Blood group 4 is Rh positive for whom is suitable. The fourth negative blood group – its pros and cons. Inheritance of a child's blood type

According to some researchers, the Christian messiah Jesus Christ had blood type 4 with a positive Rh factor. Today, 4Rh+ blood is the rarest, and people with this blood type have some unique characteristics of their physical and psychological condition.

Description of blood type

4 positive blood group occurs in 3–7% of the total population of the globe, and most often among representatives of eastern peoples. Red blood cells 4Rh+ contain two types of group antigens: A and B. The formula is AB(IY)Rh+.

Blood type 4 is inherited by a person from parents who have groups 2, 3 or 4 and never 1. Blood 4+ is considered universal, capable of mixing with other groups without complications.

Person's character

People with blood type 4 and Rh positive have character traits such as kindness and responsiveness. They are prone to creative thinking, emotional and sometimes too vulnerable. At the same time, they are completely unforgiving and very quickly forgive even deep grievances. People with positive blood type 4 have good intuition and rich imagination. This kind of blood flows in the veins of many psychics, fortune tellers and fortune tellers.

Negative personality traits include indiscipline, lack of concentration and lack of determination. Coupled with innate curiosity, these qualities make a person with 4+ blood a keen nature, falling in love (with people or activities), but quickly cooling down towards objects of passion.

Often, the self-esteem of people with blood group 4Rh+ is significantly underestimated. Because of this, they tend to constantly delve into themselves, looking for shortcomings, and worry about even the most insignificant reasons. At the same time, they romanticize the surrounding reality and firmly believe in universal justice and balance.

People with positive blood type 4 have good intuition and rich imagination.

People with blood type 4+ are very receptive and suggestible, trusting, flexible and gentle towards others. They can easily fall under the influence of deceivers and manipulators. Among such people there are many religious fanatics and irreconcilable and uncompromising fighters for anything (for animal rights, for the freedom of Tibet, and so on).

Holders of positive blood type 4 are creatively gifted and most often choose the appropriate professions: they become musicians, writers, poets or philosophers. This is due to the fact that the spiritual world is much more important to them than the material, earthly one.


Characteristics of a blood group do not end with the determination of personal qualities. The specific health properties are also well studied. People who have 4 positive blood type suffer more than others from low levels of immunity. Because of this, they often catch colds and catch acute seasonal viruses. Children with this blood type need special care: the body's defense mechanisms require regular support in the form of vitamin complexes, hardening and other health-promoting activities.

Often people with 4Rh+ blood have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This occurs due to the sensitive mucous membrane. The diet must be chosen especially carefully so as not to provoke deterioration.


The eating behavior of people with 4 positive blood group must meet two postulates: balance and regularity. You need to eat at the same time, the food should be light, simple, but at the same time nutritious, rich in vitamins, minerals and beneficial microelements. Please note that we are not talking about a diet for losing excess weight, but about the correct nutrition for a specific blood type. It will help you avoid gaining unnecessary pounds and prevent gastrointestinal diseases.

If you have 4Rh+, a moderately mixed diet is ideal for you, that is, one in which you can combine almost all foods, but in limited quantities. So, among meat foods, turkey, lamb and rabbit should be present in the diet. For fish, it is best to give preference to sturgeon, trout and tuna. Be sure to include cereals in your daily menu - rice, buckwheat and millet. Don't forget about low-fat dairy products - cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir and fermented baked milk. Whole milk should not be consumed too often - it is difficult to digest.

Olive oil and nuts, fresh vegetables and fruits will be beneficial for your health and digestion. These products can be used to make delicious salads - for example, cucumbers, kiwis, apples, pine nuts and olive oil. This combination of products is valuable not only for its exquisite taste, but also for its successful set of nutrients and vitamins.

Linden tincture, weak black tea, and freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices are good drinks. It is recommended to dilute them with water so that the acids do not harm the delicate gastric mucosa. Occasionally you can drink coffee, but only natural coffee and best with the addition of milk or cream.

It is worth noting foods that are not recommended for those with a 4Rh+ blood group. These are legumes and corn, which slow down metabolism and lead to obesity, high-calorie store-bought sauces - mayonnaise and ketchup, hot spices. Do not get carried away with fatty meats - pork, bacon and lard, smoked meats. Doctors also advise avoiding seafood (including shrimp, crayfish and mussels), salted and pickled vegetables, fatty dairy products and strong coffee.


At the stage of pregnancy planning, all women must undergo certain preparatory procedures, regardless of blood type. It is necessary to improve the body’s health, cure acute diseases, and take preventive measures to strengthen the immune system. For those with blood group 4, this is especially important, because the resistance of their immune system to infections is lower than that of other women.

For pregnant women with blood group 4Rh+, there are no specific restrictions or lifestyle recommendations. You just need to adhere to generally accepted rules: eat well, get enough sleep if possible, don’t burden yourself with household chores, get more rest and be in a positive mood. Statistics show that women with positive blood group 4 are more likely to experience toxicosis (perhaps this is due to reduced immunity and a sensitive gastrointestinal tract system). You can get rid of nausea, vomiting, gas, heartburn and other unpleasant phenomena with water acidified with lemon juice, black bread crackers and frequent walks in the fresh air. The attending physician will adjust the diet, but generally, while carrying a child, a woman can eat whatever she wants, even if it is not the healthiest food, and refuse foods that cause disgust.

4.25 out of 5 (12 Votes) Determining character by blood type

A hundred years ago, Karl Landsteiner made a sensational discovery, reporting that blood can be of different types, for which he received the Nobel Prize. Since then, based on the characteristics of plasma and the content of red blood cells in it, people have been distinguished into the following blood groups: first - I (0), second - II (A), third - III (B) and fourth - IV (AB). Doctors today have no doubt that there is a special connection between blood type, Rh factor, hair color, iris and face shape. Japanese scientists were ahead of everyone else in their research, claiming that there is a direct connection between a person’s character and blood type. When hiring in the restaurant business in Japan, preference is given to people with blood type II-(A), they consider them the most resistant to stress, honest and respectable. However, they try to appoint people with I-(0) blood type to the position of manager, as they are persistent, have great energy and willpower. But finding a life partner is most difficult for people with III-(B) blood group, since they are too independent and freedom-loving, fickle in tastes and moods. Based on studies of more than millions of people, Japanese scientist Toshitaka Nomi, whose father was the first to put forward the theory of addiction character of a person depending on blood type, wrote a book: “You and Your Blood Type,” in which he described in detail the behavioral characteristics and character of people with different blood groups, also mentioning in it recommendations on how they should act in a given situation.

Here is how people are characterized in the book depending on their blood type:

I blood group. Having blood type I, you can appreciate such positive traits of your character as endurance, ability to work and energy. People with blood type I move forward directionally, and no matter what, they try to achieve their intended goal. . They experience an ineradicable thirst for power, but they also respect power because... someday they themselves hope to become it. They usually set goals for themselves early in life and work towards them with the greatest concentration at the age of 30 - 39 years. Before this, they can change many different professions, but when they reach middle age, they become like “homing bombs”, inexorably moving towards their prey.” And this is another reason why people with blood type O can become great leaders: they believe in themselves. Maybe their decisions are not always the best, but they are able to make them in situations where anyone else would fold. However, these people have excellent intuition, especially when it comes to distinguishing what is significant and what is unimportant. They are able to skillfully divide the world according to their plan and rule in it. People with the first blood type manage money well and make the right financial decisions. Most of the world's famous economists have the first blood group.

Among other things, people with the first blood group are very concerned about their health. They can easily quit smoking, drinking and other bad habits when they see that they are harming themselves. They have a strong sense of self-preservation. However, they also have weaknesses, which, however, are not deprived of each of us. Representatives of this group are overly fussy, jealous and ambitious... They have an ineradicable thirst for power, but they also respect power because... someday they themselves hope to become it... Please note: most famous mafiosi have blood type O. notorious leaders also have several serious flaws, which - alas! — significantly reduce their achievements.The desire to reach the top at any cost often leads to insensitivity, so people with blood type O can be cold and inattentive to others and often earn a reputation for being rude. They also love to teach, while they themselves do not like criticism. It is necessary to point out mistakes to such people very delicately, because, usually emotionally stable, they turn into real monsters in such situations

There are many leaders and executives among people with type I blood, including former presidents Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, the British Queen Elizabeth II and her son Charles, Prince of Wales.

Blood group II. As a rule, people with the second blood group are sophisticated individuals. They are the most decent and law-abiding of all. Their houses are well-kept, their clothes are elegant, and their hairstyles are neat. People with blood type II are distinguished by their calm character, accuracy and hard work. They are friendly and

patient. Representatives of this blood type do not like to enter into conflicts, so it is better for them to work under someone else's leadership. They are romantics at heart, but they can also be irritable and stubborn at times. People with blood type II try to do what is good for everyone. As you know, it is not possible to achieve this, so they are often dissatisfied with life. But it is wrong to say that there are no leaders among them. Some representatives of this group get to the very top and patiently “untangle the knots” in search of the right solution to get out of difficult situations. Examples of such leaders are former US President Richard Nixon, Lyndon Jackson and Jimmy Carter. But due to the lack of those character qualities that people with blood type I have, these leaders could not hold out in power for long. Adolf Hitler also had blood type II, which, according to scientists, was a deviation from the norm. After all, Hitler was obsessed with manic ideas, which was nothing more than a nightmare and delirium that arose in the head of a mutant with blood type II.

They are the ones who will definitely invite women and children to go first into the lifeboats if there are not enough places for all the passengers of the sinking ship.

However, there is a funny and interesting detail that characterizes people with the second blood type: their self-control easily evaporates when no one is watching them. The man who had just gracefully given up his seat in a lifeboat in full view of everyone will instantly steal that same lifeboat and sail away on it alone, when no one is looking!

People with the second blood group are the most vulnerable among all, and they get offended even over trifles. And if you once really hurt their feelings, get ready to spend nine lives to make amends. Self-control always keeps people with the second blood group within the bounds of decency. Except when alcohol interferes, then they are capable of anything. People with the second blood type are usually introverts, and their politeness, impeccable appearance and refined manners are a kind of way to keep other people at a distance and not allow them to interfere in their affairs.

If you still manage to penetrate into the inner world of a person with the second blood type, then you will not be disappointed. These people are very loyal and attentive friends. They strive for longevity and reliability in everything - both in friendship and in cooperation.

III blood group. The most important values ​​in life for people with blood group III are freedom and independence. Representatives of blood group III do not like to listen to other people's opinions and act as they please. They often master creative professions, they have a very rich imagination and remarkable abilities. People with the third blood group have the highest coefficient of flexibility in all situations. They make great detectives - almost the same as Hercule Poirot and Sherlock Holmes. An insightful mind helps them solve any problem better than others and quickly find a way out of a deadlock situation. People with blood type III are more tolerant, sociable and balanced. They are better able to show compassion and empathy than other groups. Balance, harmony and energy are the distinctive character traits of people with the third blood group. Most representatives of blood group III are very successful people, and by nationality there are many of them among Jews.

But there is also a negative side - by flouting the rules, people with the third blood type often ignore any social norms and can indulge in anarchy and unrest. By the way, for the same reason they are poor team players, and it is advisable for them to stay away from situations where anonymous teamwork is the norm.

But the heroes of all times and peoples were probably people with the third blood group. What makes people with the third blood type extremely decisive and strong are their creative abilities and instant reaction. Their talent for concentration is truly impressive. On the other hand, their ability to concentrate on one thing often makes them inattentive to the rest. This is the classic syndrome of professorial absent-mindedness: not seeing the forest for the trees.

People with the third blood group differ from others in their originality. In relationships, they initially keep their distance, but then always find ways to make friends. However, being a friend of such a person is much more difficult than it might seem at first glance. These people are quite emotional, eccentric and selfish. Fortunately, they have a safety valve of sorts: their extreme emotionality is usually short-lived. And if this person does not kill you in the first moments of the quarrel, then it’s no longer scary. These people are quick-witted and do not know how to hold a grudge against anyone. In addition, they are completely simple-minded and do not know how to lie. So, if you have enough patience, you will see: relationships with a person with the third blood type, although unstable, are always worthwhile.

These people are usually the loudest partygoers, but, surprisingly, they are the least likely to be affected by alcohol. Be happy if you are invited to dinner with a person with a third blood type. They are the best cooks. In Japanese restaurants there is even an unspoken rule according to which you should choose a chef with a third blood type. In this case, restaurant visitors can be sure that not just good food, but a real feast awaits them.

IV blood group. In the world, no more than 5% of people with the fourth blood group occur. People of the fourth blood group have unusually high intuition and are prone to mysticism and mystery. Japanese scientists say: representatives of this blood type can be found among fortune tellers, clairvoyants and mediums. There are many religious leaders among them. The famous Marilyn Monroe and US President John Kennedy had this blood type. Many people want to be friends with people who have blood group IV, because they are easy to get along with. They are distinguished by honesty, tact and the ability to build relationships. Thanks to their innate ability for diplomacy, they easily adapt to a new team. At the same time, people with the fourth blood type have excellent abilities to organize and coordinate the forces of the team, which makes them natural leaders in any organizations. People with the fourth blood type occupy the first positions in the list persons of trustworthy character. They are hardy workers who are not afraid of stress.

They do not like to be flattered or deceived. They have excellent analytical skills. If you want to win their friendship or attract their attention, communicate with them clearly, directly and logically. The downside of the above qualities is that people with a fourth blood type only work in a team as long as everything goes smoothly. In other words, they are not the type to go down with the ship. In cases of “shipwreck”, they are quite capable of changing country, company and even religion.

People with the fourth blood type get angry very rarely, but when this happens, they become uncontrollable in their anger. They're like sleeping tigers: You can spend years teasing them with complete impunity, but watch out when they wake up! They are very careless about their health, but they are very cheerful and viable, all their sores heal like on dogs. They don’t know how to drink alcohol, because... it makes them crazy. Their weaknesses include a passion for eating well, a love for expensive clothes, luxury cars and exotic toys - they are extravagant, but, nevertheless, not greedy. However, the greatest weakness of people with blood type IV is sleeping. For them it is a necessity, not a luxury. They should not be allowed to drive late at night or when they are drowsy. But let them take a nap for 15-20 minutes - and they will become the same strong people with the fourth blood group.

They are incurable romantics. Despite their organized approach to life, there is always room for exploits, fantasies and romantic stories, which they constantly strive to get into. Their imagination is vital and, when given free rein, people with the fourth blood type become truly passionate partners in love.

The weakness of representatives of this group is indecision and low self-esteem. It is not easy for them to make a responsible decision or change their usual lifestyle. According to some scientists, group IV blood flowed through the blood vessels of Jesus Christ himself. Of course, all this suggests that people with blood group IV are the most charming and interesting personalities.

Each blood group has its own characteristics and principles of compatibility. The Rh factor also plays an important role. The fourth group is rightfully considered the rarest on the planet. The same can be said about negative Rh. People with this feature are a minority. In total, people with 4 negative blood group occur in no more than 8% of the entire population. Due to the small number of carriers, blood is always in short supply. This greatly complicates the search for a donor if necessary. If blood is needed urgently, frozen material is used. Blood group 4 negative is considered as a feature of the human body.

Some people ask: Is AB R rare blood or not? Yes, this type is rare. According to Wikipedia, the largest concentration of people with this group is in large countries. Blood type AB R- accounts for 0.2–1% of the total population. The fewest such people are in Peru (only 0.2%), and slightly more (about 1%) are in England, Austria, Israel, Germany, Poland, and France.

The peculiarities of blood type are that it has a direct impact on the health of its owner and his overall well-being:

  1. People with group 4 and negative Rhesus have a fairly strong immune system, but the gastrointestinal and respiratory organs are their weak point.
  2. The first and second groups have good resistance to viral infections that affect the respiratory tract and digestive organs. But people who carry these groups cannot boast of good health in terms of the flawless functioning of other internal systems of the body.

The fourth blood group with negative Rh also gives other distinctive features to its carriers:

  • the ability to restructure the body to accommodate a change in diet. Therefore, people with 4 negative are less likely to be obese;
  • special perception of the world;
  • high level of intelligence;
  • good learning ability, academic and career success;
  • Creative skills;
  • strong intuitive abilities;
  • firm, but very vulnerable and touchy character;
  • love of individuality and expression.

Know! People with the fourth negative type are significantly different from the rest. The characteristic of their features lies mainly in their unusual perception of the world around them; they are the owners of extraordinary abilities. All this gives people with the fourth group an advantage over others and makes them stand out from the crowd.

The pros and cons of blood type can be divided into separate points. Positive aspects of the 4 negative group:

  • This is a universal recipient, which is suitable for almost any other group. The main thing is that the rhesus matches;
  • endurance is due to increased cortisol metabolism;
  • resistance to infections;
  • good immunity.

The disadvantages are as follows:

  1. The danger of Rh conflict. If the mother has a negative factor, and the fetus has a positive factor, the body will perceive the child in the womb as a foreign object. In this case, the immune system will begin to “fight” the baby, producing antibodies and destroying its red blood cells. This is fraught with hemolytic disease of the newborn.
  2. People wearing AB R- are easily susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular system, ENT organs, and are prone to cancer.
  3. With prolonged stress in men, the level of catecholamines increases significantly. This contributes to the occurrence of depressive disorders, the manifestation of manic tendencies, and addiction to alcohol and drugs.

In general, we can say that blood type only predisposes a person to certain actions. But people with the 4th negative group do not necessarily have all the negative characteristics listed.

Important! Diseases and habits are influenced, first of all, by a person’s lifestyle. And sinning because of bad heredity or blood type for a drug addict or alcoholic is only a reason to abdicate responsibility.

Blood transfusion compatibility chart

If you judge a person with blood type 4 as a donor or recipient, you should know some nuances. Such blood is highly valued because it is the rarest in the world. Donation is possible provided that the person leads a healthy lifestyle. Rh positive is compatible with almost any other blood. Compatibility of negative Rh is only with a similar type.

Attention! A person with group 4 positive can be transfused with any blood with a similar Rh factor. And a recipient with AB R- carriage can only accept similar blood.

For clarity, you should consider the compatibility table

The table explains which blood group is suitable for 4 and which is suitable for the rest. You can also see what kind of blood can be transfused to a certain group.

From the visual aid it is clear that group I is a universal donor, that is, one who can give his blood to others. The fourth is a universal recipient who is able to accept any help. The only difference is the Rh factor.

Rhesus conflict

Rh conflict is a defensive reaction to the appearance in the human body of blood with the opposite factor. If the mother is initially R-, and the father is Rh positive, the child with a high degree of probability can “inherit” R+. Sometimes the fetus inherits the Rh factor from the mother. In this case, an immune conflict does not develop.

Compatibility at conception and a detailed analysis of the probabilities of Rh conflict are presented in the table

For women/for menR+R+ (closest relative has R-)R-
R+The child has R+, Rh conflict is excludedThe child has R+, Rh conflict is excluded
R+ (closest relative has R-)The child has R+, Rh conflict is excludedThe probability of transmitting R to a child is 25%,

no rhesus conflict

The probability of transmitting R to the child is 50%, there is no Rh conflict
R-The child has R+, the risk of Rh-conflict is high during a second pregnancyThe probability of transmitting R+ to a child is 50%, Rh conflict is possible in half of the casesThe child has R-, Rh conflict is excluded

Know! A fetus that receives R+ can cause an immune conflict. In this situation, the mother's body produces antibodies and destroys the baby's red blood cells.

Rhesus conflict is extremely dangerous for the future person. Indeed, when a confrontation occurs, the fetus begins to experience hemolytic jaundice (hemolysis of red blood cells). And this can lead to dangerous consequences.

When planning a pregnancy

Before conception occurs, you should consult a doctor in advance. A woman with negative Rh may experience incompatibility with the father of the unborn child or with the fetus itself.

Important! Pregnancy can be planned only after undergoing the necessary diagnostic procedures. This will avoid serious problems in the future.

The danger for mothers with the 4th negative group is that the first pregnancy can go quite well, without dangerous moments. A young mother, having been under stress for 9 months, can involuntarily relax when the next pregnancy occurs.

However, the second and third conception has an almost 100% risk of Rh conflicts between mother and child. Therefore, women with negative group 4 should be under medical supervision and receive preventive treatment on time.

Attention! When the mother and child have different Rh factors, the woman is given immunoglobulin at 28 weeks of pregnancy and after childbirth. This reduces the risk of conflict developing in the future.


A group diet involves adding healthy foods to the diet and eliminating unsuitable ones. So, people with group 4 R- should give preference to:

  • fish (mackerel, pike);
  • any fermented milk products;
  • fresh vegetables, herbs;
  • soy and its derivatives.

You need to limit the consumption of beef, any other red meat, milk, and some types of fresh fruit (pineapple, pomegranate). You need to be very careful when handling buckwheat. You should not overuse dishes with the addition of corn.

Group 4 Rh negative is the rarest blood group. In general, people who have negative blood. Rhesus is much less common regardless of group. As for transfusion, blood of any group will suit you, as long as it is negative. Rh, (ideal acceptor - 4 negative, ideal donor - 1 negative), although in normal situations blood of the corresponding group is used. The oldest blood group is the first, respectively the youngest is group 4

Women: They say about women with blood type IV that they don’t know what they want from life. At least that’s what their behavior looks like from the outside. They are always searching. New faces, new relationships, new worries. They constantly complain about fate and are often actually lonely, because they rarely get along with anyone. They love to grieve, feel sorry for themselves and cry into their pillow. Although they dream of a family home and happiness, they are not very good housewives and faithful wives. They are prone to compassion and simply love to be privy to someone's secrets.
We have the youngest and rarest blood, but in an emergency, if a transfusion is necessary, any group, but with negative Rh, will suit us.
I will describe it briefly, primitively, but the general essence is this: group 4 with - rhesus - blood that does not belong to the genus descended from monkeys. Those. everyone else is the descendants of orangutans, and you are a human)))
But seriously, you need to be responsible when choosing a partner for having offspring.
My mother has 4-, my father 1+, i.e. Rhesus are different. I am the third child. As a result: congenital asthma, weak ronchi, bad teeth, tonsils and appendix cut out, diseased thyroid gland, heart disease, problems with hormones, and a bunch of other things.
It is better to take a husband who is also “negative” or not to have many children, as with each subsequent pregnancy the child’s risk of diseases increases.

I have 4-, my husband has 1+, my child is 4-. We take the conflict with the subsequent ones. will not be.

I have 4, both my sister and my father... we can transfuse any negative one... As I understand it, 1 negative is definitely not lucky..
4-, I’m not sick, I’ll help if necessary

and I have 1 - :-(it seems like this is the worst thing?...what to turns out the baby should only have exactly the same blood so that there are no problems?
my brother has 4- I have 4+ parents 3+ and 2+

This is the rarest blood group with such Rhesus.
My friend has such “happiness”.
It is extremely difficult to find a healthy donor if necessary.
Therefore, just in case, in your cities, try to meet healthy people of “your” blood type.
And help each other.
There are very few of you

Tell me: I have 4- and my dad has 2+ and my mother has 4+, am I even their daughter? I found out that I had 4-half a year ago, I took tests for plastic surgery, I’m 23 years old, I was shocked... All 22 years I thought that I had group 2!
Don't panic, madam, you are only 22 years old, and you know a lot about yourself. I am 60 years old - I have 4 Rh negative - but I only found out what it is the other day. I have a family of two children, three granddaughters. My sister has 2+, just like my dad. My mother is 4+, I was born 4-. My wife has 1+. My son is 3+ and my daughter is 2+. So everything is according to science. So live and be glad that you found out about this at 22.\**
-4 negative, I live and rejoice!

Yes. my father has +2 and my mother has +1 and there are 3 of us.) I have -4, my middle brother - 3, my youngest -1
Emin, either someone has a different group, or someone is not native. For parents with 2 and 1, children can only have 1 and 2. Even more, a mother (parent in general) with 1 cannot have a child with 4, under any circumstances. For children 4, 3 and 1, parents can only have 2 and 3, and nothing else.

at the moment I live in Moscow, we should be proud that we have the rarest blood group, people with the fourth rare and unique group, let's unite us and there are so few of us

Hello! The topic was started a long time ago, but I’ll fit in too. My son shocked me! Fourth negative blood group! There can be no mistake, because he donated blood as a donor, and he was immediately registered at our Research Institute of Hemophelia and Blood Transfusion. I remember reading somewhere that scientists did a DNA analysis from the shroud of Jesus Christ, i.e. They took his dried blood for analysis... Jesus Christ had a fourth negative blood type. I then made fun of my husband’s friend for a long time, a rare idiot and a goofball, saying that you, Sanya, were conceived by us by an immaculate conception and you are the Holy Spirit! And it must happen that with my 3 positive blood and my husband’s 2 positive blood, we had a child with the fourth negative group! My friend had nothing to do with it, I couldn’t stand him because he often egged my husband on to dubious adventures. But... My child is brilliant, I’m not afraid of this word! Everyone admired him as a child! At 6 months he asked to go potty on his own, we calmly survived all the teething, I put him to bed at 10 pm, he woke up at 7 am, this is when he was a baby. That is, I didn’t know what sleepless nights were! A year ago he spoke in sentences. I never raised him, what is possible and what is not, he always understood this himself. He never cried even during one vaccination or injection, and he also said thank you. This is just about him, about the little one. I won’t praise his virtues about an adult... But now it seems to me that maybe people with this blood type really are special people! Judging by my son, YES! We live in Kirov

I think we were lucky or vice versa. In addition to what is written, sometimes it seems to me that my mind is going crazy because I hear what people are thinking about. This does not happen in a literal sense, like text, but as if in pictures or in sensations, on a not entirely understandable level. In general, they didn’t go through this in “school.” If I may say so, then I kind of feel thoughts and perceive them as information. It is practically impossible to block this ability. Although she sometimes interferes with communication. I can’t help but eliminate the negative, and if I don’t want to eliminate it, I stop communicating so as not to offend the person. etc. you can't describe everything. He is drawn to space, like the rest of those present here, as well as to psychology, esotericism and similar topics...
Let's see what will happen next...)))
I am also 4 (-), and my husband is 1 (+). Not once did the doctor say that because of this blood type there might be a need for a cesarean section. And she gave birth herself, everything is fine. I didn’t even think about any other way of giving birth. The pregnancy also went well. My son is also Rh positive. It seems to me that in general it is very rare for men to experience neg. rhesus.

I also have the first negative blood group. I test for antibodies every three weeks. Bye tfu. tfu everything is fine

This is my third pregnancy. She gave birth to a daughter herself when she was 18, but they didn’t give him a son when she was 15, it was kes arevo. You just need to think less about the bad and tune yourself to the positive!

I am 4- and my husband is 2+ and gave birth to a daughter with my father’s blood type. We are now expecting our second child…. Everything is fine

Girls, who has 4 negative? or who knows...give me some advice...what about the kids? what blood type is suitable for life, for marriage, or is it not important???
My daughter is worried...she has 4-..

People with the fourth blood group, which is characterized by negative Rh factor, constitute only a small percentage of all humanity. The uniqueness of this phenomenon determines the difficulty in selecting the appropriate partner (recipient or donor) in case of need for blood transfusion. Therefore, most often such blood, which acts as a material for transfusion, is stored frozen. The fourth, like other groups, has certain properties and features.

In relation to the first, considered to be the most ancient blood group, the fourth was discovered by scientists quite recently. According to some theories, the emergence of one or another type of blood composition is associated with the development of civilization on the planet and changes in nutritional conditions. Thus, the fourth blood group is the most lately formed.

However, scientists also adhere to the theory that its appearance is associated not with the influence of the external environment, but with certain mutation processes resulting from the mixing of races. In turn, like other types of classification of immune-genetic traits, the fourth biologically complex group, depending on the value of the Rh factor present in it, is divided into two subgroups.

This term defines the presence in human blood of a certain composition of protein compounds inherent in an animal such as the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta). The presence of such an aggregation in a person’s blood allows us to judge the Rh with a positive value, in the opposite situation - with a negative value.

The first type factor is much more common. However, the fourth blood group both types of rhesus has a certain set of advantages and disadvantages. First of all, the uniqueness of the owners of the fourth group is determined by the flexibility of their immune system.

As many sources testify, people who are carriers of the fourth blood group with a negative Rh factor are distinguished by their ability to adapt to various conditions. At the same time, these owners of strong immunity have, at the same time, problems with a weak digestive system.

Therefore any viral infection, which enters the mucous membranes through the respiratory and digestive organs, can lead to diseases of varying complexity. In addition, many of the shortcomings inherent in the second and third groups are embodied in the fourth, which greatly affects the health of its owner.

Compatibility at conception

Presence or absence negative Rh factor in the blood of the fourth group in ordinary life it has no meaning. The question of this phenomenon gains relevance only in two cases:

  • during pregnancy detection;
  • if necessary, blood transfusion.

Many couples at the family planning stage pay great attention to the compatibility of their groups and factors. Often, with a certain degree of probability, a conflict of opposite rhesus values ​​may arise, the consequences of which can be very frightening. However, there is no basis for such fears. Moreover, let's consider possible results compatiblesty rhesus when conceiving a child.

  • Mother (Rh minus) + father (Rh plus) = baby (50% negative, 50% positive).
  • Mother (Rh value minus) + father (Rh value similar) = baby (+/-).

The most acceptable for the normal development of the fetus in the womb of the mother is the possibility of the child inheriting the Rh factor through the mother. Otherwise, they talk about Rh conflict as a phenomenon that arises due to the difference in Rh blood between the woman and the fetus, and can lead to dangers of rejection maternal organism of the embryo.

When a woman’s blood mixes with the Rh factor of the unborn child, the pregnant woman’s body begins to produce protective substances called antibodies. This means that the mother's immune system recognizes the fetus as a foreign body that can pose a threat to the entire body.

Antibodies are able to penetrate the placenta layer and begin a battle with the red blood cells of the embryo until it is completely destroyed. Such a protective reaction of the mother’s body, created by attacking such guards of the body, can become the cause of many pathologies.

For example, a newborn may have jaundice caused by the production of large amount of bilirubin. In extreme cases, a miscarriage may occur. In general, bilirubin can also have a detrimental effect on the child’s brain, in particular, contribute to the pathology of the development of speech skills and hearing organs.

Together with destruction of red blood cells The work of the still underdeveloped but very important organs of the fetus - the spleen and liver - is activated. These organs will try to quickly produce red blood cells and at the same time they themselves will rapidly increase in size. Such a struggle will certainly lead to the development of anemia in the newborn, which will be caused by a low level of hemoglobin.

As a result of the conflict of opposite rhesus factors, congenital dropsy may also appear. In order to prevent such negative consequences, the blood composition of a pregnant woman with group 4 (-) is systematically examined to identify antibodies that can show hostility to fetal red blood cells, and their quantity is analyzed. In this case, antibodies may often not be produced at all or in such a small amount that there can be no talk of danger to the unborn child.

Transfusion compatibility

Blood transfusion is a rather complex medical procedure, during which many factors must be taken into account. Of primary importance is blood group compatibility and Rh factors belonging to the donor and recipient.

As for the fourth with a negative Rh factor, the main feature of this rather rare group is as follows. The human body, in which exactly this kind of blood flows, during transfusion can accept material from a donor with any blood type, but only with a negative Rh factor.

In its turn, owner of group 4 with a negative content of a protein compound can only help as a donor to a carrier of similar blood characteristics. In this case, the presence of both negative and positive Rhesus in the recipient’s blood is allowed.

Among women

Throughout their lives, representatives of the fair half of humanity may not even be interested in the fact that their blood belongs to the fourth negative group. This carelessness usually manifests itself up to a certain point, namely, before pregnancy or before the need for family planning arises.

When it is discovered that a woman has a rare blood type, and even with a negative Rh factor, then the vector of close attention turns towards her partner. It is known that the unborn child can inherit the blood composition of both the mother and the father.

If, during conception, the immune-genetic characteristics of the blood of a mother with the fourth negative group are transmitted to the embryo, then there are all the preconditions for the development of a normal pregnancy. If the fetus inherits a positive Rh factor from the father, then there may be a risk of Rh conflict, which was reported above.

So the question is about normal childbearing is the only feature of the presence of a negative Rh factor in the blood of a woman with group IV.

In men

Unlike women who sometimes experience Rhesus conflict during pregnancy, negative Rhesus in men cannot in any way affect the development of the fetus. However, representatives of the stronger sex need to know their blood group and the presence of a positive or negative Rh factor. Such information may be useful if the need for blood transfusion arises, as mentioned above.

A man with a fourth negative blood group needs to be extremely careful when carrying out blood transfusion procedures, which can be prescribed for various therapeutic purposes. He must know that under no circumstances should he be transfused with Rh-positive blood, otherwise such an oversight could pose a danger to his life.