Happy anniversary!

Congratulations to a woman on her 55th birthday in verse

Life gives you golden years,
Look at them with a smile!
You will never get these years back!
But, believe me, you don’t need it!
You are in excellent health, fresh and lovely!
All family and friends are nearby!
They congratulate you on your birth and give you flowers!
This is all we need from life!

Congratulations on 55 years in prose

55 years! Anniversary! And now it’s almost retirement! And every birthday is met with sadness... All this is nonsense!!! At 55 it all begins! Look what a wonderful grandson you have, to whom you can give your warmth and love! And how your children and neighbors love you! At 55, I want to wish that you have enough time to pay at least a little attention to everyone, including me, otherwise I’ll be offended! Happy holiday to you, our beloved!

Congratulations to a man on his 55th birthday

Congratulations on such a wonderful date! We sincerely wish you strength, energy, health and happiness for many years to come! May your heart always be filled with smile, joy, and love! Be loved!

Congratulations on your 55th anniversary for your beloved friend

Life puts two A's side by side
My dear friend,
And you are still the same - with a clear gaze
And there is no one more loved and dear to you.
You - faithful friend, caring mother,
There is comfort in your family, and you are always loved.
I wish you on your anniversary
Calm, warm days happy.

Congratulations on 55 years original in prose

55 is a lot or a little, well, of course, it’s nothing, add them together and only 10 and you can start all over again. And don’t be sad if it didn’t work out and you couldn’t embrace the whole world. I sincerely and simply wish you to live in abundance, to always be needed by everyone and not have any problems.

Congratulations Anniversary 55 years

Half a century and a half is a wonderful date,
You can congratulate her without being ashamed.
Not everyone approaches her with such coolness,
It happens that they approach, heating up.
But you haven't aged a bit,
Young smile and eyes.
You can conquer anyone with confidence,
It’s not for nothing that everyone looks at you like that.

Congratulations to my sister, 55 years old

____________(Name)! Congratulations on this date! With all my heart I wish you to be happy and beautiful and to live many, many more years! Let the years fly by, but don’t ever be upset! I wish you health, good luck and success in your business! Your sister!

Congratulations on 55 years prose

Your life has passed before us, and now the Jubilee is on the threshold. After all, what makes life valuable is, of course, the years lived, and if they are lived successfully and fruitfully, then this is a great reward. And two A's as a reward for your work and for the victories you achieved. Happy Anniversary to you!

Short congratulations on 55 years

Congratulations on the anniversary!
And I wish at fifty-five -
Arrows of great aspirations
Hit the target accurately!

Congratulations on your 55th anniversary

Don’t be sad that the years pass, and don’t try to catch up with them. You better drive all adversity away from yourself, because you are only 55. This is an important milestone, but this is not a stop and there should not be one. Strive for new heights and successfully conquer them. Happy Anniversary to you!

Happy birthday greetings to mother 55 years old

My dear mother, today is your wonderful holiday - your birthday! You turned 55 years old, this is just a GREAT date - two A's! I want to wish you that your whole life will be only straight A's, that your health will not fail you, that you will have enough strength for everything! Thank you for your love and affection! We love you very much!

Happy Birthday 55th Anniversary

On this anniversary day, beautiful, the most joyful of days, believe me. I want to wish you only joy and fun and, of course, long life. Well, age is not a hindrance, it’s just a simple counting in the calendar of life. After all, 55 is not autumn for you yet, but only the velvet season.

Toast: congratulations for a man on his 55th birthday

55 years is a wonderful age for every man! You can count victories and achievements while planning new ones! Be proud to evaluate what you have achieved and plan to conquer new heights! Let's drink to the personification of strength, masculinity, confidence and resilience!

Text of congratulations 55 years

What can I wish you on this day?
And what gift should I give?
You are only half a hundred and plus 5 -
It's too early to rest on our laurels.
Good luck to you in life and work
And we wish you good health,
And always, in everything and everywhere
Have a glorious harvest!

Congratulations on the 55th anniversary in prose

Fifty-five is the beginning.
At fifty-five everything is fine.
Even if the body is tired,
It won't be hard anymore.
Everything I wanted: I managed and did.
What I didn't have time for.
Run like you never ran before
There are countless roads untraveled.
Please accept my heartfelt words:
May life be true to you.
Not daring to believe that I'm alive
Souls are blind depths.

That's the number - 5 and 5!
We urgently need to congratulate you!
We want to wish you good luck,
And may you become richer!
Health, strong as steel,
And a medal for courage!

You are fifty-five today,
There's a lot left behind
I have to deal with you again,
You go ahead with yourself!
There was success, there were failures,
But you didn't give up, you didn't fall,
There's not much difference between us,
I'm tired, just like you are tired.

Fifty-five is a small date,
The sun is starting to shine brightly.
The birds begin to sing songs,
Love warms with its warmth.

May luck never leave you,
And he’ll throw some money into the piggy bank.
May your life be sweet
Show your fist to your enemies.

Two A's for the anniversary!
We hasten to congratulate you as soon as possible.
We need excellent students.
We respect knowledge.
Everything in your life is A+.
We can even prove:
We give “five” for diligence and skill.
For calmness and patience - also “five”.
For your care and attention,
Friendship, help, compassion
We also set only “five”.
Even the whole “twenty-five”!
For children and grandchildren,
And for the house where there is peace and harmony, -
You still have a row of fives.
The total will be fifty.
And another five to you,
That she is cheerful beyond her years.
And we wish you continued
Not getting old, but getting younger.
Multiply series of fives
Yes, live in abundance
Without despondency and problems,
To be needed always and by everyone.
Happy anniversary!
Life will become even brighter!

Happy anniversary,
We wish you happiness and peace!
And we wish you love,
Pure, modest beauty!

Let there be no worries,
We know about your affection,
And don't be discouraged
You are only fifty and five.

55 is a special date for a woman.
Do you remember how you came to our team once?
Young, inexperienced, shy, timid.
You were able to overcome everything and made a career!
On your anniversary we wish you success and prosperity.
Good health, warmth, recognition of your merits.
Let your life flow like a beautiful, full-flowing river,
We wish you to command extravagant fortune!

On the anniversary, open to receive
Feelings of love and look more fun!
The holiday opens its arms,
Admiring your beauty!
Nowadays happiness is not at all far away,
There are two numbers today – 55!
Means wide embraces,
They mean: it's time to celebrate!
Congratulations melodious lines
They will sing about goodness and spring.
Your life will be the best
You won't see someone like this in your dreams!
Everything will come true, just believe it
And open for guests best door!

Just like that, it's an anniversary!
Fifty-five years!
I wish as much more
Live completely without troubles!

So that there is always spring in your soul,
The guest house is full,
To joy and play
Added laughter to you!

Congratulations to a man on his 55th birthday.
Today is your anniversary,
Fives: five yes five.
And we have a desire
We congratulate you loudly.
Fanfare sounds in your honor,
Carcass trumpets are playing!
We cannot count the roles in life,
You are a friend, father and husband.
You are our dear colleague,
And to mom - best son,
To all of you with a trembling soul,
Indispensable for everyone.
Today is the anniversary!
And we want to say:
Such a valuable specimen
We all need it.
After all, the team is rich in you,
And I want to hope
What at sixty and seventy
Nothing about you will change.
The soul will remain with you,
And this is your luggage and treasure.
And there are no trends to fade away
Your mind is powerful and rich.
And we look into the distance with optimism,
While among us
There is a man, not a master,
But there is no one more beautiful than you!

We are celebrating today
Your wonderful anniversary!
And we wish for more
There were bright, clear days!

55 is only half,
And there is a lot of strength left!
We wish you joy
Brought to you every day!

For good luck and health
We raise a glass!
And we wish you happiness
Warmed you up every day!


Anniversary is wonderful!
And the hero of the day, without a doubt
Looks amazing today!
I declare without hesitation:

You are like an elite wine.
Not only I noticed -
Your husband is lucky.
That there is a super woman nearby.

I wish you to smell fragrant
Bloom and enjoy life
And let there be five and five on the cake,
Let it be eighteen in your soul.

Two ratings five and five,
Today you are an excellent student.
A good reason to take a walk
To the beautiful birthday girl.

Well written
Like an exam, your life.
Succeeded in personal life,
At work and at home.

There is a fur coat and a car,
Honor and respect
You are happy - it’s immediately obvious.
Name - Happy Birthday!

Fifty-five years - that's the date -
Like chalk on a blackboard.
How desired once upon a time
Two A's in the diary.
Two fives - two sisters:
One is joy, one is sadness.
Like pages read
The ones you know by heart.
These years... There are a lot of them
There were joyful moments
And I used to be sad,
And sometimes I dreamed
Everyone will understand you on this
Nothing that remains
Halfway behind you,
There's still half way to go
Don't rush through.
Let there be that road
Both pleasant and easy.
And there will be many smiles,
And love for sure.

Yes, lived 55! –
For some it is a lot, for others it is not enough.
And I want to tell you
So that I don’t count the years at all.
May everyone's dreams come true,
Your desires and plans,
I know for sure you deserve it
She was dearest and closest to everyone!
Let the sun light the way!
Let the stars cover you with a blanket!
And if you still want to be sad!
Remember everything that life has spoiled you with!
Let your children become your pride
They will be joy and delight!
Family and home and devoted friends,
And a little, sometimes, of a miracle!

We hope you don't mind:
In your unique “high five”
No need to be discouraged! Quite the opposite -
It's time for you to start a new life!
And we good words we will not regret:
So that our toast becomes known to everyone,
Today I congratulate you on your anniversary,
We wish you at least zero seven!

Congratulations, dear!
At fifty-five I wish you
New feelings and bright days!
Don't be sad, don't be sick!
So that the dough rises quickly.
You are an enviable bride
You will be there even in a hundred years!
Bright, light, like the light of the sun!
Always be positive.
Don't drive a Niva on the highway,
Only Ford or Hyundai
Bring it to your garage!

On this special day I wish
Let the sky be starry, like in May,
Let all worries turn into joy,
The fate of the road does not bring fatigue!
Today your grandchildren will admire you,
There will be no time to indulge in boredom!
The time will come for intoxicating happiness,
And your tenderness will bloom more beautifully,

And it doesn’t matter that they’re heading towards sunset
Your years, but let's mark the date
Fifty five. Be more fun with us
Dear woman, today is a happy anniversary!

Oh, you are fifty-five!
Where can I get these words?
Sing great life in them,
To put the weight of feeling into a poem?

Invite everyone to your holiday
Strength, wisdom, love!

Two A's, like girlfriends,
Together we held hands,
55 anniversary
Gave you life.

Let the surprises never end
And fate has gifts,
At dawn the sun rises,
And in the spring the gardens bloom.

So that it doesn't end either
There will never be happiness in life
And so that they come again
Anniversary years.

You always loved the A's, you were proud of them in your diary,
And our years passed, and you walked lightly.
We passed 20, 30, 40 and flew by 50,
It's time for TWO FIVES,
They can't be brought back either.
Even if two A's are not enough, no less will be ahead,
And in your life everything happened - there was sun and rain...
On your Anniversary Birthday,
We wish you, with all our hearts,
Good health, fun, great family joy!

Oh, you are fifty-five!
Where can I get these words?
Sing great life in them,
To put all your feelings into a poem?
Away - illness, boredom, sadness;
Happiness lies in children and grandchildren!
Invite everyone to the holiday
Strength, wisdom, love!!!

Our dear mother!
We congratulate you!
On your birthday we wish
Joy, happiness, goodness!

Your date has two “A”s,
So, you are an excellent student!
You are an example for us
And a model of beauty!

Today is a little unusual day,
Everyone is rushing to congratulate you on your birthday...
And this figure is not entirely familiar -
After all, you are now fifty and five!

May two A's bring you happiness,
And the anniversary will be a good day!
Always good luck in any matter,
I wish you good luck in everything!

Tell me, what do you feel when you open your beloved child’s diary and see two A’s there? Joy and pride! Why - all like me! Two A's are a lot
better than one, much more solid, and adds exactly two times more confidence in the future. And we work better under such a boss. So
We wish ourselves and congratulations on your 555th anniversary!

If around forty-five
Baba berry again
What a wonderful fruit
Should we name her now?

Everything sparkles and shines,
And how the eyes sparkle!
Are you going to tell the hostess
Well, a little over fifty?

I'm all good
Her soul is young!
We wish you on your anniversary
Happy, bright days to her.

More sunshine
To be warmed by warmth,
And we wish her good health.
Congratulations, congratulations!

We are used to measuring our path in life from one birthday to another, therefore there is a special attitude in society towards anniversary “round” dates.

A date like 55 years old has special magic. Life gives a person two A’s at once - that means there’s a reason!


In the previous article, we told you about how to beautifully organize events for celebrating a woman’s 50th birthday. The approach to organizing the celebration of women is slightly different from a similar event for men on their birthday. The celebration of a woman’s anniversary must be approached with special tact, because most women perceive the onset of another birthday as a sign of the approach of inevitable old age, when former beauty fades.

Carefully thought out script The celebration of the anniversary will provide the hero of the occasion with a feeling of joy from the awareness of the fullness of life, . It’s great if a person who knows the birthday girl’s preferences well will think through the anniversary scenario, so that all the nuances of celebrating 55 years can be taken into account, because it is important for any woman to please in the smallest detail!


Regardless of the chosen place where you decide to spend your holiday, you must take into account many organizational issues and prepare an anniversary script for the celebration in order to give the woman a bright, unforgettable experience on her birthday.

At the first stage of preparation, you should determine the number of guests and figure out in what form to invite them. The usual way would be to call with a personal invitation, or you can send postcards to guests. Invitation cards are harbingers festive event; The shape of the cards can be original, and the text can be promising. Standard inscriptions will save time, and guests will be pleased to see their full name and patronymic in the text of the invitation.

It is important to plan and arrange the tables in the correct order and select seats for guests (name cards will help here). Try to seat people nearby who will enjoy being together at the table. For children, it is better to allocate a separate table on which dishes from a special children's menu are placed. Usually children are not interested in participating in an adult feast.

It is necessary to prepare for an abundance of toasts; surely each of the guests will want to say special words of congratulations on this day. Often a toastmaster is invited to lead the feast, or you can look for a skilled host among your friends who will be happy to help host the holiday.

Another important factor is the festive decoration of the event, the options for which will create the right atmosphere. In this matter, everything is decided by the imagination, sense of proportion of the organizers and the budget of the celebration.

The traditional design techniques are the following:

the history of a woman’s career in photographs;

colorful posters and inscriptions;

bright garlands, flower arches, baskets of fresh flowers and topiary .

The usual scenario for an anniversary with a date such as 55 years old consists of an official part with the presentation of gifts to the woman and a festive dinner. First, all the guests, to the accompaniment of music, congratulate the hero of the day, present gifts, and give flowers. For numerous bouquets, it’s a good idea to prepare vessels with water in advance and find a decent place for them, rather than putting everything in a heap in the corner.

The second part of the celebration is the festive lunch (dinner). The order of toasts and various topics from the biography of the birthday girl are suggested to the guests by the host (toastmaster). During breaks, you can hold fun competitions and present symbolic prizes, as well as dance and sing your favorite songs. It will be very nice if children perform. The grandmother will be glad to hear the poems that her grandchildren will babble, and they will be happy to sing songs and take part in entertaining competitions.

Organizing an anniversary for mom

Mom's birthday is a significant event for both the birthday girl and all members of her family, so we have a special attitude towards family celebrations of anniversaries. I just want to spend this significant day brightly, filling it with pleasant moments and gifts dear to my mother’s heart.

Organizing a home holiday is the same responsible matter and requires preparing a scenario for the anniversary when the mother turns 55 years old (as well as any anniversary celebration). You can arrange a magnificent or modest celebration at home.


If you conduct a survey, many mature people will not approve of holding an anniversary in a restaurant, since they consider their birthday to be exclusively a family celebration. Save your mother from any hassle of arranging a celebration at home, take on both the preparation process and the actual celebration. Of course, the inevitable cleaning after the feast should also be done by family members, and not by the hero of the occasion. Your concern will be the best gift in the world for mom!

An approximate scenario for celebrating a mother’s 55th birthday could be like this:

in the morning she is presented with a bouquet of her favorite flowers;

then mom is taken to a beauty salon (you need to think about the certificate in advance), where she can enjoy SPA treatments and have her makeup and hair done;

At this time, the organizers decorate the apartment, prepare snacks and set the festive table;

guests arrive at the appointed time and prepare for the meeting;

everyone together joyfully greets the rested and prettier birthday girl;

After all the gifts have been presented, the guests begin the family dinner.

An anniversary scenario for holding at home may contain the following key points:

apartment decoration;

musical accompaniment;

poems and texts of wishes;

favorite foods, birthday cake;


It’s good if several people take part in the preparations and think through the anniversary scenario to the smallest detail, so that this day becomes an unforgettable and touching holiday “with a capital letter” for mom.

To decorate an apartment you can use photos different years from the family archive. Multi-colored balloons and ribbons, funny posters would be appropriate, you could even publish a wall newspaper.

It will require preliminary preparation and will take a lot of time to make a family album with your own hands, which can be decorated using the scrapbooking technique. You can make a calendar memorable dates or edit a short film about events in the life of a family.


The role of music and poetry in the atmosphere of a family holiday.

Not a single anniversary scenario would be complete without suitable musical accompaniment. You need to choose pleasant background music that will sound throughout the evening. Songs with words of congratulations that glorify a woman are suitable as musical accents for the anniversary, and you should also record your mother’s favorite songs.

It will be very good if one person is responsible for the musical accompaniment - discuss the candidate in advance with one of your relatives. And if anyone in your family plays the musical instruments, be sure to take advantage of this opportunity - a live performance will brighten up any family evening!

It is advisable that all guests prepare their wishes for the hero of the occasion. Young children need time to memorize poems or songs that they can perform for their grandmother.

Touching memories from childhood will add special warmth to the holiday - you can talk about funny incidents that will be interesting to everyone.

As entertainment program try organizing competitions (small prizes will make them even more fun and exciting), sing karaoke, and dance a little. The main thing here is to take into account the age, preferences and tastes of the guests.

Example script.

Video: an option for organizing a festive event on a woman’s birthday (for her 50th or 55th anniversary)

Beautiful congratulations on the 55th anniversary of a woman.

Will give you new opportunities!
Let life go differently
And difficulties will become a thing of the past!

Long years and good health,
Youth, strength, beauty!
Let it always - not only on your birthday -
Cherished dreams come true.

I wish you health, success and prosperity!
And let the money stick to your palms and heels!
I wish you good luck and true friends
Great happiness and sunny days!

We want there to be a sea of ​​happiness,
The smile was pleasing to the eye,
So that happiness is endless,
Health is as strong as a diamond.

Let the days rush by
And outside the window the weather is changing,
We wish you to stay young,
To be loved at any time of the year!

Today is your anniversary.
We sincerely congratulate you!
And we wish the most important thing in life:
Health, happiness and joy
And up to a hundred years without growing old!

We wish you happiness and health!
We wish you cheerfulness and strength!
So that every day of ordinary life
He only brought you joy.

The years fly by (just think)
But the number is not important at all.
After all, a woman is given so much
What does she look like?

You are young and energetic
We wish to always be like this -
Healthy, cheerful, pretty,
Soulful, warm and simple.

What to wish? Of course happiness
Sea of ​​smiles, sun and warmth,
So that you never know sadness,
So that love blooms in your soul!

Let the age be fifty-five years
Will give you new opportunities!
Let life go differently
And difficulties will become a thing of the past!

Let the sun shine through the window
And the stars look into the river!
Let your leisure time be joyful,
Things are moving forward!

Life has given you a great deal,
Five - five, because this is the highest score
You are so cute today
Your appearance will blow everyone away!
And they didn’t cool down to the new,
You haven't forgotten how to dream,
You are actually 22
We wish you happiness! Keep it up!

Today you are 55,
I hasten to wish you.
If the sky, then blue,
If a man, then a strong one,
If at home, then warm,
If happiness, then long.

Everything that sounds beautiful in life
We would like to wish you:
So that love never ends,
Trouble and sadness were not encountered along the way.
Great happiness, great friends,
Health, success and sunny days.

We wish you continued
Not getting old, but getting younger.
Multiply series of fives
Yes, live in abundance
Without despondency and problems,
To be needed always and by everyone.
Happy anniversary!
Life will become even brighter!

Five five is twenty five,
There is nothing to doubt!
And, of course, you have a long way to go until evening!
You are beautiful as always
Simply charming!
Don't count your years
Everything will be great!

Oh, you are fifty-five!
Where can I get these words?
Sing great life in them,
To put all your feelings into a poem?
Away - illness, boredom, sadness;
Happiness lies in children and grandchildren!
Invite everyone to the holiday
Strength, wisdom, love!!!

55 is not a century.
Only a mature person
And old age is still alien to you,
May it never come.
Year after year, years go by,
They run tirelessly
The years are always in a hurry, out of spite,
But let them pass by for you.
Argue zealously with them,
Live longer, don't grow old.
And in defiance of all enemies
Take medications as little as possible.

May all your wishes and dreams
Will come true on your birthday
And the light of love and warmth
Fill every moment!

Such significant date -55!
Today we look at you and never cease to be surprised and admired - how bright talent, femininity, independence and strength are combined in this woman! You are and have always been a guiding star for your loved ones, which helps you confidently walk along the road of life. For colleagues - a wise, tactful comrade and an excellent professional. On such a significant day, we would like to wish you family happiness, smiles and prosperity, youth and health for many years to come! May this date bring you joy and good luck, hope for the best, peace and tranquility to your family, and may feminine charm never leave you! Unlimited success in everything!

Congratulations on your milestone anniversary:
Fifty-five is a pleasant milestone!
We wish you a bright, bright life
And full of happiness and prosperity!

When you congratulate yourself on your 55th birthday,
The most beautiful woman in the world,
I would like to say a hundred kind words,
But today I am writing only these!
Because I will invest in them,
What's in my heart
So I'll just tell you
Honey, I love you
Everything, your smile and your laughter,
You are the most beautiful in the world!